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Custom pickup sound help


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Hi im completly new to modding and i want to make a mod that changes some sounds like pickups :) 

Things i want change:


Big Medkit

Small Medkit

Vial Potion


Green Armor

Blue Armor

Helmet Armor


Key sound

Skull sound


I want it for GZDoom and .pk3, i have the sound files, (https://drive.google.com/open?id=17iZkIpfCsmdYhMjrdRLh1_kRVTlqIeH_)

Can someone post me a tutorial how to do it please? 

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I will try to do this the best as I can with my knowledge from coding, I may be wrong but let this at least help you a bit.

First of all, if you know how to code, a Inventory item has a Inventory.PickupSound property, which while I have never used should work as:

ACTOR Armor : Inventory native
  Inventory.PickupSound "misc/armor_pkup"

The above example is how it is seen on the ZDoom's wiki for the Armor class (https://zdoom.org/wiki/Classes:Armor)

While the "full" code for say, ArmorBonus is here (https://zdoom.org/wiki/Classes:ArmorBonus)


Now, let's suppose you know the basics of coding as I somehow do.

I am pretty sure to make this work you'll have to do a "replace" thing on your actor, say..


ACTOR ArmorWSound : replaces Armor / ACTOR ArmorWSound : Inventory native
  Inventory.PickupSound "soundcoolname/soundfilename" //soundcoolname works like the "misc/" on the above example, soundfilename like the "/armor_pkup"

Noooow, the hardest part here would be to define your sounds in a SNDINFO entry, I say hard because I don't really know how to right now, but I have done it before.



$random pl_death { player/death1 player/death2 player/death3 }

player/death1 pldth1
player/death2 pldth2
player/death3 pldth3

The above example is on the wiki and it's used for "randomizing the player's death sound to one of three different sounds".


player/death1 is equal to misc/armor_pkup while pldth1 is the actual sound.

You'd do this:


armor/pkupsnd armsnd1

This goes in your SNDINFO file, while the sounds go in the sounds/ directory inside your pk3.

The filename MUST be 8 characters and if it exceeds the limit it won't play no matter if you wrote the sound's name right.


Now I feel that I missed something, but let's go to the possibly final step, adding the sound to the actor.


ACTOR ArmorWSound : replaces Armor / ACTOR ArmorWSound : Inventory native
  Inventory.PickupSound "armor/pkupsnd"


Soooo I think that's all, or at least it will work as a reference.

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hmm... seems easy, but i dont even know how to begin... i didnt found any usefull tutorials on youtube or anyehere else... if i ask you nicely to do it for me? i could even pay you some small amount ;)

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1 hour ago, corszo said:

hmm... seems easy, but i dont even know how to begin... i didnt found any usefull tutorials on youtube or anyehere else... if i ask you nicely to do it for me? i could even pay you some small amount ;)


I don't need to get paid as I'm just helping but thanks, and to be honest that's all I know because I have never done Inventory coding and I don't reaaaally like coding stuff, what I told you is some stuff from the wiki, so I couldn't really tell because I mainly do simple stuff for monsters and weapons :p

Depends on what you want to learn, be it DECORATE or ZScript, ZScript is much bigger and currently heavily supported, DECORATE is "simpler" but outdated IIRC, so it really depends, heh

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