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The 64 KB challenge (2 megawads completed and on Idgames!)

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You're not late! It will be added to limit-removing megawad!

@DukeOfDoom Pretty cool map! Played in prboom complevel 2, no serious bugs found...

Edited by Walter confetti

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I've updated my map, I think I fixed the HOMs though if there are any that I missed then I'll update it again. Other than that, I changed some texturing in the cave, as well as making the final section of the cave slightly easier and there are also a couple of minor bug-fixes (like a teleport destination only being set on easy because I'm stupid).

I've updated the link in my first post but it's also here64kbfinnksv2.zip

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I just finished playing your map on UV. It didn't test my doom skills but I found it really fun. Enemy placement is good. A comfortable amount of rocket ammo. Tricking myself into chaingunner ambushes in the dark? Doom's pathing AI is amazing sometimes.

Good stuff.

I recorded a demo in Chocolate Doom and didn't see or notice any HOMs. Demo is nine minutes long and only got 50% secrets.


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Here's my contribution "Orthostack", so named because it's very tall and extremely right-angled.

It's also short, nasty and 325 bytes shy of the limit.

Should be compatible with vanilla Doom, but may cause visplane overflows (not tested as yet.)



Edited by LHSpanner

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A quick update to my map, Rolling Thunder. It now supports multiplayer, with extra health and ammunition. I tried to squeeze in as much as I could before the filesize rolled to 65kb, it is now exactly 64kb. More decorations and extra spices to spruce it up even more! Here it is, music in separate wad file: rolling.zip 


I forgot to show a screenshot last time, so here you go. It's a Living End / Final Frontier type level:


Edited by Scorpius

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20 minutes ago, Asking4Id said:

To the mappers submitting to this project (just out of curiosity) did you find this challenge easy or hard?


I found it super interesting. Had to optimize the shit of my map (making compromises, joining sectors together when I could and such)

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12 minutes ago, Asking4Id said:

To the mappers submitting to this project (just out of curiosity) did you find this challenge easy or hard?

 Rather easy, I had a plan for what I wanted to create. All unusual I did was saving more often and checking with explorer.exe to control the file size. I Initially decided on a 40kb limit for the map to make room for a midi. However the only suitable midi I had on hand was 7kb, all the others where about 30kb. That actually gave me  more kb to put into the map design.

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29 minutes ago, Asking4Id said:

To the mappers submitting to this project (just out of curiosity) did you find this challenge easy or hard?


It's actually not hard at all, but as JBerg said, you have to make lots of compromises. I was very lucky to make my map the way I did, it looks way too good for this challenge. Yeah, the gameplay may suffer a little bit, but at least it fits the requirements perfectly. I could not be more proud of myself!


I have my MIDI for the map separate from the map to make sure it doesn't restrict my map any further. I was honestly surprised at how much I was able to fit into my 64kb map, it was very entertaining! :D

Edited by Scorpius

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30 minutes ago, Asking4Id said:

To the mappers submitting to this project (just out of curiosity) did you find this challenge easy or hard?

I found it a bit easy. Had the knowledge of sidedef compression from the start, which helped.

When making the map I occasionally checked file size, by way of using wadptr so the sidedefs would be compressed.

I liked that I managed to fit a split path in there, but after I made those, I noticed there wasn't too much filesize left so I knew to finish the map up. Then it turned out there was still a few kilobytes to work with(despite the midi being in there!). Those kilobytes I just used to place things and stuff, also maybe a secret.


The wad would be 82,9kb if it weren't for the sidedefs compression, so I'm grateful I looked up stuff on how much space each aspect of a map took up.


Might as well give some tips on how to optimize the sidedef compression wadptr does:

  • Join sectors with similar textures and heights. As a filesize-saving trick, this is already a good idea since each sector takes 26 bytes. It also happens that one of the properties a sidedef has is what sector it's pointing to.
  • Make sure as many sides facing a single sector have as similar texturing as possible.
  • Make sure each side with the same texture facing the same sector has an identical alignment value(sorry, filesize doesn't care about your alignment needs!)
  • Adding sectors in the middle of sectors rather than attaching them to the wall can save a sidedef or so.
  • Upper and Lower textures are parts of a sidedef too, be sure to copy those even if they are otherwise pointless!
  • Linedef flags (and actions) have nothing to do with sidedefs, so lower/upper unpegging doesn't affect the sidedefs at all.

Don't follow these to the letter perhaps, but consider it a lot if you want to save on space.

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1 hour ago, Asking4Id said:

To the mappers submitting to this project (just out of curiosity) did you find this challenge easy or hard?


The restriction itself was a piece of cake for me, actually. The challenge for me was working with the vanilla limits. My map is all one outdoor area so I had to severely limit my linedefs and I had to cut about 100 monsters or so because I didn't know there was a limit on visible sprites. I think my map ended up being around 52 kb.


I'm considering doing the limit-removing one as well, although if I do, it will probably have to be map32 again lol.

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1 hour ago, Alper002 said:

I found it a bit easy. Had the knowledge of sidedef compression from the start, which helped.

When making the map I occasionally checked file size, by way of using wadptr so the sidedefs would be compressed.

I liked that I managed to fit a split path in there, but after I made those, I noticed there wasn't too much filesize left so I knew to finish the map up. Then it turned out there was still a few kilobytes to work with(despite the midi being in there!). Those kilobytes I just used to place things and stuff, also maybe a secret.


The wad would be 82,9kb if it weren't for the sidedefs compression, so I'm grateful I looked up stuff on how much space each aspect of a map took up.


Might as well give some tips on how to optimize the sidedef compression wadptr does:

  • Join sectors with similar textures and heights. As a filesize-saving trick, this is already a good idea since each sector takes 26 bytes. It also happens that one of the properties a sidedef has is what sector it's pointing to.
  • Make sure as many sides facing a single sector have as similar texturing as possible.
  • Make sure each side with the same texture facing the same sector has an identical alignment value(sorry, filesize doesn't care about your alignment needs!)
  • Adding sectors in the middle of sectors rather than attaching them to the wall can save a sidedef or so.
  • Upper and Lower textures are parts of a sidedef too, be sure to copy those even if they are otherwise pointless!
  • Linedef flags (and actions) have nothing to do with sidedefs, so lower/upper unpegging doesn't affect the sidedefs at all.

Don't follow these to the letter perhaps, but consider it a lot if you want to save on space.

Huh, didn't know there was tools to compress Doom maps, I guess I can use this today when I finish my map up in case its a bit too big.

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3 hours ago, Asking4Id said:

To the mappers submitting to this project (just out of curiosity) did you find this challenge easy or hard?

It forced me to be exceptionally imaginative, and make the maximum use of the minimum space, detail and thing usage.  I loved it!

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7 hours ago, Asking4Id said:

To the mappers submitting to this project (just out of curiosity) did you find this challenge easy or hard?

the mapping process for me felt free-flowing. Both of my maps first release versions took me less than 6 hours to build. "American Rabbi" was made in one day, "Water World" was made over two days. I didn't have to give up any gameplay elements as I wanted the maps short. I primarily increased the file size to 64kb by adding visual details like computer monitors, support, etc.

Multiplayer objects surprisingly took up a lot of space compared to objects that are placed normally. For my map "Water World," before submitting the recent version, it was 63.8kb. I added somewhere between 10 to 14 multiplayer objects and it magically increased the file size to 64kb. Seeing Pcorf add multiplayer support to his map made me want to do the same for my maps. Multiplayer support didn't seem required as it's not listed in the OP but I added it for completion.

Edited by Swalzi

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Finally finished my MAP20, is a dark, mood map.



Title: Chaingunners in the rain

Music: Jean Michelle Jarre - Band in the rain, midi composer SysOp Art Wilson

Build time: 3 / 4 evenings

Port: Vanilla

Tested with: Crispy Doom 3.5, chocorenderlimits

File size: 63.1 kb


I hope you like it! Feedback are always accepted!

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I bring a second map. Uses the episode 1 sky, for the limit removing episode (map is also vanilla-compatible)


Map name: Quite a Ride

Filesize: 55.9KB

Map slot: MAP07 of Doom II (uses the same music as this mapslot)

Map format: Doom format

Source ports tested: GZDoom, prBoom+, Crispy, Chocolate (no freelook, no jump, no crouch)

Difficulties: Implemented (not the easiest map, but quite a gap between the difficulties I think)

Textures: Needs to be loaded with 64texpack (available in the OP)




Edited by Horus

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I've completed my limit-removing map. This one is for map25 and it is called "Marmalade Man."




Once again, visuals are ass. My focus was on gameplay and I think this one is objectively much better than The Elder Tree. I just stuck to the stock doom2 textures because I was lazy. You can replace the sky with whatever everyone else is using for episode 3.

It sits at 63kb and it's pretty hard, but nowhere near as hard as The Elder Tree. Difficulties are implemented for people who can't beat it on UV. I was able to squeeze in 240 monsters on UV.


Please anyone play it and give me your thoughts. Criticisms of all types are welcome!

Download: MarmaladeMan.zip


Also here's some music for the two maps. D_ULTIMA is for The Elder Tree and D_ADRIAN is for Marmalade Man: ArbysMusic.zip

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Sign me for limit-removing category too,don't know about episode and map slot however at this moment

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All right, I'll post all your maps on the OP!

This evening (maybe earlier) I'll post the MAP31 from Joe-ilya I've got via pm...

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18 hours ago, Asking4Id said:

To the mappers submitting to this project (just out of curiosity) did you find this challenge easy or hard?

First map I found pretty difficult, had to learn how to optimise my map, remove every redundant linedef, vertex, etc, to get it under the limit


Second map was a lot easier as i knew the tricks of the trade from the start


As for giving feedback I’ll wait until we have a compiled vanilla set, might play some of the limit-removing ones later though

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Old Version: Runninthehalls.rar

Now works in Vanilla with Horus's Help! 

New Version: runninthehalls.rar


Should be vanilla compatible however chocolate doom seems to crash when running it. I assume this is going in the limit removing one anyway so I'm just going to leave it here. Works just fine with GZdoom and chocolate doom. E1 map if not obvious.



Edited by mewbusi

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Looks good, @mewbusi! I submitted my map for the limit-removing set as I assumed mewbusi's would be going into the vanilla set. Feel free to switch my map to the other vanilla slot if you wish.

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@Horus @Walter confetti I assume this will be going in limit removing so feel free to replace my mapslot for the vanilla with Horus's and vice versa if thats the case Walter. I'm personally really confused why chocolate doom isn't running it but I really don't want to spend likely hours investigating the problem.

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