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How to create good MIDI

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I want to get into making music, and I have a simple-in-theory program called MidiEditor to use. However, I do not know how to use it properly or how to get a decent track running. Is there any tutorials on making good MIDI, like a beginner's guide or something?


P.S. I am aware of other programs like Sekaiju, but I don't think I'll be using it because it looks really complicated. Any other SIMPLE recommendations are helpful!

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There are some questions a person may ask itself before star composing:
-I know music theory? If yes, go ahead, if no, no matter what you do, it will come a a pretty abstract take on music, not bad per ce, but quite difficult to approach.
-I have a MIDI keyboard? if yes, the composing process becomes faster, if no, well, you got to mouse & click on the piano roll for every note you want. Its tedious, but a lot of people made music this way and they come to be pretty good composers.

Once this questions are answered you can start nicely with whatever program you come across that have MIDI sequencer.
One i recommend in particular, because i hate to mouse & click, and if you only know music theory and know how to write music on a sheet, is Finale, is a good music sheet editor, also free, that also comes with a MIDI module that let you  convert the sheet composition on a .mid file an so be used by other programs. Take in consideration that this method is only good if you really like to write music in sheets and know how to work with the music dynamics (piano, messopiano, mesoforte, Forte, Fortissimo, etc)
LewkForce was a good midi composer that offered all his composition made in Sibelious (a program similar to Finale) to the community. Even the good old Jimmy gives  praise to some of LewkForce's compositions.
Learning how to use Finale is easy, you got the sheet with the instrument you want, the notes are in the American system: Do=C, RE=D, MI=E, FA=F, SOL=G, LA=A, SI=B, and you select the duration of the note with the num pad. Its easy and fast once you get the practice.

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