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Former Human - Former Sergeant

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It always was in the back of my mind, but lately (after a dozen of years :) )

it is starting to bother me that, while both carry guns, the Former Human

drops bullets instead of shells.


The Former Human sprites should really be redone so that he carries a pistol.

Edited by Kappes Buur

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the former human has a gun that looks like it could be a rifle, while the former sergeant carries a shotgun, so it kinda makes sense for me

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The Former Human Sergeant carries a shotgun which he drops upon death. So that part is settled.


The Doom Guy's pistol is modeled on a toy replica of a Beretta 92FS, which is chambered in 9mm.


The Former Human carries a rifle which, with a little imagination could be a Hi-Point Carbine, so it also being chambered in 9mm isn't unthinkable. You might also imagine in the future that there is a standard magazine type (similar to STANAG mags today).


That or it's just a game and you're not supposed to overthink these things.

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It would be easier to establish a weapon progression in a map if Former Humans dropped ammo instead of their weapons. I would actually preferred that.

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1 hour ago, Uni said:

It would be easier to establish a weapon progression in a map if Former Humans dropped ammo instead of their weapons. I would actually preferred that.


Err...they...do? Or you mean sergeants?

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3 minutes ago, JadingTsunami said:


Err...they...do? Or you mean sergeants?

I think he's referring to Sergeants dropping Shotguns and Chaingunners dropping, uh, Chainguns, that the player can pick up and use instead of simply ammo like Zombiemen.

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It always bugged the crud out of me that zombiemen dropped clips, while shotgunners and chaingunners dropped their weapons. I'm sure zombiemen were supposed to drop rifles originally. Their rifle disappears when they're killed. There was a rifle in the alphas. It had to be intended as the zombie drop. I include it in all my ZDoom creations. Any time I play a custom WAD with new zombies, like rocket or plasma zombies, if they don't drop their weapons I instantly flush it down the toilet.

Edited by NaturalTvventy

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The sprite comes from the Doom alpha versions where you were originally intended to have a rifle as the starting weapon, instead of a pistol. In the release, the starting weapon was changed to a pistol, but by that point it would've taken more work to redo the doomguy and former human sprites with a pistol. So it wasn't done. And that's why former humans drop rifle magazines, and the doomguy sprite always has a rifle.

Edited by Jello

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