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Walpurgis- 0.99 (For Doom, Heretic, Hexen) [NEW RELEASE!!!]

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2 hours ago, Doomenator said:

Well, forget it, I'll fix it myself. :D

You didn't like the fixed version then? Huh... well anyway; this is what it was supposed to be; the yellow to red to black fade. I thought it was neat; the gradual lessening of the heat and then the left-behind soot.

Edited by eharper256

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Some new effects added with Algor for 0.85, that I thought I would show off in this weeks quick video. Unfortunately, this wasn't the best of the videos I could have picked to show them off; but the recording quality of the others was too low, alas.

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'Season of Repose'

+New!:    Algor gained a huge graphical update. There are new shard and cold air
       	sprites; and a new glacial spike sprite as well. Spears and Shards and
        Spikes all gain extra graphical flair. Furthermore, sounds for its
        primary shard mode got remastered so its less annoying 'bambambam!'
        all the time, and more icy and crackly.
+New!:    Crux Calicus' Vortex now lets out orbiter sparkles to give you an idea
        of its current range. So there's less trial and error from how close you
        can approach it now. Of course; using it in close quarters is still not
        really advised. XD
+New!:    Another improvement to the looks of Fulgur's Tertiary Fire bolts; they now
        let out obvious extra electrical charge. Also; if the cloud does not
        have a target, it will continue to fire bolts towards the ground rather
        than letting them off uselessly into the sky.
+New!:    Following on from its projectile updates last week; the Lightbringer
        has also had a beam upgrade; for both its main laser and the prism beam.
+New!:    Monsters frozen by Algor can now have their X-Axis flipped randomly
        on their sprite for a bit of variety in ice statues.
+New!:    Quietus Secondary Torpedo explosion got a new much better sprite; and
        its flames got a revised routine, now creating a tight helix of green
        flames rather than a sphere. Looks better IMHO.
+Tweak:    Crusader Icon of the Defender sparkle effect adjusted with new sprite.
+Fixed:    Quietus Slashes would occassionally play the 'clanging' wall-hit noise
        rather than a slash noise when hitting an enemy at distance. Fixed.
+Fixed:    Coloured strings forgot to take into account the fact that Doom's strings
        are red by default. Standardised the base colour as being white.
+Fixed:    Fulgur Tertiary Fire bolts sometimes let out Lightbringer sparkles. Fixed.
+Fixed:    Firestorm Font Secondary Decal decided it was going to break on the
        0.84 release and look like paint. It now looks as it should.
+Fixed:    Rewrote some of the code on the Lightbringer and Firestorm Font which
        were not always correctly checking their mana supply. Fixed.
+Fixed:    Potential rare issue with sprite of axe magically appearing when using
        the Mace Alt-Fire. Fixed.
+Minor:    Finally smashed all the old references to Stamina and Arcblood in the
        small amount of code leftover from HexArcana.
+Balance:    Crusader Mace Alt-Fire Smite had its damage reduced so that it
            deals less than the primary on average. It is meant to be a spacing
            tool, not the main fire mode; and this will reduce its DPS.

Get 0.85 Here at MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/0JU0xIhT#xP6SUK5G-RuleJNRcJXdOE5DzaAs6V2vBrDYIGghXDI

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hokay dokie; here's 0.86.


Get it here: https://mega.nz/file/tcs2iYSB#xkfKGZgXSUmbUkcGa7UoEyGUktWqIu35_Ag2v5SdmZ0


Not as big an update as I hoped, my anal constant adjustments all week to the effects of Firestorm were not helping myself out. I also decided I was completely not happy with the Mace upgrade effects so they're temporarily out whilst I re-think them. Nevertheless; Crusader players can now fully upgrade the Lightbringer and Firestorm; so don-don donuts lets go nuts!



'Slay and Pray'
+New!:    Lightbringer upgrades. Primary: Triple Shot, Secondary: Bouncing Beam,
              Tertiary: Lower cost, more durable prisms.
+New!:    Firestorm upgrades. Primary: Double handed flamethrower, Secondary: MIRV
              Fireball, Tertiary: Faster spinning, longer duration barrier.
+New!:     The Blessed Charm item now spawns for the Crusader so you can upgrade in
                regular games. Please keep in mind that right now; upgrades WILL NOT work
                for the Mace and for the Crux Calicus. As usual, if you wish to test it,
                "summon BlessedCharm 1" on the console allows you grab one.
+Tweak:    Algor's Glacial Spike static sprite was remodelled slightly to give it
                a flatter base, which makes it fit more flush to flats and seem less
                like its slightly hovering.
+Balance:    Crusader Mace Primary Swings damage increased by 10%, so it can more
                  reliably kill Ettins in 4 swings.
+Balance:    Crusader Mace Secondary Smite slightly slowed down.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Testing the Magister's new ultimate weapon; The Agnus Abyssus, which will debut in 0.87 along with other changes to his spells. The design of this was sitting around in my backlog for awhile; but given various comments, I figured it was time to retire Bloodscourge and give the Magister a unique ultimate to match the Crusader's Crux Calicus.

What do you think of it? I spent quite awhile getting its sprites right (it ended up being nearly 50 frames!) but I'm really happy with the result!

Edited by eharper256

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Hiya! I heard about your mod from your post on my IWAD thread, so I decided to drop in and say hello! 

Anyway, I did a cursory playthrough of your mod as each of the characters, and here's my thoughts. 

What I liked: 

- The default weapons are AWESOME. It's rare for shooters, let alone custom mods, to have weapons that feel amazing right out of the gate, but here we are. All three of the characters have fun and devastating weapons from the word go, and they are a far cry from the shitty pistols other games have. 
- Speaking of weapons, the weapons you find in the levels are even MORE awesome. From a flaming hammer that you can throw to make things explode, to a storm of fire, to void winds summoned to rip and tear through enemies, everything I stumbled across just ups the ante. 
- It still felt reasonably difficult, even with the crazy arsenal. I played it using Doom 2 on Normal, and I got punished by enemies exactly when I should have and died quite a bunch, so it gets my seal of approval from a balance standpoint. 

- I like the little graphical touches, like the decals when you slice a wall with an axe. Those were really slick. Dunno if you did those or if those were just part of the original mod, but I still liked them. 

What I didn't: 
-The wizard character feels WAY too slow. I get that he's supposed to be a squishy ranged type who needs to be clever with his spells, but using him feels like wading through a field of molasses mixed with cement. You should probably up his mobility a little bit, so it doesn't quite feel so lethargic. 

-I encountered a visual glitch where the HUD would disappear temporarily if I used the mouse wheel. Not deal breaking by any means, but still, soured the experience somewhat. 

Anyways, keep on keeping on! I'mma play some more later. :3

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Thanks for dropping by Johnny.


4 hours ago, Johnny B. Getgoode (The Guy) said:

Anyways, keep on keeping on! I'mma play some more later. :3

Glad you enjoyed a cursory play of Walpurgis. It's good you've found it reasonably balanced despite its penchant for devastation. I added in the new decals for the melee weapons and such slicing walls (around version 0.8 if I recall), partly due to Doomenators comments here on them mattering (originally the axe hit with a rocket scorch, which was kinda silly lol). Glad I did, though, was worth the effort.

I wanted to make sure that the starter weapons are not inadequate; those moments where you're out of ammo AND then stuck with no good alternative always suck, so its good they have the intended effect; even if they don't have a tertiary fire like the others.

As for Magister; he's due to return to Doomguy's base speed as of the 0.87 version (probably due this weekend) since everyone says the same as you about it. Its really interesting that everyone says that, though, since he's actually only 5% slower by default. I guess everyone playing Doom expects that speed and instantly notices the difference (lol).


I can't seem to replicate the glitch with the mousewheel though. Do you have it assigned to something from another mod? Anything else in the loadorder? It should switch through weapons by default on a flick, and move forwards on a press (for some reason... guess I've never reassigned it from the GZDoom defaults!).

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New video!


Yep, I gave the Crusader a new shield for use with his mace. I figured it was rather thematically appropriate and supporting his slightly more defensive playstyle. Moreover, it helps me shift his secondary fire to a Shield Bash which can also reflect projectiles if you can get the timing right!

This should be included in the 0.87 release along with the Agnus Abyssus!

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Yep! You can even see it in the video; reflecting the Serpent Demon fireballs! It works on Doom Projectiles, and actually you can even get zombies to kill themselves with hitscans (lol) though those require very precise timing, haha.

Edited by eharper256

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0.87: A Magical Reform


Here we go, accompanied by quite possibly the biggest changelog I've vomited out in a while (lol):

'A Magical Reform'
+New!:	AGNUS ABYSSUS Added! Bloodscourge is gone, and the Magister gets a custom
	staff instead; which uses the power of transdimensional purple hellfire.
	It's primary fire ejects rapid-fire seeking shurikens. They deal consistant
	and deadly damage at a rapid pace, and are fairly economical.
	The secondary fire charges up for a moment and Daedolon unleashes a wave
	of pyrokinetic force in a cone. Its extremely powerful!
	The tertiary fire allows you to drop a beacon. This is short-lived but
	a second tap allows you to teleport back to the beacon immediately, as
	a dodge and movement measure. You cause an explosion on arrival too!
+New!:	Fulgur's Plasma Ball has had its function altered quite a bit; it now
	bounces off floors and walls whilst still passing through enemies!
	It now has a set lifespan and will bounce about until it reaches it.
	It also starts firing its tendrils about 6 frames sooner (the minimum
	I could pull off without issues) so it'll work at a closer range now,
	though still not point-blank. Finally, it has a few new sounds.
+New!:	Lots of appearance alterations for Fulgur for the better (IMHO); the
	primary lightning is considerably more chaotic and smooth, the plasma
	ball spins differently, and the storm has a new black cloud sprite.
+New!:	Electric damage now causes a special pain state with a mildly longer stun
	that also freezes foes in their tracks as they judder from shocks.
+New!:	The Crusader gets a SHIELD! This is for use with his Mace; and as a result
	the secondary fire is now a Shield Bash that pushes foes back and stuns
	them briefly. During the animation (roughly 1/3 a second), the Crusader is
	also able to reflect projectiles and hitscans like a Centaur can.
+New!:	New, better spawner logic for weapon pieces in Doom and Heretic; so that
	its now possible to assemble an ultimate in a single level if the 
	relevant drops are available. This means that people playing singular
	large maps and people doing the Walpurgis version of 'pistol starts' in
	Doom and Heretic can play properly! Happy Days!
+New!:	Going further with the Doom Compatibility; all the classes now start the
	game with a special "Wand of Hitscan", for activating those pesky Doom
	secrets that expect you to fire a pistol or shotgun at them. Also helps
	alot with the shootable eye gimmick in Romero's Sigil episode.
+New!:	Four new weapon swing SFX for melee attacks added. New SFX for Vis blasts.
+Fixed:	Vis Primary Force Blast hitbox reduced slightly to more match its actual
	apparent size.
+Fixed:	Algor Ice Pillar dissapeared when summoned (when I remodelled it I was
	messing around with the offset). Fixed.
+Fixed:	Doom Pistol and Heretic Goldwand spawns, which are normally rare and not
	used by most maps, are now covered by Walpurgis, just in case (and they
	spawn Aetherial Mana). 
+Fixed:	Slaughtaur was green for some reason. Changed to a Dark Brown colour.
+Fixed: Using Vis then switching to Algor could sometimes cap the amount of 
	Ice Spears you could fire in the first salvo to 3. Fixed.
+Fixed:	Lots of GLDefs and Dynamic Lights rearranged and fixed.
+Balance:	After some deliberation; I've decided to up the Magister base speed
		back to Doomguy standard. The Crusader also got his raised to fit
		back in the middle. So, rather than 95%, 100%, 110% in the spread,
		its now 100%, 105%, 110% for Magi, Crus, and Myrm respectively.
		This will help with secrets that have tight timers in levels.
+Balance:	Crusader now starts with 4 AC, and Myrmidon with 3 AC, to reinforce
		Crusaders more defensive playstyle.
+Balance:	Algor's Secondary fire Ice Spears had their speed increased by around 
		70%, and their damage increased by 15%, helping	them be used easier 
		for sniping purposes. The Magister now also suspends the spears at the
		maximum charge so long as you hold the fire button, rather than them 
		automatically shooting off, which is helpful when you need a few extra 
		moments to line up your shot. If held for too long (more than 4 secs)
		it starts to consume extra Aetherial mana though. Furthermore, their 
		snagging on nearby walls when fired should be further reduced.
+Balance:	Variance of Fulgur primary increased somewhat. It may do mildly less
		damage, but will usually do somewhat more.
+Balance: 	Vis primary force blast fire had its damage increased by about 15%.
+Balance:	Magister Flechette flames deal a small amount of damage as they 
		expand if they explode through enemies, increasing the overall
		damage somewhat.

Unfortunately, with all the Magister and Crusader general changes, that does mean the remaining weapon upgrades have been pushed back another patch, alas. Still, there's plenty of new content for you to sink your teeth into.

Edited by eharper256

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made a re-take of the "Crusader rides out to meet a serpent riding Heretic" video (from the pre-release)!

The Crusader has changed a bit since that time, and much like when I revised the Myrmidon in Doom II video, I thought this one also needed an update, so here it is! I actually got all the Heretic E1M1 secrets this time as well (lol).

I probably should do a re-take of the 'vs. the Cyberdemon' video at some point as well.

In other news, I've got the foundations of the Algor upgrades in place now, but I'm thinking I probably won't make a release this week right now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

0.88- Upgraded Horizons

Suddenly a release!

Get 0.88 Here at MEGA!


All of non-ultimate weapon upgrades are done!

'Upgraded Horizons'
+New!:	Vis Upgrades! The Primary fire force discs hits harder and propel enemies 
	much further with its blasts. The Secondary fire loses its normal short 
	range, and fires off infinitely into the distance. 
	Adding a Tertiary gives the Magister the ability to fire off a special
	force sphere that hauls a foe off the ground and crushes it to death!
	This effect requires concentration for a time from the Magister, though.
+New!: 	Algor Upgrades! Algor's Primary ejects more ice shards in a mesmerising
	swirling pattern. Algor's Secondary ice spears become rapid fire death. 
	Algor's Tertiary now erects its glacial pillars around the target you
	specify (wall => prison), trapping them inside ready to be shattered. 
+New!:	Fulgur Upgrades! Fulgur's Primary now chains to nearby targets on hit.
	Fulgur's Secondary ejects additional shockballs as it flies and bounces.
	Fulgur's Tertiary makes the Storm fire quicker and fire a flurry of bolts
	at its end; and the bolts also leave residual electricity sometimes.
+New!:	Mace & Shield Upgrades! Primary now includes a lesser version of the old
	holy smite every 3rd/4th hit depending on combo. Secondary makes the 
	shield bash stronger and gives it a better projectile reflection vector.
	Adding a Tertiary gives the Crusader the means to charge at a target at
	very high speed to deliver a devastating mace smash!*

+New!:	Vis also got a few brand new; much swankier looking sprites for its force
	blasts; as well as a pseudo-3d enhancement effect. Swizz!
+New!:	Quietus Tertiary Fire has new sprites with much more spectral green
	flames applied (for both the blade swing and the projectiles). This both
	more matches the general coloration and reinforces its green flames image. 
	Its average damage was also slightly increased and it got new sound fx.
+Misc:	The readme was rather out of date; so I gave it an overhaul with new info.
+Balance: Five frames of animation were clipped from Algor's secondary fire
	to speed it up in general. It feels more responsive now, though
	the animation seems a little less impressive. I'll test the thoughts
	on this one to see whether people like it.

*= Despite my best efforts, the charge-attack still acts strangely sometimes.
   I'll see what people think of it and try to improve its programming.

Lots of fun stuff here; hope you enjoy it.

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  • 1 month later...

Here a sneak peak video of the new Ichival Bow in action!

Disclaimer: Not the final version; its only got the primary fire right now; and I'm not sure about the effects the final version will have.


This bow is due to be the ultimate weapon of the 4th class that's currently in development.

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16 hours ago, Doomenator said:

I think better to make bow shoulders and bowstring without any visual magic effects, only luminous arrows and runes.

As I say, this isn't the final version. I might consider having a less magical bowstring as it does look a bit odd. Still, I'm happy with the sprite as a whole.

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Here's a preview for the slot 3 weapon for the new class: The Hebiko Sceptre!

As you can probably guess, this is a completely remade Serpent Staff, as it was previously removed from the Crusader's Arsenal in Walpurgis in favour of the Lightbringer; as it was, much like the Wraithverge, not very holy.

However, I liked the idea of a serpentine weapon, and its ideal for the new class. It's primary fire shoots serpentine acid projectiles, the secondary is a hypnosis mode that temporarily gets enemies to fight for you (not very effective on Ettins here, but deadly on the right target), and the tertiary lets out a cloud of poisonous gas.

You might be able to guess what the new class is by now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

New video! Showing off a couple of things here in the progress up to the 0.9 version. First of all, the starter weapon of the new class, the Baselards (Daggers). As well as having a swishy, stabby quick and poisonous melee, you can throw them with the secondary fire. The thrown ones can bounce around!


The latter part of the video also shows off the footsteps I've added recently (I spent quite a while looking for sounds for them, as well as muxing some of my own).

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Here's the final 'weapon' of the new class, who I am now happy to reveal as being "Illitheya the Druid". The astute would have already noticed her lady sound-effects and slender arms in the previous videos. :)

I revealed this one last because any D&D affectionado would see a 'shifts into a wolf form' and immediately thinks Druid, haha.

It also took the longest to get looking decent enough for me to feel it was worth a video. In this specific case, it's a Winter Were-Warg form; I see her as still staying upright, and just being floofy, haha. The Warg Form has claw slashes for its primary fire, has a charge-up comet of compacted ice as the secondary fire, and has a frost-spewing ground-slam as the tertiary. As you're a canine, your vision also goes monochrome! :D


Its been pretty fun developing her so far, though its an exhausting amount of spritework and soundwork when the vast majority is custom resources.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A video of the final Druid in Action, playing the first three levels of Doom!

There are also a few new highlights for the observant; including a revised HUD, and seeing her Flechette (the Frenzyweed) in action for the first time, as well as a few other things!


I imagine I should be able to get the 0.9 release out by sometime this weekend, though no set in stone promises.

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Well, it took 2 months, but here it is!


Get 0.9 at MEGA here
Or at GoogleDrive here



'Wild Thing!'
+New!:	Illitheya The Druid stirs from the Wild!
	Yup, she's the fourth class I've teased for awhile. She's faster than
	the Myrmidon, though between the Crusader and Magister on HP (90), and 
	with the lowest potential Armour (lower than the Magister)! Glass Cannon!
	Her weapons are: 
	1) Baselards. She's an adept dagger user. The primary fire shanks/slashes.
		The secondary fire throws knives. Both modes have a low poison effect.
	2) Lupin Charm/Winter Warg Transformation.* Using this charm, she turns
		into a werewolf! Primary Fire slashes, Secondary is a charge up ice
		comet shot, and the Tertiary is a ground-slam, which increases in power 
		if used after leaping off ledges/otherwise gaining more momentum.
	3) Hebiko's Sceptre. This sceptre is blessed with the powers of snakes.
		Primary fire shoots homing acid snake projectiles. Secondary is a 
		hypnosis effect that temporarily charms enemies. Tertiary lets
		loose a cloud of deadly corrosive gas that hangs around for a while.
	4) The Ichival. The 'Bow of the Brightest Butterfly', its seperate from the 
		Shining One's light relics used by the Crusader, it only acts to protect
		natural things. It has a variety of deadly ways to use arrows of light.
	F) Her Flechette spawns a vicious pitcher plant that spits acid globlets at
		nearby foes, and then explodes into a poisonous cloud after it runs out.
	I) Her Icon of the Defender regenerates 45 Health each second, as well as
		giving the usual 50% Flat damage reduction that all classes Icons get.
	A) Her Ambit Incant permanently increases her HP by 10 (up to a maximum of
		of 120 HP, as well as the usual infinite mana for 10 seconds.
	There are no upgrades for her at the moment. No upgrade items will spawn
	for her; this is so I can get tweaks and feedback on the base first!
	* = Note that the warg mode changes your vision to monochrome. If you
		don't like this, you can change it in the Walpurgis Options menu.
+New!:	Footsteps ZScript by DenisBelmondo added. Made a few tweaks to update to
	new GZDoom (notably, using A_StartSound rather than A_PlaySound), and 
	adding several new definitions, as well as adding Heretic and Hexen step
	noises for all the flats. It works in all three games.
+New!:	Mana Wisps now have their own sprite that makes them considerably more
	visible than before, especially when they're dropped from corpses.
+New!:	Testing new Hexen monster varieties! 
	1) Sergeant Ettin (Chainmail version) finally makes it in. Around 1 in 8
		Ettins will be this. He shows his rank superiority by having much
		more melee sense than his cousins; dashing at you to strike and often
		trying to flank you. He hits harder, lasts longer, and can also fling 
		maces at you if you try to keep the middle distance.
	2) You'll sometimes see a dangerous Mud-Golem show up sometimes to replace 
	    Stalkers in their swampy habitats in Hexen. He's a recoloured Wedigo
		in brown, who spits deadly mud balls at you with serious force.
	I will gradually add in extra Heretic and Doom monsters as well if there
	is positive feedback to these.
+New!:	HUD improvement. Adjusted HUD graphics and amended code, with the
	focus on increasing easy readability and information. The Armour is
	now shown as its percentage % value, rather than the always obscure AC.
	The coloured HP, Mana, and Armour indicators (on by default) have had
	a few alterations and fixed a weird glitch in how it checks for mana.
	The individual Mana # displays will now only show colour if you're 
	actually using that type of mana; and will otherwise be grey, but visible.
+Tweak: Re-written Weapon Spawning Code to allow for extra class. This does have
	a slight side-effect, namely that in Hexen maps where, say, the Fighter 
	gets their 2nd weapon earlier than the Mage, that will no longer be class
	specific. The earliest weapon available will be available to all.
+Tweak:	Jump sound effect for all classes.
+Tweak:	New Crux Calicus Sound when it fires the Vortex Shot. New Lightning
	sound effects for Fulgur primary fire.
+Tweak: Mushroom Poison clouds in Hexen now inherit new gas sprite made for the
	Hebiko Sceptre. 
+Tweak:	Algor coloration for ice spikes made to match the other parts.
+Tweak:	Ettin and Centaur melee sound effects- they used to always sound like 
	they hit something even when they missed. I've now made them more like
	the Myrmidon's sounds, so the swing noise is seperate from the impact.
+Fixed: Vis Tertiary Fire sometimes didn't visually follow the enemies centre
	when crushing them. This is purely cosmetic, but was fixed nevertheless.
+Fixed:	Vis Tertiary Fire didn't have +SKYEXPLODE, so it failed to complete its
	code and locked the players animation if the shot hit the sky. Fixed.
+Fixed:	Vis Tertiary Fire could sometimes instagib bosses in Hexen due to them
	reaching terminal velocity. To high HP targets it will now do around 300
	to 400 damage on detonation, as it should.
+Fixed: New Vis animations trail effect didn't have blank frames at its start,
	so it could cause a white flicker effect on the players screen; this 
	should now be reduced.
+Fixed:	Fulgur Chain Lightning (Primary upgrade) has been given piercing in case 
	its target choice is something in a strange place.
+Fixed: Fulgur Plasma Ball could sometimes become very small and strangely
	shaped due to an errant decimal point. Cosmetic, but fixed nontheless. 
+Fixed:	Fulgur Primary fire performance optimised somewhat. It should need less
	beef from your GFX, and shouldn't lag as much now.
+Balance:	A handful of minor damage tweaks to several base modes and weapons.
+Balance: 	Revised Armour drop routine should increase armour variety in Doom
	wads that have an obsession with spamming Green Armour all the time
	which is annoyingly common and leads to situations where your armour
	is always quite low as you're just constantly changing your shoes...
+Misc:	The Walpurgis Testing Map is now innately included in the mod. You can
	go there by typing "map walptest" on the console with no quotations. 
	BUT IT REQUIRES you to currently be using the HEXEN iWad; or else you'll
	get a bunch of bad textures and cyberdemons (lol). I may get around to
	making a Doom and Heretic version eventually; but its not there now.
+Misc.	Huge swathes of organisation in directory structure, SNDINFO, and a few
	other places to make them less of a clustertruck. 

Huge changelog is huge.

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I mean, I still have no idea what you were originally complaining about with the Firestorm... you never really explained it; and have you seen any burnt down houses? They will indeed have large amounts of charcoal and soot:

So... application of sufficient amounts of Firestorm should produce black textures... (sigh). I mean, in a standard game it should be the least of your worries anyway, Doom's about running around alot, remember. XD That said, I will put on the list a CVAR option for fade to nothingness flames.


That said, its really easy to remove in SLADE, just comment out the last four lines of the DECALDEF.txt (the last four generators).



As an aside to everyone here who reads this: It would be nice if Doomworld actually commented on how balanced Walp was on high difficulties; since theres alot of skilled people here and its data I usually can't gather myself as I can't usually deal with how crazy hard most 2010s levels are. I'd love the megawad club to give it a shot or suchlike... But I guess GZDoom players AND Mod players are really thin on the ground here; its a shame.

Edited by eharper256

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7 hours ago, eharper256 said:


Magic fire is not so strong for a lot of soot.

Yes, it's easy to remove, but this is not an option for me. I like the presence of decals. I removed the red and orange color and added transparency. You can also make only one decal in the center of the main hit, so that will not stain all the walls.

Regarding the balance. Unfortunately, I don't have time to do detailed testing.

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And we're back to magic thermodynamics. So it can be strong enough if I say its strong enough. Because Magic. Because IF it has rules, they don't need to be the same rules. We've gone over that.



Unfortunately, I don't have time to do detailed testing. 

Do you have any idea how insulting that is? (sigh)

Seriously Doomenator... that's like going to buffet to stare at the food, loudly shouting you hate how it looks, and then leaving without taking a bite. Or buying a book just for it to sit decorating your shelf, cursed to be never read. Its unproductive, unprofessional and demoralising.

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