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Walpurgis- 0.99 (For Doom, Heretic, Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!!!]

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Version 0.71
+Fixed: Fixed palette issue with Thrown Axe in Doom.
+Fixed: Firestorm Font Tertiary damaged the player; when it shouldn't have. Fixed.
+Fixed: Flechettes didn't have an 'inter-hub' amount defined so you lost all
        but 1 of them when changing levels in Doom/Heretic. Fixed.


+Balance: Quietus Tertiary Damage increased by around ~10%.
+Balance: Algor Primary Damage reduced by around ~7%.
+Balance: Algor Secondary, spears should be very marginally closer together
          when fired off, closer to the crosshair centre than before.
+Balance: Fulgur Primary Damage increased by around ~10%.
+Balance: Fulgur Secondary had its mass reduced by 10% to fly slightly longer.


+Tweak: Myrmidon now gives his bigger ouch noise at 75 HP rather than 50 HP, and
        his critical ouch noise at 50 HP. Scaled as he has higher high HP and
        this makes more sense. Crusader and Magister still at 50/25.

Edited by eharper256

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Version 0.72

Get it here

New Video! I go around causing needless cruelty to Cyberdemons with the classes ultimate weapons. XD

+New!:     Crux Calicus' Secondary Fire got new sprites and considerable tweaking,
        making it look and feel a fair bit more badass and less wonky. (see video!)
+Balance:     Bloodscourge's secondary had its cost tweaked. As it go off a random
            amount of times, it now sucks 1 mana of both types each time it
            sets off a new chain. As a result, you no longer get shortchanged
            if you're unlucky (or vice-versa, get a crazy long chain on the cheap!).
            It still has an upfront cost of 10 of both types (but not 36!).
+Balance:    Magister actually justifies his higher magic meter: he can now carry
            300 of each mana type by default, rather than 200! Keep in mind this
            does mean Kraters of Might are no longer guaranteed full mana restores.


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Version 0.74: "I'm Rich! (In Mana)"


+New!:    Large/Rich Mana Nuggets were added. They appear where Doom and Heretic's
        Ammo boxes usually spawn. In Hexen, they have around a 10% chance to
        replace normal sized mana.
+New!:    All of the Mana (including the new bigger chunks) now give out BOTH
        Dynamic Light and Sparklies to help you to find them easier.


+Fixed: Sometimes the Lightbringer ignored needing ammo for its Secondary,
        and then didn't need it forever if it wasn't refilled (lol). Fixed.
+Fixed:    Hammer of Retribution's Tertiary Sound-Effect for its flames stuck
        around too long after its fire died down. Will now stop as the flame does.
+Fixed: The Quietus Secondary Fire lagged somewhat when following the player.
        This is now considerably improved from before and lags only slightly.
+Fixed: Myrmidon's Flechette and some Bloodscourge projectiles didn't leave embers.
+Fixed:    Doom Megasphere spawner was broken, and it didn't show up except in
        some rare circumstances. Now fixed; it will drop a Mystic Urn, a Pair
        of Bracers, and another random piece of armour.


+Balance:    Lightbringer's Mana costs altered. Primary reduced by 25% (to 3
            per shot). Secondary reduced by 50% (Now around ~4 per second).
            Teritiary cost reduced by 25% (now 15 per Prism). Still under review.
+Balance:     Fulgur's Primary Damage increased by another 15% on the 0.71 changes.
+Balance:     Firestorm Font's Primary Damage reduced by about ~5%.
+Balance:    Doom Zombies (all 3 types) are no longer guaranteed to drop Mana.
            It's reduced to about a 1 in 5 chance. This also means that they
            don't drop your Aetherial Mana weapon either; so levels that force
            you to get a shotgun off a sergeant as your only weapon might screw
            you up a bit, hence it will remain under review for now.
+Tweak: Vorpal Axe Secondary and Tertiary given a slight earthquake effect to
        emphasise their power. Primary remains effect-less as it becomes very
        annoying to have it spam effects given its fast swing speed!
+Tweak:    Slight change to appearance of Holy Flames from Crusader Flechette.
+Tweak: A few miscellaneous sound effects tweaks.


No comments at Doomworld make me sad. Alas, I guess there is not the same level of interest in GZDoom mods here...

Still, thanks to those that upvoted!

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Release 0.75 'Kill it with Fire'

+New!:    Burning Deaths for relevant enemies added. These apply to all kills caused
        with the Hammer of Retribution, the Napalm Flechette, the Laser fired by
        the Lightbringer, the Quietus Secondary and Tertiary, the Bloodscourge,
        and of course, the Firestorm Font! (see the new video!)
        Will maybe add other death types in the future.
+Balance:     Crux Calicus' Primary Fire no longer forces pain states. Its OP
            for most monsters (and useless for Centaurs!).
+Balance:     Magister's Flechette deals about 10% more damage than before.

+Tweak: Crux Calicus Secondary Fire more likely to cause gibbing deaths.
+Tweak: Hexen Centaurs are no longer as shield obssessed. They now guard for
        just under a second, rather than 2.5 seconds. In recompense for this,
        though, they now charge at you about 30% faster than before, and their
        sword strikes deal around 10% more damage, making them much more
        aggressive rather than mobile HP walls.
+Tweak: Hexen Stalkers take a few tics longer to strike and fire acid, so
        they're not quite so annoying to deal with.
+Tweak:    Hexen Brown Serpents now actually spit an acid missile that deals ongoing
        damage rather than the green-totally-not-a-fireball.
+Tweak: Heretic Golems are faster with about 25% more HP.
+Tweak: Heretic Nitrogolems get similar changes, and also get a palette
        alteration so they look like Stone Golems (you can finally tell them
        apart from their lesser cousins!).
+Tweak: Heretic Saberclaws have 33% more HP.
+Tweak: Doom Archies have a slightly higher pain chance as you don't have
        rapid fire weapons to pin them down in this mod.[/code]

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  On 2/7/2020 at 8:53 PM, High On Berserk said:

You are working hard. Keep it up!


Thanks! Hope you enjoy the mod!


Next up is probably working on a few CVAR options as well as a few extra items, so the next update will take a little bit longer, but I'm happy with the swath of cool stuff I've added in the last week.

Edited by eharper256

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"Reliable Ultimate Power"



+New!:    Each character now has a unique version of the Icon of the Defender!
        Although it no longer provides strict invulnerability, it gives 50%
        damage reduction to all the classes, as well as...
+New!:    The Myrmidon flies in a super-powered Quad-Damage Berserk mode that also
        drains enemy HP as he smacks enemies! Rip and Tear!
+New!:    The Crusader glows with holy power and zeal, attacking at twice the
        speed and regenerating 5 HP a second! For the Shining One!
+New!:    The Magister stops time for a brief period.    Enough Said.


+New!:    Ultimate Weapon pieces were previously spawned in a rather RNG-heavy way
        in Doom and Heretic, so if you were unlucky, you could fail to assemble
        one in several maps of a megawad. This has now been fixed, as I found a
        way to track the second piece (which was the issue before).
+New!:    Flechette's have also had their spawning code altered in a similar way
        which makes it more efficient, and also prevents you picking up duplicates
        of them when you already have 25 in your inventory.
+Fixed:    Ultimate Weapon pickup sprites had a tendency to clip in the floor. Fixed.
+Fixed: Hexen Armour is No-Gravity for some reason. Whilst this is fine in its own
        game, it causes some issues when you have an armour secret on the top of a
        lift (or similar) in Doom/Heretic. It was given +RELATIVETOFLOOR as a fix.
+Fixed:    Flechettes had the wrong pickup noise. Fixed.
+Fixed:    In Doom, the Maulotaur Summoning Fetish, and in fact also the Maulotaur
        it summoned was invisible, lol. Fixed.

+Tweak:    Crusaders Flechette was re-done. Initially this was to fix the issue of it
        randomly leaving a bloodscourge sprite around, but I ended up tweaking it
        a fair bit. It flies slightly further, and has an improved appearance and
        updated audio.
+Tweak:    Ultimate Weapon pieces now also give off dynamic light and sparkles, like
        the Mana chunks do. Helps them taunt you from inaccessible areas!

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Version 0.78 Release!
The Sprite is Right



'The Sprite Is Right'
+New!:    Key Sprites for Doom and Heretic weren't strictly compatible with the
        Walpurgis status-bar (they're small sprites, and the hexen-type key
        interface is bigger). I sprited some new versions so that they fit
        nicely into the interface. However, this does mean that in the rare
        Doom Level that uses all six keys, the first one picked up will be
        missing (there is only space for five keys on the interface right now!).
+New!:    Hotkeys added for Inventory items (thanks Lagi!). Find these in your
        'customise controls' menu for GZDoom. By default, only these binds are
        active: Quartzine Elixir [H], Krater of Might [K], Disc of Force [F],
        and Icon of the Defender [N].
+New!:    The Mystic Ambit Incant was re-programmed to function correctly for
        all of the classes and given new effects. When using the Ambit, all the
        classes benefit from a brief period where they use no mana at all. For
        the Myrmidon and Crusader, this is 10 seconds, and it is 15 seconds
        for the Magister (as his other boost is arguably worse).
+New!:    The Myrmidon gains +100 HP that can exceed his usual max, to 250.
+New!:    The Crusader gains a big boost to his AC (+8 AC!).
+New!:    The Magister gains +75 to both Mana types and his infinite mana boost
        lasts for 15 seconds, rather than 10 (as noted above).
+New!:     The Ambit Incants now also replace the rarely used and mostly pointless
        Banishment Device in Hexen maps. They appear rarely in weighted random
        spawns in the other games.
+Balance:    Quietus Tertiary Fire cost increased from 5 to 6 (of both mana).
+Balance:    Some of the random spawner chances were tweaked for balance purposes
            in Doom and Heretic.
+Fixed: Slight bug with Crux Calicus where you could get out of paying some
        of its Aetherial Mana costs. Squished.
+Fixed: Possible rare spawn bug with Bloodscourge Roflcopters fixed.
+Fixed: Rare bug where the Lightbringer could still fire with 0 mana fixed.


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0.8 Release
"Rise of the CVAR's"

Get it here at MEGA!


New video showcasing the improved Vorpal Slashes from Quietus!

This is a pretty big update since my busy period at work has calmed down now (finally!).

'Rise of the CVARs'
+New!:    The first CVAR choices have been added!
        1) If you prefer the traditional Hexen punch style of needing to connect
        to continue the Myrmidons combo, you can now toggle this. Off by default.
        2) Sallazar's alternate dirtier boot sprite can be toggled.
        3) If you don't like the camera changes with the Hammer, that can stopped.
        4) You can choose whether or not Algor insta-shatters targets it freezes.
        Check these options out in the Walpurgis Options screen! If there are any
        other toggle-able options you'd like to see, let me know!
+New!:     The Vorpal Slashes of the Axe and Quietus died if they spawned in a wall
        before. In the axes case, this meant that you could waste mana, and that
        Quietus' damage output dropped somewhat. The entire slash routine has been
        redone to (mostly)* prevent this problem. Whilst I was there, I made them
        look and sound more powerful than before!
+New!:    Related to above; many new (IMHO Better) melee sound effects were added!
+New!:    When Quietus killed monsters with its fire damage, they still erupted
        in orange flames. New Green Flames specifically for when Quietus kills
        foes were added; and a technical way of detecting when enemies die by
        Quietus fire specifically was added (without needing a new Damagetype!).
+New!:    Frozen Death frame sprites added for all Heretic AND Doom monsters, so
        that they look better. Heretic ones by Neoworm, Doom by myself.
+New!:    Character Select Screen Frames unique for Walpurgis were added.
+Tweak:    The Magister was made immune to FireBlast Damage. Mostly this is to prevent
        annoying accidents with the Bloodscourge's Roflcopters firing a salvo
        of rockets up their master's ass (-_-'), as he doesn't normally
        tend to damage himself too much in the first place. The Carpet Bomb
        still hurts you, as does Algor's Tertiary and the Flechettes.
+Tweak:    Hand-in-Hand with the above Vorpal changes, alot of the numbers were
        also re-worked. The axe vorpal damage is reduced (by about 15%) but the
        range is increased by around 20%, so you don't have to be absolutely
        point-blank    to get a powerful strike anymore.
+Tweak:    Flechette's weren't included in the hotkeys listing. This was because
        I had troubles getting an alias to work for all the types at once, but
        I finally figured it out, so now they're in!
+Tweak:    Fulgur's appearance was tweaked to make it look better (most notably the
        Tertiary Storm was given more of an effect and impact).
+Tweak:    Quietus' Secondary now spews spherical flame explosions at higher charge,
        and its charging animation was given a little more motion.
+Tweak:    Change to the way every weapon consumes mana (it takes it in a stream over
        a few frames, rather than immediately). This has no impact on the player
        or gameplay; but it gives the mana-meters a spinning ticker effect which
        is more eye-catching and looks better IMHO (lol).
+Balance:    Fulgur's Primary Mana consumption was reduced by about 40%; I forgot
            that it can skip frames randomly so the cost wasn't supposed to be
            as high as it was currently (it could go as high as 12/second before!).
+Balance:     Fulgur's Secondary can now pass through enemies and had its mass
            reduced by a further 5% to increase its versatility a bit.
+Balance:    Fulgur's Tertiary Mana consumption was increased to 12 (from 10).
            It's still really good value even with a 20% increase!!
+Balance:    Quietus's Secondary Ball now has a very mild homing effect so you're no
            longer missing that Cyberdemon by an inch. Its base level (i.e. the
            smallest click and release ball) is also somewhat more damaging
            making it more viable to let small individual balls off rather than
            it requiring charge. Furthermore, the charge window to get it to max
            without it exploding in your face is slightly more lenient. However,
            to compensate for all these improvements, it now costs 2 of both
            types of mana (rather than 1) per charge level (up to 24).

+Fixed:    The Magister would start with 1 mana of both types for no real reason.
        Removed this so he starts with 0.
+Fixed: The Crux Calicus Sprite that appears on the HUD as you collect pieces
        was still using Wraithverge pieces rather than its own. Fixed.
+Fixed:    The Firestorm Font's flames still had an old translation attached to
        some of them. Whilst this didn't affect Hexen or Doom, it made the
        flames occasionally turn a vomit-like colour in Heretic. Fixed.
+Fixed: Typo on the Myrmidon's Mystic Ambit Incant meant it could only reach
        200 HP despite my claims of it reaching 250 HP. Oops. Fixed.
+Fixed: The Spectre was missing from my list of monsters so he didn't set on
        fire like the basic pinkie when he died. Fixed.
+Fixed:    Quite a few weapons didn't actually alert monsters when you used them
        which was pretty silly for flames and such. Fixed.
+Fixed: Quietus Flames from the Secondary didn't spawn correctly all the time
        and often disappeared. Changed the routine so its more impressive.

*=     There is one scenario which I can't do much about: namely, you are standing
    in a wide space; but are pointing towards a narrow gap. The slash will not
    make it through said gap. Either wait for foes to come out, or go in the gap
    yourself (so there is no initial spawn space and it uses the alternate code).


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You should to rework and finish decals for the weapons. The current version is no good. These are small things, but it's much better when they look nice.

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  On 2/28/2020 at 4:24 PM, Doomenator said:

You should to rework and finish decals for the weapons. The current version is no good. These are small things, but it's much better when they look nice.



You mean making unique decals rather than using the GZ Doom ones? I guess I'll think about it before the 1.0 release. Shouldn't be too much spriting work.


What decal specifically do you not like? About the only one that really stands out as being a bit weird for me right now is probably the axe.

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It is not necessary to add unique ones, standard ones are enough. You just need to choose the right size, color, type, sequence, etc.

Many effects don't have decals at all. And the decal "SwordScorch" for VorpalAxe looks terrible. I replaced it with this:

  Reveal hidden contents


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Mm, yes I thought it was the axe, haha.


At the moment, I literally just use the default ones from the GZDoom core files, there are no new definitions for them at all, which is why a few look wonky. And as you say, several things don't have any yet.


Thanks for the feedback; I'll add decals to my list of things to revise. We still have a few versions before we hit gold as various tweaks happen and bugs are crushed.

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Pretty small update (only bugfixes and mild tweaks) this week as I was having a bit of break from SLADE and modding.


If you have ideas for CVARs and other features you'd like, let me know.

'Common Modern Magic'
This is a bugfix/minor tweak only release.
		+ Hexen torch issue where it turned into a frozen Revenant (lol) fixed.
		+ Algor Secondary continued to bob whilst in walls. Fixed.
		+ Algor Secondary could break its casting loop if you ran out of
		  mana during casting, leading to shenanigans. Fixed.
		+ Algor Secondary hitbox reduced in size by half.
		+ Boots of Speed were blue in inventory despite being green on
		  pickup. Inventory version switched to green as well.
		+ Lightbringer Prism's Dakka Rainbow fire reduces the Prism's
		  durability 20% less when you use it, so you get an extra shot.

Get it here: https://mega.nz/#!wE9RTLTK!prxJzv8V87jeGB3Rog0HqWHxhRWLuwJ8GkM93yBtBwY

Edited by eharper256

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Just a quick news update; the next plans are:

  • The trio of Mythical Whetstone, Blessed Charm, and Ancient Grimoire. These are due to replace and retire the Maulotaur Puppet drop in Hexen, the Tome of Power in Heretic, and Berserk Packs in Doom.
  • But, they're not just a simple Powerup, Tome of Power style. Instead, you'll use them to permanently upgrade a single one your favourite weapons fire modes (think more like the weapon upgrades in Trailblazer, Argent, and such).
  • For instance, you might use the Whetstone on Timon's Vorpal Axe's Primary Fire. When you do, it'll permanently add Vorpal Slashes to its basic attack (though not at the same level of power as the secondary). If you were to mod the Secondary slash, that slash will because a double slash, increase in size, and richochet once if it hits a wall. Whilst upgrading the tertiary thrown axe will make it seek enemies and fly faster.
  • I'm pretty excited to see this come to fruition; but this is quite a big addition with a chunk of inherent balancing work, so I expect it to not appear in the next update; but its on the horizon before 1.0 arrives.

In the meantime, I'm doing some more sound engineering work on the attacks where I can, fiddling around with decals and other small polishing things, and thinking about more CVARs and balance.

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Another fairly small update this week as I work on the big afformentioned update.

'The Sound of Carnage'
+New!:		A chunk of sound effect re-adjustments following people's feedback about
		the new 0.8 melee sounds. The normalisation and effects have been made
		more consistent across the board (especially notable with the axe), and
		a few sounds were re-engineered, with a couple of further additions.
+Tweak:		Timon's Vorpal Axe got a new, considerably more slashy wall hit decal,
		so it doesn't look like a rocket hit (lol). The vorpal slash now also
		leaves this new decal.
+Tweak:		Several Myrmidon sprites cleaned up and enchanced mildly.
		> Removing errant green and black pixels on Axe and Hammer.
		> Slightly resizing his arm so it seems to fit better in his gauntlet.
		> Flames for returning hammer changed to red as they should be.
		> Explosion frames for Secondary/Tertiary Hammer fire improved slightly.
+Misc:		Some coding groundwork laid for incoming features (no game effect yet).


Get it here: https://mega.nz/#!wQMVCCia!zgj1JMiD4eyQCww8jdHgW7lt9URKIUkQZzjPafrrMl0

Edited by eharper256

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another bugfix release; still working on the upgrade system:

'Dark Foundations'
+New!:	Lots of base code added ready for the weapon upgrade system. Right now,
	you can test the Fist's Primary and the Axe's Secondary, if you use the
	console to "give whetstone". These are the only ones that actually
	provide an upgrade right now, and the system is not yet complete, hence
	you cannot find the upgrade items as drops at the moment. 
+New!:	One new wall-hit sound effect.
+Tweak:	Algor Secondary Ice Spears given +10% damage and +20% explosion radius 
	to more justify their charge time. 
+Fixed:	Accidently gave a Nodelay flag to the fist puff which did nothing, fixed.
+Fixed: The Vorpal Axe's Secondary Fire, if it activated its code for using its
	tight-space version, would charge you twice for its mana cost! Fixed.
+Fixed: Standing next to your Glacial Spike Wall (Algor Tertiary) will no longer
	damage you for small amounts, so you can use them for limited cover as
	well as inhibiting barriers. It will still hit you pretty hard if you
	try to detonate it standing next to it (shattering ice blocks don't have
	friend foe recongnition I'm afraid XD ) of course.
+Fixed: Myrmidon Grappling Hook would dissappear and break the animation when
	it hit low hanging sky sectors (i.e. E3M1 in Doom) as the 'weapon' 
	always expects it to return and this wasn't covered in its usual crash
	logic. It is now fixed.

Get it here: https://mega.nz/#!8IFTiSjR!RK1LbwKFxjaAMaRfuzFcCX-HMDsB-oXZZ0oq9m9wIxI

Edited by eharper256

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Thought I needed some new footage of the most recent Walpurgis version; so here I am in Wastelands of Hub II in the original Hexen wad:


Juggling Algor, Fulgur, and Vis to best effect here, which you can really start to do in Hub II (whereas all the tight spaces of the Seven Portals pretty much ask you to focus on Algor use, don't they?).

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Hey! This looks cool. I can tell that you've put quite some work into this.

I really like the "fire spiral" attack!

From a gameplay perspective it looks like the weapons may be a bit overpowered, but that may be the wanted effect.

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  On 3/28/2020 at 9:16 AM, Sunbeam said:

Hey! This looks cool. I can tell that you've put quite some work into this.

I really like the "fire spiral" attack!

From a gameplay perspective it looks like the weapons may be a bit overpowered, but that may be the wanted effect.


Hey, thanks for checking it out! Glad you like the Firestorm effects!


Yes, it is towards the more powerful side of things, as its meant to be inspired by what Heretical did for Heretic.


That said, I wanted to make sure it was not so powerful that it trivialised gameplay (ala. Russian Overkill). This was one of the big design goals. The ultimate weapons are very strong, but they also eat through your mana at a very high speed. This is important, since you have to remember that everything shares Aetherial and Verdant Mana. If you spam your ult to death, you're stuck with your pistol equivalent until you get more! Hence, its usually optimal to juggle your 1/2/3 weapons where you can to make sure you optimise your mana use.


Also, most of the bestiary for all three games is also somewhat updated; and many of the lower tier enemies especially get more HP and such to be more of nuisance. Melee enemies come at you faster and are tankier. Its nothing huge in the grand scheme of things; but I still had a bit of a challenge completing the Hexen Campaign with the Magister, and Heretic with the Crusader.


Of course, you're also welcome to pop your own Monster Mods in combo with it; I'd imagine Colourful Hell (for example) with Doom would still be quite challenging! Just make sure you load it after Walpurgis in your .ini file.

Edited by eharper256

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Version 0.84

"Lumen Fortis"

+New!:	Crusader's Lightbringer got a massive number of graphical improvements
	on its projectiles. Most notably, the primary fire got a revision,
	as did the rainbow shots and lasers. Some remastered SFX too!
+New!:	Firestorm Font's Secondary and Tertiary Fire join the facelift crew as
	well, with the Secondary getting a proper Fireball and a more deadly
	looking looking comet-like corona, and the Tertiary wall gaining some
	taller, more wall-like flames (and better performance!). Decals too!
+New!:	Quietus gets a proper decal to go along with the axe. It uses the
	same slashy decal image; but fades from green to black (like the BFG).
+New!: 	Myrmidon's Grappling Hook also got a facelift; the hook got a new sprite,
	and it has an improved overall look. 
+New!:	Myrmidon's Unarmed attack upgrades all complete (Punches, Grapple).
	Also, if you choose to upgrade Tertiary when in unarmed; you gain a
	brand new tertiary fire!
+New!:	Myrmidon's Axe upgrades all complete (Swings, Vorpal, Thrown).
+New!: 	Myrmidon's Hammer upgrades all done (Swing, Thrown Copy, Quake-Stream).
+New!:	As a result, you can now find Mythic Whetstone in Myrmidon games as a
	drop for you to use. The Crusader & Magister still find other items.
	waste your Mythical Whetstones if you try to use them on it.
+New!:	Coloured Strings for all! All the item pickup lines were given coloured 
	strings to allow you quickly ID the things you've just picked up.
+New!:	The Heretic Intermission Text was re-written to match the
	perspective of your Hexen character having defeated Korax and using
	the Chaos Sphere to go and help other realities in need of assistance.
	Will also do all the Doom ones eventually.
+Tweak: Quietus' range on its melee increased slightly to match its blade;
	however its vorpal slashes had their ranged slightly reduced as well.
+Tweak:	Following my Heretic and Hexen playthroughs with Walpurgis, several
	enemies have gotten a few tweaks:
	+	Heretic Iron Lich had Health and Speed doubled. Its quite
		possible to build your ultimate weapon in Heretic's Episode 1,
		and if you do, they're almost a joke boss (lol). At the same
		time, as there are two, and they are later mid-bosses, I
		didn't want to give them Cyberdemon HP. 
	+	Heretic Skeleton Knight gained +15% Speed.
	+	Centaur Elites are now a slightly darker colour; and are heavier.
	+	Both Centaurs deal slightly more melee damage on average (+6%~).
	+	Ettin got a slight (5%) speed boost.

Quite a big update this week; you can now use a good majority of the Myrmidon's upgrades; and pickup whetstones in play to use. Please keep in mind that Quietus doesn't work yet.
There are also quite a few graphical amendments. The Lightbringer and Firestorm Font got considerable visual improvements especially. Obviously, all the upgrades have their own visual quirks as well.


Get it here: https://mega.nz/file/VJNCBazb#wpMScICuOgjJglW0a5RP3ZMo4u-Hig3XG3DuOpxNS1Q

Edited by eharper256

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Re-uploaded the download to include a minor bug-fix for the Lightbringer; there was a rare case where you could bypass ammo consumption.

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Decals for Firestorm looks terrible. The fire on the walls should leaves black soot. And similar technique it is better to use for Evil Spells.

Example for Freezer Cannon:

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  On 4/4/2020 at 8:07 PM, Doomenator said:

Decals for Firestorm looks terrible. The fire on the walls should leaves black soot. And similar technique it is better to use for Evil Spells.



You really love your decals, man. Haha. Yeah, it originally left black soot but for some reason I must have broke it when I was testing yesterday. Kind of annoying; but alas it will get fixed next version.


Until then; just think 'magical fire doesn't have to follow the usual rules'. Or something. XD

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Following elementary logic, magic fire is also fire and it obeys the laws of physics. But in the current version, it looks like paint.

You can do as you see fit, I'm just saying how it looks from the outside. And the quality of any mod depends on these little things, primarily from the visuals. :D

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Although, since thermodynamics says that energy can't be created; spontaneous fire is already breaking physics; lol.


Whilst the idea that the Firestorm Font is actually an endless well of petrol being ignited is entertaining; we have to assume its actually just pulling energy from something; and mana is basically standard unobtanium energy.


In any case; I'm not debating it looks like spray-paint right now; I'm just saying it might be nice to turn a blind eye to visuals for now; as I'd love some gameplay feedback occasionally from Doomworld.

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I'm giving you a bad score on magic thermodynamics. :D

But seriously, I'm talking about the first thing that catches my eye. And my priorities are in this order: visualization, sound, and gameplay...

Testing the gameplay takes much longer and is the most abstract and subjective thing. Since the gameplay depends on the player's skill, difficulty level, map, monsters, and other additional mods. In fact, you can't get an ideal balance.

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