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Lightsabers in Doom?!


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15 hours ago, warman2012 said:

The Crucible or Unmakyr depending on your reference, is this a boon or blasphemous to the Doom series? Is Doom still the ball busting demon killing simulator we all know and love? 


Or is it gonna be bogged down with moral choices and *shudders* pacifism, redemption, and love?

What the fuck are you on about?

I seriously think you're super out of touch.

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4 hours ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Damn, you must really dislike this warman guy.


I think it really began with him calling difficult maps "savescum piles of shit". Anyone who says something like that goes on my list of people never to take seriously. This user is offered advice and counter points and rarely responds to them. The twitch channel ran by said user also says very clearly in the description that SJW nonsense will not be tolerated. That's fine, they can do as they wish under terms of service.


It's also anyone else's prerogative to counterpoint, discredit or even argue, hey it's the internet right? Gloves off. Under terms of service hehe. I only wish ignoring users wouldn't make threads look terrible and still leave their quotes in other members' posts, so I just don't set anyone to ignore and skim over posts I think are nonsense, just like everyone else :D

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I want the same weed at this dud for when hes make this topics.

And yeah, the force it's stronge with DoomSlayer.

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3 minutes ago, jazzmaster9 said:

Next topic: "not using sprites?  Now its this 3d graphics shit"


Lmao! Don't feed them!


and that might actually be valid with the revival games ala wrath, dusk, hellbound  etc

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Wrath and Dusk are using 3D graphics shit instead of sprites, though.


Just old, Quake-era 3D graphics shit. (Ironically, it's the one of these games that actually uses the Quake engine that has the more detailed models.)

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Real Vertical Aiming? Pro Boomers use auto-aim.



Wrath and Dusk are using 3D graphics shit instead of sprites, though.


Just old, Quake-era 3D graphics shit. (Ironically, it's the one of these games that actually uses the Quake engine that has the more detailed models.)

Maybe if the Quake Scene can come in terms in a engine sourceport that can have a more HD textures as they said they are using Darkplaces for this game it's can be posible, but i don't really know. 

Edited by jamondemarnatural

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3 minutes ago, Gez said:

Wrath and Dusk are using 3D graphics shit instead of sprites, though.


Just old, Quake-era 3D graphics shit. (Ironically, it's the one of these games that actually uses the Quake engine that has the more detailed models.)


Yeah wow. Sprites would be crazy. That technology is more ancient than sentinel prime. I think I would still buy it though lol. If it still had the same story and combat

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18 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Melee in Doom was always a thing, and I'm glad that it's not just brass knuckles or a flash light.


Ah here it is again, yet another attempt at shit stirring, and this time you didn't even try to make it less obvious.


No, it's not going to be the kind of thing you say you like, because it isn't the "oldchool retro shooter" you pretend you wanna have.

Dude, it's fine... You can stop acting like you're the greatest "olschool carelord" there ever was. Lots of people already know that you play Doom with mods a lot of the time, and you don't even use a source port that's true to OG Doom's game logic for streaming as far as I can tell. How can I tell, you ask? I can tell because when taking a brief look at your twitch-channel (which you seem to keep as empty as possible, no VODs whatsoever, I wonder why that is), and browsing through a couple clips of you playing, there's no "oldschool-ness" to be seen. You have no genuine interest in preserving Doom's "oldschool traits", because you play with mods (which you use by your own admission).


You're not around to discuss anything, you're around for the sake of stirring shit and spreading misinformation, while trying to paint yourself as the poor and helpless victim of somebody else's creativity. It's almost as if you couldn't even live without crapping over something. And don't even get me started on how you take every opportunity to make yourself look like you're representing some group of people who, for some reason, aren't able to speak up for themselves.



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21 hours ago, Urdak5891 said:


Yeah wow. Sprites would be crazy. That technology is more ancient than sentinel prime. I think I would still buy it though lol. If it still had the same story and combat

Ion Maiden Iron Fury would be your thing then.

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1 hour ago, Novaseer said:

Ion Maiden Iron Fury would be your thing then.


I really don't like it mate. Hellbound and wrath look great though, but they are being developed at a bit of a slow pace. I can't wait for them either

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2 hours ago, Urdak5891 said:


I really don't like it mate. Hellbound and wrath look great though, but they are being developed at a bit of a slow pace. I can't wait for them either

Maybe Prodeus, they are doing their game in two styles, real 3D models, and Models rendered into sprites.

Here it's a video example.


Edited by jamondemarnatural

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10 hours ago, jamondemarnatural said:

Maybe Prodeus, they are doing their game in two styles, real 3D models, and Models rendered into sprites.

Here it's a video example.


I just noticed the D in Prodeus is the same shape as Doom's D. 

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10 hours ago, jamondemarnatural said:

Maybe Prodeus, they are doing their game in two styles, real 3D models, and Models rendered into sprites.

Here it's a video example.


 Looks cool from just that alone, thanks

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4 hours ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Wait, Dusk use id Tech 2 Quake engine now?

No, but Wrath does.


Dusk uses Unity, but looks like a Quake with less polys. Wrath uses the Darkplace engine.

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, warman2012 said:

Welp, its official folks...we've finally crossed into cringe.


I don't like it, therefore it's bad/cringe


also imagine using the word cringe unironically in 2020

we get it, you don't like Dum, you're 2 oldschool for us.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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23 minutes ago, sluggard said:

Oh look warman is back.


Funny how he suddenly showed up out of nowhere once Eternal came out, right?


What a coincidence!

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They ripped off Alien with the Plasma Rifle.

They ripped off Evil Dead with the Chainsaw and the SSG.

I'm pretty sure the Chaingun was ripped from a Schwarzneggar movie, but I don't remember which one.


Star Wars? Fits right in.

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1 hour ago, sluggard said:

Oh look warman is back.

Well he needed to reassure himself that Doom Eternal sucked and made sure everyone knew it still sucks at release.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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