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The 64 KB challenge (2 megawads completed and on Idgames!)

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Honestly, If this idea turns into an actual megawad I think it would be nice to be vanilla-compatible.
Just my two cents anyway.

Edited by Noiser

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download: ElderTree.zip




Okay, maybe it looks like shit, but I purposely skimped on the detail to ensure good gameplay ... I think.


Vanilla compatible, tested with chocolate doom, no bugs known

Difficulties are implemented

Map10 slot but I just chose a random slot

it's pretty hard, my original goal was to create a vanilla compatible slaughtermap, but that was before I knew about the flickering sprite thing lol. If it's too hard it doesn't have to be included in the final project (if this will indeed be a project).

There's 130 monsters on UV in the final version

Yes that big thing in the picture is supposed to be a tree

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Last night I made the texture pack, now I'll make better rules for this thing and turning it into a more organized project!


Just to let you know, the episodes will be organized with maps that fits the chosen sky:


EPISODE 1 (MAP01 ~ MAP11): Blue bright sky

EPISODE 2 (MAP12 ~ MAP20): Dark cloudy sky

EPISODE 3 (MAP21 ~ MAP30): Orange sky


Texture pack will be uploaded when I'm at my PC...


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Fuggit, I decided to spend a day off making a map for this, too. But this is not just any map of mine, this is a sort of "what could've been" map using plans meant for a late-game level of an abandoned project; it was the same project that contained the two maps now collectively known as Fricassee. This is a 62.0 KB level with 25 things and a harsh demeanor. Expect a few tries at this!


Tested with chocorenderlimits. Difficulty settings are implemented, the music is my own MIDI rendition of "Shadowy Goal" from WarioWare D.I.Y., map would probably look best with the "Dark cloudy sky"; If I could, I would've put in the starry sky from Crossing Acheron in. HOMs can be glimpsed at in the central area because the vanilla renderer is butts :P Although to be fair, that area is ugly in general.





The name's Zephyrslime. Archvile jumps are jank in -cl2...

Download (Slightly Updated)


Edited by Xyzzy01

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20 minutes ago, tam said:

Holy hecc!!! I'm excited to be a part of this, not with that speedmap I made that's barely compatible with anything tho.


It could be easily changed into doom 2 and vanilla compatible, you know... I think it could be harder modify the DynamiteKatron map, I think that exist a heretic to doom map changer like Dm2convDm2conv iirc

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1 hour ago, Arbys550 said:

Next we need to do a megawad of 64MB maps


Should be doable enough as long as it's in UDMF format. With everything written out instead of compressed into a bunch of numbers, those maps get big quickly.

Edited by Scypek2

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@Walter confetti

Great idea for a megawad!


When do you expect to have the texture pack posted?


Do we pick an episode for the map or will you just reorder the submissions once you get to 30? (Meaning that we shouldn't design around a particular choice of sky.)

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2 hours ago, BBQgiraffe said:

wait has anyone tried making super simplified versions of Doom2 IWad maps?


Not yet...


Also added the texture pack for the project and a list for the maps done...

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8 minutes ago, Pegleg said:

Do we pick an episode for the map or will you just reorder the submissions once you get to 30? (Meaning that we shouldn't design around a particular choice of sky.)


No, is better if you take a episode for a map as a wrote above, also texture pack is been posted in OP too 

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@Walter confetti Can we use a map we already submitted in this thread for the project? I was thinking of maybe using my map as an episode 3 level. It’s all underground atm but starting section could be made sky if need be. I haven’t had the chance to check out the texture pack yet admittedly.

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1 minute ago, Horus said:

@Walter confetti Can we use a map we already submitted in this thread for the project? I was thinking of maybe using my map as an episode 3 level. It’s all underground atm but starting section could be made sky if need be. I haven’t had the chance to check out the texture pack yet admittedly.

Yes, absolutely! Also, if somebody want to use a specific sky please let me know!

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10 minutes ago, JBerg said:

Are there still slots open?


Do we even have slots?


Well, I counted 17 maps, so if we had slots, there would be 15 of them left. But this seems like a project that could easily get 64 maps. That would be fitting!


Hopefully I can make that boss monster before the rest of the project is finished. I already gathered all the graphics and now I just have to prepare the actual deh patch.

Edited by Scypek2

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