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Walpurgis- 0.99 (For Doom, Heretic, Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!!!]

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Quick random question for everyone: whilst the Locusts are not usable for the Dryad Form, I can pop them in a bottle (lol).


This would replace the current spitting plant flechette (which will become the Mutated Tertiary Fire for the Dryad Form, with a mild-power down, instead).


What are the thoughts on this? Do people absolutely adore having plants in flechettes? Or is having the locusts more important to people? (otherwise they'll not be used).

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Well its a really good phantasy weapon pack, big thanks to author. cannot wait for other weapons 

Locusts in bottle sound more funny 

I have couple of issues

1. crusader spear secondary attack they really love stuck in selling after spinning 

2. dryad warg - transformation take to much time for a melee type weapon same with magister fire spell good animation mauby add skip option in menu

3. dryad warg - ice blast and myrmidon 4 sloth secondary sword attack(big green ball) take to much screen(hard to aim at long range its more about ice blast)

sorry for my poor english its not my native language   


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Thanks for checking it out, glad you enjoyed it.

1. Do you mean "Stuck in the ceiling?". If so, yeah probably, the explosive partisan shots have no hitbox until they spin. Not much I can do about that, this is generally a weakness of autonomous projectiles~ just try not to use them in super low ceiling areas (Doom Episode 1 does suffer from this especially) and if you need long range in a low ceiling zone, consider a quick switch to the Lightbringer instead.

2. Both of these were already shortened (halved, in fact, for the Were-Warg) back in 0.97. I'd rather not remove them entirely, just consider them a quirk of Aestus and Were-Warg. Aestus is just 0.7 of a second, and Warg is just 0.9 of a second in total, it's really not massive! :D

3. Trust in your crosshair! Both sail forwards fast in a straight line and should get there. But neither are meant to be sniper weapons, of course, just massive whacks of power at close/medium range. If you need range on the Warg, either fire rapid single ice balls (which are better than you might think) or switch over to Dagon's Cane/Hebiko Sceptre.


I designed Walp to make you want to switch weapons for different situations rather than carry you on a single weapon, though upgrade items can twist a specific weapon into something else or make it more versatile in many cases.

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Here's all of Heavensever's Upgrades and Mutations!!

Primary is Swings. Upgrading that makes them faster and stronger (hard to tell a bit in the video). Mutating blesses the blade so it causes a holy fire eruption when you swing.

Secondary is the Dimensional Cut. Upgrading it make it into a double X-Slash for more single-target damage. Mutating it turns it into a blazing column of crimson power instead, giving it AoE.

The basic Tertiary Fire was changed from the last video: it now creates a portal that fires a ghostly blade (up to 4 times) whenever you use one of the other fire modes. The old Tertiary (Portals) is now the Mutation as it was a bit good, whereas upgrading goes all out, summoning a massive fusilade of blades.

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8 hours ago, eharper256 said:

Thanks for checking it out, glad you enjoyed it.

1. Do you mean "Stuck in the ceiling?". If so, yeah probably, the explosive partisan shots have no hitbox until they spin. Not much I can do about that, this is generally a weakness of autonomous projectiles~ just try not to use them in super low ceiling areas (Doom Episode 1 does suffer from this especially) and if you need long range in a low ceiling zone, consider a quick switch to the Lightbringer instead.

2. Both of these were already shortened (halved, in fact, for the Were-Warg) back in 0.97. I'd rather not remove them entirely, just consider them a quirk of Aestus and Were-Warg. Aestus is just 0.7 of a second, and Warg is just 0.9 of a second in total, it's really not massive! :D

3. Trust in your crosshair! Both sail forwards fast in a straight line and should get there. But neither are meant to be sniper weapons, of course, just massive whacks of power at close/medium range. If you need range on the Warg, either fire rapid single ice balls (which are better than you might think) or switch over to Dagon's Cane/Hebiko Sceptre.


I designed Walp to make you want to switch weapons for different situations rather than carry you on a single weapon, though upgrade items can twist a specific weapon into something else or make it more versatile in many cases.

fair enough. anyway its still a very good mod cannot wait for crusader sword

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Here's all of the Dryad Form's Upgrades and Mutations (+More)!!

The Dryad Form, a bit like the Wolf Form, is actually focused around short-medium range. It has the extra role of setting up lots of traps and crowd-control.

The Primary Fire grows a wad of dangerous spiked brambles on the staff, which are then flung in front of you in a shotgun-like blast. It is quite short-ranged, but tears through enemies quite strongly. Upgrading makes the brambles deal more damage, and their range is also increased. Mutating it instead makes you transform your hands into the Fists of a Treant. The fists create shockwaves of force and natural power in a short-range in front. They are very good at stunning foes.


The Secondary Fire makes you fire off several seed pods. They bounce around, up to a close-medium range, preferring to bounce towards foes. After a few seconds, or after touching a target, they very rapidily burrow into the ground and grow at hyperspeed, turning into a deadly spiked beanstalks that impale enemies. Upgrading turns the Beanstalks into Bloodstalks, which also detonate the corpses of foes they kill. Mutating it instead makes the seeds burrow far deeper, to unleash volcanoes that vomit magma everywhere!


The Tertiary Fire grows a spitting plant in front of you. It spits globs of acid at nearby targets, and after several shots, erupts into venomous gas (this is the old Flechette effect, the Flechette is changed, which is shown towards the video end). Upgrading makes the spitter plant gain extra tendrils that whip at nearby foes. It also spits twice the acid for its life. Mutating means you no longer grow the Spitter Plant. Instead, you grow a giant mushroom. This mushroom constantly grows other dangerous mushrooms nearby, quite rapidly. If monsters step on them, they explode into spores that rot flesh, or which shrink foes temporarily. You can run over and kick shrunk foes for high damage!


The new Druid Flechette is also shown at the end. It now unleashes a swarm of flesh-eating locusts! They'll deal AoE damage in the area they're deployed, making this flechette more similar to the others in function.


Finally, you can also see the just finished sprites for Heavensever's pickup.

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1 hour ago, eharper256 said:

Here's all of the Dryad Form's Upgrades and Mutations (+More)!!

The Dryad Form, a bit like the Wolf Form, is actually focused around short-medium range. It has the extra role of setting up lots of traps and crowd-control.

The Primary Fire grows a wad of dangerous spiked brambles on the staff, which are then flung in front of you in a shotgun-like blast. It is quite short-ranged, but tears through enemies quite strongly. Upgrading makes the brambles deal more damage, and their range is also increased. Mutating it instead makes you transform your hands into the Fists of a Treant. The fists create shockwaves of force and natural power in a short-range in front. They are very good at stunning foes.


The Secondary Fire makes you fire off several seed pods. They bounce around, up to a close-medium range, preferring to bounce towards foes. After a few seconds, or after touching a target, they very rapidily burrow into the ground and grow at hyperspeed, turning into a deadly spiked beanstalks that impale enemies. Upgrading turns the Beanstalks into Bloodstalks, which also detonate the corpses of foes they kill. Mutating it instead makes the seeds burrow far deeper, to unleash volcanoes that vomit magma everywhere!


The Tertiary Fire grows a spitting plant in front of you. It spits globs of acid at nearby targets, and after several shots, erupts into venomous gas (this is the old Flechette effect, the Flechette is changed, which is shown towards the video end). Upgrading makes the spitter plant gain extra tendrils that whip at nearby foes. It also spits twice the acid for its life. Mutating means you no longer grow the Spitter Plant. Instead, you grow a giant mushroom. This mushroom constantly grows other dangerous mushrooms nearby, quite rapidly. If monsters step on them, they explode into spores that rot flesh, or which shrink foes temporarily. You can run over and kick shrunk foes for high damage!


The new Druid Flechette is also shown at the end. It now unleashes a swarm of flesh-eating locusts! They'll deal AoE damage in the area they're deployed, making this flechette more similar to the others in function.


Finally, you can also see the just finished sprites for Heavensever's pickup.

The Dryad Form look like a really cool weapon but i cannot hold myself mushroom's is awesome (shrim-ray from duke should be in more game)   

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Time to give the Dryad Form a combat test! And where more thematic than a Valley of Calm Trees?

This is a single map by "Smiling Imp" I downloaded a while back and meant to look at earlier. It looks pretty nice throughout though as you notice I did get lost a couple of times (I also got a bit obsessed about getting that jump pillar armour secret lol).


In case you missed the memo I gave before Xmas, Walpurgis 0.99 is due out in just 10 days!! (31st of January), so don't forget to keep an eye on the forums for the release!


You can get this map here:


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After the Dryad preview last week we also needed a Heavensever combat test, and here it is, with me deciding it was probably time to do another playthrough of the Base Hexen iwad. Here specifically is the first half of Hub 3, the Seminary, where we get plenty of opportunity to show how generally versatile Heavensever is!


Excuse me faffing around a bit; it's been a rather long time since I did this hub and I miss a step once or twice (lol), which is generally the cause of derps in Hexen (If this video had commentary from me, "I'm sure I remember doing step X!?!" would be one you could play a drinking game to, lol). I cut out a couple of sections to avoid you being too bored. :D


In any case, I'm pretty happy with how it is right now. The dimensional cut has a thing where it likes targeting trees and clutter sometimes (oops) and I'm going to see if I can figure out why that happens before the release, but otherwise its super solid and feels good to use.

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Yep, the Heresiarch is finally getting a big upgrade for Walpurgis 0.99.
No more long ass invulnerability phases, just an incredibly aggressive wizard lizard, as all things should be. :)

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YIKES!! Here it is, as promised, Walpurgis 0.99!!

Get it from MEGA Here
Or this GoogleDrive Mirror

Yep, it's been six months this time, I suppose (assuming you don't count 0.98A). The latter half of 2023 was, well, let's call it challenging. Work was super busy, as I had several important projects there to keep on top of, as well as training new staff. And then, my grandfather had a very rough patch where he couldn't move out of bed due to vasculitus and was almost killed because he got COVID from a routine hospital visit AND they refused to give him anti-virals to help him cope. Maintaining a solid work effort on Walp was basically impossible some weeks; and I also couldn't decide on various effects and fire modes and ending doing loads of superfluous spriting that wasn't even used in the end. So yeah... challenging...

That said, we made it! And we've nearly reached my final vision of where I wanted Walp to be. There's just 1.0 to come, which I will release on Walpurgisnacht this year (i.e. 1st of May), come hell or high water. Here's the Changelog:

'The Dryad Dimension'
+New!: 	The Crusader gets his alternate in-slot (3) weapon, Heavensever! 
	Heavensever is an Arming Sword with dimensional powers, which excels
	in long range sniping whilst also being a strong melee option.
	##[Primary Fire]## swings the sword in a smooth slashing combo. This is 
	the Crusaders most damaging melee weapon, but it does have somewhat less
	range than the spear, of course. It's mana-free by default.
	>>> 	Upgrading the Primary makes the swings more damaging and faster.
	>>> 	Mutating the Primary blesses the blade, making it cause an eruption
		of holy power whenever you swing for point-blank AoE. It costs mana.
	##[Secondary Fire]## causes a dimensional severing split, generally hitting
	a target in your vision. It is incredibly strong vs. distant single foes.
	>>>	Upgrading the Secondary makes it a double-X-slash for more power.
	>>> 	Mutating the Secondary causes it to instead create a roaring column
		of Dimensional energy, with less direct power, but good AoE.
	##[Tertiary Fire]## causes a portal to appear. Whenever you use one of the
	other fire modes, the portal launches a phantom sword at an enemy it can
	reach, that detonates. It can fire 4 times before dissipating. 
	>>> 	Upgrading the Tertiary makes you purely summon a large fusilade of
		phantom blades instead, which immediately fire off, causing havoc.
	>>> 	Mutating the Tertiary allows you to hold a portal in front of you
		whilst you hold the fire button, absorbing projectiles. If you let go,
		the portal drops, blocking projectiles that hit it in the same way.
		If you make a second portal whilst the first is active, the two will
		spin to face each other, and fire lasers rapidly between them.
	By default, this will spawn randomly along with the Firestorm Font, 
	but you can disable either of them in the Walpurgis Options if preferred.
+New!: 	The Druid gets her alternate in-slot (3), The Dryad Transformation! 
	The Dryad gets a staff and has several plant attacks that favour closer
	ranges and give powerful crowd control.
	##[Primary Fire]## grows a wad of dangerous spiked brambles on the staff,
	which are then flung in front of you in a shotgun-like blast. It is 
	quite short-ranged, but tears through enemies quite strongly.
	>>>	Upgrading the Primary makes the brambles deal more damage, and their
		range is also increased.
	>>> 	Mutating the Primary instead makes you transform your hands into the
		Fists of a Treant. The fists create shockwaves of force and natural
		power in a short-range in front. They are very good at stunning foes.
	##[Secondary Fire]## makes you fire off several seed pods. They bounce
	around, up to a close-medium range, preferring to bounce towards foes.
	After a few seconds, or after touching a target, they very rapidly 
	burrow into the ground and grow at hyperspeed, turning into a deadly 
	spiked beanstalks that impale enemies.
	>>>	Upgrading the Secondary turns the Beanstalks into Bloodstalks, 
		which also detonate the corpses of foes they kill. 
	>>> 	Mutating instead makes the seeds burrow far deeper, to unleash 
		volcanoes that vomit magma everywhere!
	##[Tertiary Fire]## grows a spitting plant in front of you. It spits 
	globs of acid at nearby targets, and after several shots, erupts into 
	venomous gas (this is the old Flechette effect, the Flechette is changed).
	>>>	Upgrading the Tertiary makes the spitter plant gain extra tendrils
		that whip at nearby foes. It also spits twice the acid for its life.
	>>> 	Mutating the Tertiary means you no longer grow the Spitter Plant.
		Instead, you grow a giant mushroom. This mushroom constantly grows
		other dangerous mushrooms nearby, quite rapidly. If monsters step on
		them, they explode into spores that rot flesh, or which shrink foes
		temporarily. You can run over and kick shrunk foes for high damage.
	By default, this will spawn randomly along with the Hebiko Sceptre, 
	but you can disable either of them in the Walpurgis Options if preferred.
+New!:	The Heresiarch (Hexen Boss) has been given the full makeover treatment to
	match the other already updated Hexen Bosses. He no longer has that ever
	frustrating (very long) invulnerability phase, but has instead been made
	considerably more dangerous and aggressive, including lightning blasts,
	rapidfire fireballs, and bouncing explosives, as well as gaining some
	appropriate voice lines.
+New!:	The Death Wyvern (Hexen Boss) also had some improvements. Notably, he 
	now fires magma blasts and is more agile than before. He may get a couple
	more tweaks in the future.
+New!:	The Druid's Flechette is changed. The old effect is now part of the Dryad
	Transformation (see above). Instead, Druid Flechettes contain terrible
	swarms of flesh-eating locusts, that quickly eat enemies alive. As a
	result, they're now more similar to other classes flechette's in providing
	(albeit unconventional) AoE damage like usable grenades.
+New!:	New Elite: Swamp Thing. Spawns instead of Stalker Spitters in Hexen. 
	It is a bruiser with lots of HP that fires off barrages of acid globs
	if it can see you, making it hard to ignore.
+New!:	New Elite: Warlock of D'Sparil. Spawns instead of Disciple of D'Sparil.
	A master of necromancy, he acts similar to a Doom Pain Elemental, except
	that he unleashes ghosts which have low HP and have a limited duration.
	However, the ghosts are much more aggressive than Lost Souls, so he
	becomes a huge priority target among other Heretic Disciples!
+New!:	Myrmidon finally gets a correct and new player sprite (with the Axe) 
	rather than using the standard Hexen Fighter and his generic sword. 
+New!:	Satyr and Satyr Gladiator finally get a Burning Death Animation.
+New!:	Added another +1-3 Taunts for each character.

+Tweak: Spider Mastermind has vastly refactored hitboxes. Now, in Walp, hitting
	the legs of the Spidey will do neglible damage: be sure to aim up a bit
	to hit the brain. As a result of this change, attacks which are floor
	based are unlikely to do very much. This is adds quite a bit of challenge
	to fighting one of them (especially given their already super upgraded
	Minigun in Walpurgis and its intimidating suppression fire). 
+Tweak:	Druid no longer holds her Baselards in a reverse grip when you're idle,
	uses an extra new sprite with a normal forwards grip.
+Tweak:	Crusader Charge Attack (Mace Upgrade) code rewritten using the Werewolf 
	Lunge punch code, which is much newer and more reliable, so it shouldn't
	randomly turn you around or miss anymore. 
+Tweak:	Although they never show up in game, starter weapons were given pickup
	sprites anyways for those people that use weapon-wheel mods. They were
	actually made for the helpcards a while ago; I just forgot to add them 
	seperately for this purpose.
+Tweak:	Craneo's slightly reshaded Werewolf arms added.
+Tweak: Corruption Cards Support updated to 5.5 version.
+Tweak:	Slight re-shuffle of the title-map to use new assets.
+Tweak:	Some Doom Monsters that used generic demon SFX now have their own.
+Tweak:	Pnakotic Manuscripts tweaked to work with the newly added weapons.
+Tweak:	DoomEd Numbers for weapons refactored to include all the new stuff.

+Balance: Myrmidon Bardiche animation tweaked so it feels slightly smoother.
+Balance: Myrmidon Bardiche Necromancy Circle now also always summons a pair of
	ghosts in the basic fire. The upgraded Fire now summons five ghosts
	instead of three.
+Balance: Crusader Firestorm Tertiary Mutation Firewall now lasts 5x longer so
	it's actually useful. It also deals around 15% more damage to any
	monsters who walk through it. 
+Balance: Magister Vis Blasts damage reduced by 20%, also applies to upgrade.
	Close range blasts damage is 5% less. Upgrade Force Cage unaffected.
+Balance: Magister Fulgur Cloud Orbiters now cost +2 mana and cannot be stacked.
	However, they now also hover higher for a better shot solution, and 
	don't get in the way of your sight as much.
+Balance: Druid's Turul (Bird) nerfed slightly again; the birds projectiles had 
	a 20% chance to do double damage before, which has now been removed.
+Balance: Druid's Hebiko Sceptre Primary Mutation Acid Spray now travels quite
	a bit further (around 70%) making it a more viable option, and giving
	it a niche of controlling crowds of lower-HP enemies.
+Balance: Mana drops have been tightened and shuffled around a bit for Doom 
	and Heretic as usually you had just a little bit too much to spare.
+Balance: In Hexen, Upgrade Items now have a high chance to spawn instead of
	Porkulators. In recompense, Dark Servants are now available again.
	Overall, this should give more upgrades in general than before
	(previously, you only got MAX 6 in total in the base Hexen iWad,  
	assuming you found all the secrets, which was a little low). 
+Fixed: Heretic Mummies were not affected by the Bardiche's Corpse Explosion due
	to some missing code. Fixed.
+Fixed: The 'Pick 1' spawner for the Myrmidon Slot 3 malfunctioned due to a 
	wrong pointer in the code. Fixed.
+Fixed: Archviles couldn't raise monsters from the dead sometimes. Fixed.
+Fixed:	Magisters sprite showed up with a Blue Robe in mirrors/chase cam. Fixed.
+Fixed:	Hexen Bishops spell firing noise was played globally. Fixed.
+Fixed:	Hexen Bishops now always check if they can see a player instead of firing
	at walls randomly because it thinks a player is there. Fixed.
+Fixed:	Hexen Cardinals (Bishop Elite) no longer randomly teleport around to
	dodge if the player can't be seen. Fixed.
+Fixed: Druid Wolf Transform had a slight jitter on the last frame. Fixed.
+Fixed:	If transformed into Wolf Mode as Druid, your player model would be stuck 
	as Werewolf forever if seen in a mirror, even if de-transformed. Fixed.
+Fixed:	Decorative Hexen rock was replaced by a Geomancy sprite accidently. Fixed.
+Fixed:	Druid was accidently made immune to some monster gas in Hexen. Fixed.
+Fixed:	Whenever Druid did a leap attack in Warg Mode, she would let out a Pain
	noise and red flash despite taking no damage. This has been fixed now.
+Fixed:	There was no mana-check if you looped the Mutated Secondary Fire of the
	Magisters Lapis Flos, so it fired forever if you held the button down
	even without mana. Fixed.


Edited by eharper256

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It's time for that series of videos of maps I do post-release, and where better to start with one of my favourites from late last year, Nostalgia 2, by Myolden!


This is one with those short and punchy "Scythe-like" maps that last 2-6 minutes each, which is one of my favourite types of megawad. I'm trying to use the Bardiche a fair bit here, since it's had some animation tweaks and smoothness improvements for 0.99 which really make it more fun to use.


In case you also missed the other news: 1.0 is due out for the actual Walpurgisnacht this year (1st May). It's been a hell of a road, but we're almost at the vision I imagined for this mod oh so long ago, and that's pretty exciting. 0.99 is super close though; it has all the weapons now, so check it out!


You can get this here:


Edited by eharper256

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Love the mod!


Found a weird bug in 0.99 with crusader's sword and its scimitar portal mode. Primary and secondary fire are mutated, tertiary is not. The portal that was supposed to summon dimensional scimitars seems stuck to the lower part of the player's model. It happened when I tried activating it near a wall and an ettin bonked me a few times. It doesn't shoot scimitars, just hovers. And sometimes when using a primary attack the view gets jerked to the sides. Attached a video with an example.


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9 hours ago, CoolStory said:

Love the mod!


Found a weird bug in 0.99 with crusader's sword and its scimitar portal mode. Primary and secondary fire are mutated, tertiary is not. The portal that was supposed to summon dimensional scimitars seems stuck to the lower part of the player's model. It happened when I tried activating it near a wall and an ettin bonked me a few times. It doesn't shoot scimitars, just hovers. And sometimes when using a primary attack the view gets jerked to the sides. Attached a video with an example.


Very bizarre bug.


Someone on youtube also mentioned it could get stuck to feet, but I can't reproduce the issue myself. The code says it should not happen (it's somehow warping to the player's 0,0 co-ordinates, I assume given this behaviour, but it should not as the command tells it to warp in front of the player on creation). It is a solid object so I guess you are somehow creating it in a small space and crushing yourself into the same small space (due to be knocked back by the Ettin) and the engine is getting confused about it's warp commands.


If it does happen again and you can reproduce it, can you see if using "noclip" on the console lets you escape? (press ~, that key in the corner between TAB and number 1, to get console if you're unaware, and then type "noclip" and press enter, and then press ~ again). If you can verify this it would answer one possible hypothesis and I can try a hotfix.

EDIT: Just checking... You're not using some kind of compatibility flags, are you? Make sure Compatibility Mode is set to default in GZDoom options. Infinitely Tall Actors is one of the compat options and I expect that might mess the portals up.

Edited by eharper256

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I managed to reproduce the bug pretty consistently by encircling myself with the portals and using alt fire (https://files.catbox.moe/ir15ov.webm).


Noclip doesn't work, the portal still follows you (https://files.catbox.moe/vm9tu6.webm).


Also, I checked and I don't have any compatibility flags enabled. And only Walpurgis settings that I changed are taunt frequency and elite spawn chance.


Unrelated to that, I feel like Druid's staff's primary mutator needs more love. Default primary fire bramble throw attack oneshots pinkies but fists-while feeling impressive visually with the screenshake effect-need like 2-3 direct hits, not even talking about Hexen's tanky monsters. Maybe shockwave damage could be left as it is while at the same time buffing single-target damage at a very close range? Staff already doesn't allow you to hit fast flying monsters like ifrits and wyverns reliably, might as well make its niche as a heavy punchy anti-ground monsters weapon more solid.

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1 hour ago, CoolStory said:

I managed to reproduce the bug pretty consistently by encircling myself with the portals and using alt fire (https://files.catbox.moe/ir15ov.webm).

Okay thanks I can reproduce it with that; however the fact that this is the reproduction method instantly tells me what it is (and what I suspected). Simply, all the objects are being forced to overlap and they don't like it, and moreover, when there are that many, it can't deliver the correct information between them and one (possibly several) end up not having spawn co-ordinates and overlapping at the (0,0) area, which is the players feet.


I've think I've made a fix by fiddling with some code, just going to do more tests and I'll throw out another hotfixed version.

Edited by eharper256

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Okay, pushed another quick fix for this.


Grab the download again if you encounter that odd bug, download links have been altered in these posts.

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Here's the second post-release video.


This mapset is 1K1K, a recently releasing community project where the goal was to make sure the map fit inside a single large map square (1000 x 1000). This means everything is stuck in economy class (lol), as you can tell in the video. Like a madman, I use Lapis Flos to throw rocks around anyways. :)


Unfortunately, I do encounter no way forwards in map 6 shown in the video, as exit lift appears to be broke.
Still you get this here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/143032

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Yep, here's the third one of the post-release videos.

This map is WITCHELL, a giant assault on a castle map, which seemed like a fun one to play Crusader on! Unfortunately, I died just before the exit due to an overdose of rockets (lol), but the map was great overall, looks really good all around, especially the exterior areas, which are greatly detailed. Keep in mind it requires the TNT iwad (or a Wadsmoosh, as I use). You can get this here:



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Note that for whatever reason, this doesn't work on anything but Vulkan mode for me, I just get a black screen with sound -- can't even see the menu. Goodness knows why.

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38 minutes ago, june gloom said:

Note that for whatever reason, this doesn't work on anything but Vulkan mode for me, I just get a black screen with sound -- can't even see the menu. Goodness knows why.

I'm exactly the same. 

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1 hour ago, Broadsword Jim said:

I'm exactly the same. 

2 hours ago, june gloom said:

Note that for whatever reason, this doesn't work on anything but Vulkan mode for me, I just get a black screen with sound -- can't even see the menu. Goodness knows why.


How bizarre. This is not a Walpurgis thing; just tried it fine on OpenGL and GLES just to make sure, get to the intro and into a level and beat up some E1M1 zombies just fine. I would check your GFX drivers and your GZDoom version.


Of course, Vulkan is best for you if you have an AMD card from the last 7 years anyways, and the difference is still slight on a nVidia. And only use GLES if you have a very weak or mobile GFX for some strange reason.

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This doesn't happen with any other mod or GZDoom in general, and curiously if I blind-launch a new game the display functions as it should.


[ETA] Some further testing reveals that bringing down the console actually fixes the issue, at least for that session. I'm betting that if I removed the TITLEMAP from the mod this problem would go away.

Edited by june gloom

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7 hours ago, june gloom said:

This doesn't happen with any other mod or GZDoom in general, and curiously if I blind-launch a new game the display functions as it should.


[ETA] Some further testing reveals that bringing down the console actually fixes the issue, at least for that session. I'm betting that if I removed the TITLEMAP from the mod this problem would go away.

Strange. There's nothing especially unique about the TITLEMAP to my knowledge. Made in UDMF in UDB. Uses assets only from the Walpurgis pk3 so as to remain iwad neutral.

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My suspicion, based on my testing, is that there's some sort of effect in the TITLEMAP that's affecting GZDoom's ability to draw a scene in OpenGL, until either the scene moves (I hadn't noticed it in my initial test but if I load up vanilla Doom 2 with Walp and blindly launch a new game, the screen is black until I move the mouse) or something overlays it (though why does the console fix it but the menu not? Mysteries upon mysteries.)

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No idea. As I say, I can't even reproduce it, it works perfectly fine on all three rendering modes on my old AMD RX580, other than taking about 1 second longer to load on OpenGLES.


For testing, you could try getting the previous version (0.98A; the link on page 12 is still active on MEGA) and see if that works the same. I made a couple of minor alterations to the TITLEMAP for this version (no new visual effects, though, just added the character models and shuffled around some of the items). Of course, if that works fine, that's even more baffling and I have no idea.


The only other thing is the usual; update your GFX drivers. I always make a habit of it every 6 months or so.

Edited by eharper256

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It's a great mod! I love that you expanded on the original Hexen cast -- I was always surprised there wasn't a rogue class for that game.

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