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Got any unique .WADs?


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After playing The Golden Souls 2, I crave more uniqueness! So I thought I'd start a thread to post some of the more unique (but still good) wads!

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It depends on what kind of uniqueness you refer to. 

Cybs void is a very unique and enjoyable mod, whereas the sky may be is more like a descent into some cockney hell. 

If you want a good experience, here's what I could promote, I'm sure a lot of people have newer mods though:

-Void: doom/hexen hybrid game play


-zen dynamics: new Everything


- cyber dreams, if you like puzzle solving and getting blown up simultaneously... 


-gmota new everything


-shrine, and shrine 2 demo: new everything


D4v- doom 4 vanilla, new weapons and monsters, but no changes game play wise


- possess me, doom style gameplay


Wrath of cronos - hexen mod, changes so much it ain't funny


There's a lot more out there, I mostly look into game play modifiers, myself, but these are some of the best I can think of within criteria. 

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The following list should keep you busy :)

  • TCs
  1. Castlevania TC (same author)
  2. The Edge of Time
  3. Daytime Drama
  4. Hedon 
  5. The Adventure of Square (comical art style and storytelling. Also free game)
  6. Wolfenstein Blade of Agony (a id Tech 1 Wolfenstein game with many modern FPS mechanics)
  • Traditional-styled wads
  1. Going Down (mostly in terms of level design and storytelling)
  2. Preacher (the starting teleporter gimmick)
  3. Dimension of The Boomed (Quake remade in Doom with its own twists)
  4. Valiant (overall theme, weapon and enemy design)
  5. Ancient Aliens (level design)
  6. Lilith (glitchy (Z)Doom)
  7. REKKR (Vanilla compatible, medieval-themed)
  8. Cyberdreams (puzzle wad)
  9. Finely Crafted Fetish Film (puzzle wad with some embedded Lua script thrown in for e.g pushable barrels)
  10. Sunder / Sunlust (graphics)
  11. Eternal Doom (very non-linear in terms of level design. Also medieval-themed mostly.)
  • Gameplay mods
  1. The Soldier Z / Hideous Destructor (Doom with realism. The former is more forgiving)
  2. Doom Delta (Doom alpha beta stuff jampacked into a single mod)
  3. Russian Overkill
  4. MetaDoom (Elements from all Doom games jampacked into a single mod)
  5. Doom EXP (RPG stuff in Doom, with some Doom 5 weapons thrown in)
  6. GMOTA (Medieval stuff in Doom. Expanded into a gameplay mod.)
  7. Combined_Arms (Doom weapons with meaty feedback)
  8. ZMovement (Bhopping in Doom)
Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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