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How do you record demos?


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I try to search for ways to record demos but i get on a loose end or videos that don't help me on the issue, so i was wondering if any of you knew how to record a demo.

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If you're using Chocolate Doom, or otherwise one that you launch from a command prompt, add:

-skill 4 -warp 12 -record mydemo

Where 4 = Ultra-Violence skill, -warp selects the level (one number for Doom 2, or two numbers for Ultimate Doom, like "-warp 2 1" to start at E2M1), and "mydemo" is whatever you want to name it. It'll start the game at the given level. Do your thing, then exit the game when done.

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If you're using Boom, create a batch file in your Boom folder by adding all the parameters inside a text file titled (something).bat. Once you have that, add parameters such as -warp 01, -iwad doom2.wad, and -record (something). But at the beginning, but the name of your executable. You can look up videos on how to do it, too. Once that's ready, just click on the batch file and press enter.

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