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Known quirks of Doom that happen a lot but still not sure why.


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I wanted to ask few things I know happen but I don't know why. One thought was to open a thread and another to ask on the "things you didn't know about Doom". But these are things I know I don't know.


1) When I shoot a monster upon a ledge with a shotgun, the expected behavior would be the blast to push him back. But sometimes a force drag his body towards me opposite to the blast force. So he falls the ledge in front of me. Is this a bug of the game or a planned behavior in code?

2) I was just finishing a level and some enemies still remaining. I IDDT and they were stuck behind teleporter rooms. Moving around, but not passing the blue teleporter lines. So they never teleoported from a trap. Why? Is that a bug or a door there didn't open? Happens many times in some user maps and it's slightly annoying if you want to do 100%. I'd IDCLIP just to kill those remaining.


I might remember (or anyone else) more.

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1) Under certain conditions, monsters can be flung forward upon death. Here is more reading


2) Since these monsters aren't passing the teleporter line at all, there are two likely possibilities: you didn't trigger their trap, or the trap's trigger mechanism was broken. The less of the map you visited, the more likely the explanation is the former. 


Edited by rdwpa

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There's a longer list here. Answering "why" is more challenging, at least for an audience who hasn't spent years studying the source code, so not all quirks have that yet.


For #1, the code comments and indents make it look highly intentional. Knowing what we know about the designers, one can imagine them throwing in an effect inspired by schlocky Western films. But conversely, knowing how extensively the code was modified before release, that's not definitive unless the original developer has spoken somewhere.

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