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What should stay, what should go? ::MAJOR SPOILERS::


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You guys are a bunch of tards, of course there will be gibbing in doom3.

1) It's a bloody iD trademark(tm)
2) There is a gibs folder (as someone already mentioned) in the alpha, and yes he just meant no SOF type limb dismemberment
3) We've already seen a dismembered human character in that archvile shot in PCgamer if you look closely enough (down near the bottem-right corner), whats cooler is they'll have burn gibs for the player getting killed by the archie

So stop worrying and get on with your lives.


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The "alpha thing", if you don't already know, is a leaked build of Doom III - the one used to showcase the game at this summer's E3 in Los Angeles. It is illegal to link to it, ask for it or put up screenshots of it. Open discussion is OK, however.

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