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So "DOOM GUY"is a actually in game name?

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I thought DOOM GUY is a name that community use to call protagonist in all DOOM franchise?
I mean,it can only use in real life,right?
So how is this possible a in game character knows this name?
is there some history or something i missing?

please tell me about it guys


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literally anything is possible in fiction, make your own explanation. maybe someone called him doomguy because doom slayer just sounded stupid to them. who knows?

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Guest Unregistered account

I don't like the idea of him actually being called Doomguy in-universe, but if that's the case I'll live

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The Legions of Hell were the first to call him the Doom Slayer. The UAC researchers called him the Doom Marine. The Night Sentinels probably called him something else.

It's possible that we'll get some kind of idea who called him the Doom Guy.

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Possibly a reference to Doom64 as DOOM 1 of that universe were nicknamed the "DOOM" Episodes.



In my personal opinion i think that Doom 1 and Doom 2 are 2 different characters fighting 2 separate battles (D1 Dude Survives and becomes The Doom Slayer)

(D2 Dude dies i think, Hence why the game is so hard)

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Probably just an in-universe nickname, same as in our own world. Notice they also call him The Slayer in the same line, a more formal name for him in the setting.


More troubling is the diamond-shaped letter "o" in the "Low Ammo" warning.

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The Doomguy is what the community called the player sprite, so the real name of the protagonist of Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, and Doom 64, is ''You''. What thats mean? It simply mean that ''the player'' is the protagonist. So the story of the DoomSlayer is ''your'' story, also.
Read between the lines for further meanings as there are a lot of metaphorical content in the games that have multiple meanings.
Id Software never give the protagonist a name because the player is the protagonist.

But... if you want a little more backstory, the Doom Marine was originally named Flynn ''Fly'' Taggart in the Doom Bible that Tom Hall wrote (EDIT: it was called Buddy DaCote in the Bible) and, if i remmeber right, thats the same name that was used in the four Doom novels that appeard during the 90's.
They are by no mean something like the Citizen Kane of sci-fi novels, but they are neat ''space-opera'' and galactic conflict stories.
There also the movie: ''Doom: The Gate to Hell'' as it was called in my country, in that movie, the Doom Marine is called John ''Reaper'' Grimm. So ''you'' might called the DoomGuy as you like.
But understand that when the games talks to the Slayer or refers to the DoomGuy, they are actually talking about ''you'', the ''player''

Edited by P41R47

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The community, and most gamers for that matter, have only been calling him that for 20 years. So yeah I'd call that a history. 

Edited by Super Mighty G

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42 minutes ago, Gez said:

It's a diminutive form of his real name, Doomguybrush Threepwood.


Do you realice how old we are that we are the only ones that understand that joke? :O

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Doomguy, Doom Slayer, Doom Marine etc are mostly titles and nicknames.

Something like John, Steve or Paul or even a made up fantasy personal name would ruin the "nameless" aspect of him.

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11 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

Personally speaking, I don't like the idea of him being called Doomguy in-game.

Yeah, it is odd. That's really the Doom communities nickname isn't it? Obviously that's where they got it from though.


TBH as long as id Software is acknowledging the Doom fanbase, that's all that matters to me :)

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I mean from the context of this screenshot alone it seems as if it's a nickname in-universe as well. Like as a little reference to the community, especially since they call him the "Slayer" in the sentence before. Not gonna lie this is pretty sick, as long as it only shows up less than a handful of times.

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It's crystal clear now that he's OG Doom Guy .


Where is that screenshot taken from ?

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Doom Eternal has become a super crazy awesome mess. .anything goes right now I guess

Edited by Enforcer

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I like it. It's like that episode of Doctor Who where a weird set of circumstances come together in the sublimely absurd moment of Peter Capaldi saying "My name is Doctor Who!" It's really not supposed to be something he's called in-universe, but it works in context.


I will say, I often differentiate between different protagonists of the series by calling them "Doom Guy" for Doom, Doom II and Doom 64, "the Marine" for all three of the heroes from Doom 3, and obviously, "the Doom Slayer" or just "the Slayer" for DOOM 2016 and Eternal.


But I consider all of them to be variations on the prototypical Doom Guy, so all three Marines, the ancient Martian warrior in the coffin, and the Doom Slayer (who wakes up in a coffin, it's worth pointing out) are all "Doom Guys," even though they're not, you know, the original one that I still call "Doom Guy."


And I guess I'd say the same thing about John Kane, Fly Taggart, Reaper Grimm or any other comic, movie, novelized, or fan fiction take on the archetype. They're legitimately Doom Guys, they're just not the same as the original Doom Guy, or any of their subsequent in-game successors.


"Canon" is overrated, haha!

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