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Which Doom sound effects do you like/hate?


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I definitely enjoy arachno death, both shotguns, revenant death + punch, pinky hitting the floor... But I also really love the archvile fire starting/crackling sounds. During gameplay it kinda gets lost in the mix, but if you listen to it isolated it's quite beautiful.

The more shrill sounds can be annoying - revvie scream, lost soul attack, mastermind good god. Sometimes they contrast well with the deeper and more crunchy sounds, other times they just make your ears ring. Was never a huge fan of the chainsaw fuel or hit sounds, they sound realistic but let's be honest the chug chug chug of the idle state is the best part...

I don't mind plasma that much, but I always welcome mods with a different sound for it. Once I found the PSX pistol sound I never went back.


On 1/27/2020 at 10:39 AM, Summer Deep said:

Also, that grunting/choking sound when the player is in lava or nukage is absolutely vile.

Huh? It's the same as pain from any other source...

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Favorite: Lost soul charging sound, very fitting
Least favorite: One of the zombie alert sounds, the one that sounds the most like a Godzilla roar.

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