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1995 called. They want their Doom levels back.

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7 hours ago, ketmar said:

a game without a shotgun and without a rocket launcher? eh, not a threat.

That's what I'm thinking xD


Seriously, though.. it's heavily catering to the "I guess I like cute things" side of me. I haven't really played Animal Crossing since it was on the GameCube xD


But after AC last night I still spent another 2 hours on cleaning up the misaligned messes of E1M3 and the things that "don't sit with me" are becoming fewer and fewer.


If I don't crash after my workday today (because those before-mentioned 2 hours started at around midnight yesterday xD), I will probably finish E1M3 today.

If I do crash, then I'll finish it tomorrow :)


Either way, you'll get to play it this weekend!





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Update time!


Remember this post? Of course you do! It was only yesterday. C'mon.


Everything from it (aside from a little bit of "1") is fixed by now but I'm too tired to fix that bit today.


Here's a little sample:


Different angle (and not one you see in game) but it shows the changes well


I'm excited about tomorrow when this will very very (very very very) likely be finished up.. but right now I'm more excited about bed~



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Update time! Again!


Remem~ ..no.. no this is getting old.


Let's stick to the facts. The last previously unfixed eyesore has been updated and "de-browned" massively.




It was really rather brown.




Less brown. More GSTONE1, more wood. Who doesn't love wood?


I even almost got the same angle this time! yay!


Now for the bad news:


I didn't sleep enough last night and it's already midnight again. That room still needs some testing and a "nicer" switch sequence to get to the yellow key skull.


Also, don't worry about the mention of "switch sequence".. it's really just a "lower a lift to get to the switch that enables access to the.. sacrificial altar". It's not too "un-199X", I think.. and it's really the only thing I changed about the interactivity and pacing in this whole level.


Wait- I'll show you!


There's this switch behind the raised altar platform:



It lowers this lift:

e1m3h2a.png.5bb00036cd1b06c1ce21c26d9d05c1d7.png > e1m3h2b.png.f1243dd2cbc2e07680db7b50c098d8c3.png

..which then lets you get to the switch (seen above) that raises stairs. That's basically already it.

Some more stuff happens after.. but that's not part of this description xD


The Problem:

The line that triggers the stairs.. (under the crosshair in the second image above) can be used.. even when the lift is (still) up, since the line is "available" to be pressed. You don't see that there's a switch but Doom doesn't care, obviously ^^;


I'm debating (with myself) whether to slightly move the switch to instead be inside the wall on the right, and a little ways "into" the wall, so to speak.. requiring you to lower the lift because it'll otherwise be obscured. Or I might leave it as it is and just add another lift (with the same tag as the lift that allows you to get down), which blocks the "stair switch" behind it.


That's something I want to try out and test in peace- and right now I'm too drowsy. So I'll do this tomorrow.


But as you can see I wasn't lazy xD


I'll update this tomorrow!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Is it a summary when I'm not done yet?


The adjustments to that one room worked beautifully. 


However, when you get to the exit, you still have way too much ammo:


..and shells, too. That's more than one normal person could carry!


So.. I guess the question is- do you want to play the level with the layout done but too much ammo? Or should I do some more balancing so it's actually more fun?


While you think about it, I'll work on it some more xD

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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"Feeling Cute, Might Delete Later"


I thought you might like an early-ish look at the actual level. Just the new version this time, because it's still "work in progress".

The layout won't change anymore (it hasn't changed much at all, anyways ^^) but balancing is still an issue (see last post).


Here you go: M3-WIP.zip


Some impressions:


You mean people lived like this in 1995?



Aww.. DOOM E1M1 throwback!



This can't be good..





I hope you enjoy this. I'm open to feedback!


(I won't link this post in the original first topic post because it's really not 100% done yet but I wanted to share :3)

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I think you should swap out some of those cell packs for boxes of bullets first :P Ammo diversity is usually a good thing imo

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13 hours ago, Horus said:

I think you should swap out some of those cell packs for boxes of bullets first :P Ammo diversity is usually a good thing imo

That's what I thought, too ^^ Thanks for the feedback!


I'll look into it more today (Monday) xD ..but I will be busy for most of today so I wanted to make good on my "promise" (implication) that it would be playable "this weekend" ^^;; ..even if that ended up being the very end of the weekend, yesterday. Unless you consider today part of the weekend, because it's a public holiday here = long weekend..? xD


I think the problem is that I gave the player "enough ammo to finish the level" ..for more than one weapon. Also, I only tested on HMP, while other difficulties have different monster counts (and also slightly different ammo placement) which is a whole other can of worms.


I understand (now more than 25 years ago) that ammo and health add their own "detail layer of pacing" to a level, though, which is why I didn't want to call this level "done done" yet.


Meaning: I'll swap some of 1995's generosity for the necessity to swap weapons xD There are some spots in the levels where you're perilously close to hearing the proverbial empty "click" of the last magazine on your last gun.. but then you find that one big storage area and (if you survive it) come out with quite a surplus.


I guess you can already check it out now but if you want to wait for a more wholesome experience, come back Tuesday :)


Update: I'm visiting my parents today and starting the night.. so.. no update until Wednesday (or very very late Tuesday)

Edited by Zylinderkatze
Added the update.

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More updates.


Not that many, though, since I spent most of today at my parents'.. but I did add some difficulty tweaks (as in: moved a few enemies around, removed & replaced a few ammo pickups, replaced a blue armor with a green one.. stuff like that). It feels a lot more rounded on HMP now but I'm not going to update the uploaded "alpha" from yesterday. instead I'll put out the final "official beta" tomorrow. Finally.


Also also, I didn't mention this before but I was much meaner in 1995. There's a few spots where a Caco on HMP is straight up replaced with a Baron on UV / NM. Problem is, I believe the previous ammo distribution was more in line with those Barons.. and since I adjusted them to my playtesting on HMP, there is likely not enough ammo on the highest difficulties. I did add a few more ammo pickups back in for those difficulties but they aren't tested yet.


I'll likely add a disclaimer that (for the beta stage of E1M3) the recommended difficulty is HMP. Because I'm lame like that ^^; 

I will do more dedicated testing & balancing for higher and lower difficulties.. but likely not until the time when I create the final "episode-megawad".


Related Example:

In this previously posted (editor) screenshot, the Baron is an additional enemy on "Hard", while the Cacodemon appears on Medium and Hard:


That difficulty distribution is 1:1 taken from the original version of the level


So to those of you who feel "underchallenged" by HMP and prefer to test their limits.. this level isn't for that, yet.


I believe that E1M1 and E1M2 might (to a lesser degree) have a similar problem.


We'll get there!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Oh it's tomorrow already?


It is done. E1M3 is in a state that I would consider "shareable".


And here it is:


M3-compare.zip (externally hosted now)


Which one is this?: 2020


Just start at E1M3 and you, too, can see this


Wait, isn't this the other one?: 1997


Old but gold? Find this version relocated at E2M3


This is symptomatic for the rest of the level- mostly adjustments to light levels and texture alignments / detailing. Nothing too crazy, I'd say.

This is the first case of a "sensible overhaul", instead of the previous "completely new" (E1M1) and "vastly adjusted" (E1M2) efforts.


Here are some impressions from the new version:



Wait.. am I too late for the party?



Where's the cake? I was told there would be cake. D:




And please let me know what you think :)

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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[[END OF E1M3]]


8<--------------------------------------- cut here




However, the "one week" I originally projected for the work on E1M3 actually was closer to two weeks. Last post like this (switching from E1M2 to E1M3 that time) was on the 19th.


So let's see how long it'll take me to "storm" through this thing:


What's that thing in the lower right corner? ô_ó 

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1 hour ago, Zylinderkatze said:

Aww look! How thoughtful.


Difficulty-based gore levels ^^; Left-to-right: Hard, Medium, Easy.

Pretty neat idea!

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58 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

Pretty neat idea!


Thanks! My 199X self had some.. unconventional ideas. 


Not sure if it was actually my idea back then, though. I might've picked it up elsewhere. But it was my idea to put it into action! That much can't be disputed xD


Btw, the first pass of "asserting the damage" (i.e. going through the level inside the editor in visual mode) along with some adjustments (aside from lowering the light levels xD) is well underway. I'm trying to save as much of the level as possible :)


Also, E1M4 is small(ish). Smaller / less complex than E1M3, at least.


Even so, though, I am not sure yet how much time it will take me. Aiming for the proverbial "week" but I don't trust myself xD



At least I am playing Animal Crossing for less than 2 hours a day by now so there's one time sink less.. or at least lessened~


More soon!

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Actually, more now!


Here's a "before" and "during" (since I've just gotten started) of the starting area:




Everything is the same height and the roof of the building in the middle is too "thin"


Current (WIP):


The roof of building on the left feels more massive, there's some added detail and alignment, etc


It's coming along :3 



Also, a question (with an introduction, even):

I usually try to use textures in a way where they start with a logical edge (like the GSTONE1 bricks in the "Current" screenshot). However with the "GRAY"s (here GRAY7) I feel a little less obsessive. I do align them horizontally (and make them match up vertically in some form) but I don't always feel like I need to have a darker or lighter edge along the top (or bottom) of walls. 


Case in point: the gray building in the middle now has 14 pixels worth of darker grey (gray*) along the top.

I sometimes even use something like that for accents or to add a hint of structural detail. To put it in glorifying terms xD


The question: What are your collective thoughts on this?


I guess it's my choice, since I am the one creating this mess.. err.. masterpiece.. but how does it "feel" to you?

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Last update for tonight (possibly)


I can't help myself but this cut off light texture on the ceiling (FLAT17) almost works, visually:


Do you see the light?


I am not going to leave it like this because I feel like I'd rather properly frame the light or at least not have a line cut through the actual lamp part of it.. but it almost works for me. Maybe it's the dark edge from the upper texture lining it. Maybe it's the higher light level inside that sector. I'll try not to get hung up on this detail.. but I wanted to share ^^

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I just realized that the upload limit is accumulative. I should probably host the levels on my own server (and the images on some free image host) instead of attaching them all to this topic.. I'll fix that tomorrow.


Also: I lied! O_O


..because I said the previous update would be the last. Now this one is the last. For today. Until I've cleaned stuff up in this topic / thread so that I can actually attach the screenshot I was going to add ^^; Basically I was going to post an image of one of the last rooms from my playthrough just now.. which already had a light level of 120, all the way back in 1995 / 1997.


So much darkness.



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(downloaded M3, still didn't started it. oops. let's hope that i'll play it before M5 will be ready...)

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14 hours ago, ketmar said:

(downloaded M3, still didn't started it. oops. let's hope that i'll play it before M5 will be ready...)

You still have time xD


Because even though I am still convinced that E1M5 will not have to undergo too many changes, I am feeling as though the one I am currently working on (E1M4) might need a little more attention than I originally thought. It has a lot of "open door, shoot guy" repetition. Not too many ambushes or surprises. And too many barrels (as in, more than what can be used tactically ^^)


I just detached the ZIP files that I originally foolishly attached to this topic. They are external links now. I'll have to do that with the images too, though, because some images on this topic are bigger (in file size) than a zipped WAD xD


Maybe I'll just use external links for everything from now on, now that there's a bit more breathing room ^^;

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Another update

(again without a screenshot)


Hello! *waves*


I have a confession to make.


This current level (E1M4) in it's current state is -in my opinion- barely half as much fun or as intuitive to play as E1M3. It didn't age as well. I don't know exactly what to do about it yet.. but I'm doing it anyways. Meaning: There's a bunch of level flow hiccoughs that I'm working on removing. I hope that after those adjustments the flow will have been restored and the level will be more fun. Fun enough. Worthy of publishing.


I don't really have a Plan B but all things considered, I think it's salvageable. I am still sticking to the idea that I'll keep most of the level intact / as it is.


Metaphorically speaking, it's not a "turd" that will still be a turd even if I polish it. It's not that bad.


I'm not frustrated about it or pessimistic. I am merely looking at it critically ^^


I'll go into more detail (with pictures!) over the weekend.


Take care people!

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This is the Federal Doom Inspection Board. We heard 1995 wants rare and exquisite Doom levels. We say no to that, that they belong to us.



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On 6/5/2020 at 7:09 PM, Zylinderkatze said:

You still have time xD

i hope so. making libart great again is time consuming. and don't even ask me why i need antialiased high-quality vector graphics engine in k8vavoom. ;-)

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13 hours ago, warman2012 said:

This is the Federal Doom Inspection Board. We heard 1995 wants rare and exquisite Doom levels. We say no to that, that they belong to us.




Oh no! It's the FDIB! Quick! Through the secret door! *runs headfirst into the wall*

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1 hour ago, Zylinderkatze said:

Why do you need an antialiased high-quality vector graphics engine in k8vavoom?

heh. do you know any other Doom sourceport with such feature? suck it up, gzdoom, you will never be able to render vector images with such quality! therefore, gzdoom is obsolete, and k8vavoom is the best.

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1 hour ago, ketmar said:

heh. do you know any other Doom sourceport with such feature? suck it up, gzdoom, you will never be able to render vector images with such quality! therefore, gzdoom is obsolete, and k8vavoom is the best.


I guess I set myself up for that one xD


Sounds exciting, actually.

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First update with remotely hosted images!


Here's one of the detailing / sensible modernizing results of a building that requires a blue key to get in:


"Before": The 199X version. There's COMPBLUE lining the door but it's not very obvious.



"Current": More compact and more obviously "blue"-related. Also: Skull.


A lot of other stuff is coming along as well. Testing the level feels more "snappy" now and I added a few neat little traps (and adjusted existing ones) to maybe make you hate me just a little, but in a good way.


Currently, this outside area has too many imps, though. Not in a way that you can't deal with.. but in a way that feels repetitive. I'll add some diversity to it.


All those things aside, though, the level is still not very "sly" or "smart". Not that it has to be.. but there's nothing happening that would make you go "oh, nice!". Neither honestly nor sarcastically. I'm working on that though. Not as a token but because it makes sense.



Added info / Background for this level:

Confession time. When I was much younger (i.e. in 199X) and I had just gotten into the editing, I got really into it. Meaning editing and playtesting late into the night and scribbling out level ideas during the day. It got so.. shall we say.. excessive, that I started dreaming Doom some nights. Complete with monsters and all. Usually whole sequences, too- with various different areas, encounters, you name it. Not in a scary way, though. It felt more like a visual tour of a thing that was waiting to become real. This level is the result of one of those dreams. The whole outside area, that is.


Speaking of outside area:


This is a screenshot (duh) from the old version of the level. The purple rectangle isn't part of the level ^^;


Basically the whole area you see in that screenshot is what I dreamed xD


The problem is that the dividing section inside the purple rectangle was added as an afterthought because the level I had envisioned was too complex / too big. I couldn't find a way to make it work in Vanilla. So instead I made a hard cut through the middle and left it at that. Coming back to it now, I am kind of dissatisfied with that "solution" and so I'm changing it.


The wall will remain but you won't just walk through a door in the middle like you could in 1997. The way around it will make more "architectural sense", though. I think. And also help with flow / guiding the player.


More info when I have it xD


Edited by Zylinderkatze

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6 hours ago, Zylinderkatze said:

I guess I set myself up for that one xD


Sounds exciting, actually.

i hope so. also, i want to render k8vavoom logo in any resolution too. and create various UI elements for the upcoming in-engine tools. and there are alot of other uses for 2d rendering library that has small size, no external dependencies, and can be simply dropped into any project as-is. especially if i'll augment it with single-file svg parser. of course, things like NanoVG can be used to render directly with OpenGL (bonus points if you thought that i forked it too), but libart is way more powerful, and independent of the underlying gfx system.

Edited by ketmar

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Sad update


I recently bought an NVMe PCIe SSD for my computer to replace my old SATA SSD and improve file access speeds in general. Today I decided to finally install it and while I was at it, also do a clean new install of windows.


I don't know if I really need to continue this post or if you can already imagine where this is going xD


In case you're curious: No, I didn't lose my levels this time (I still have them on the "old" SATA SSD and on my server for backup) but the windows update is talking ages. The problem seems to be that the bootable ISO image that I'm using on an USB 3.0 drive is "old-ish" and needs to pull quite a number of updates. These updates are coming in slow and are sometimes failing.. and without those updates it seems as though windows is running in a very unstable state. It froze up a few times with no discernable cause. I'm now running on one display instead of two, connected to the onboard graphics instead of my GTX card (which I couldn't convince to accept the NVidia drivers because it's running in some standard mode). It's.. not fun ^^;


So today is going to be a no-op day for me. It'll be a while longer before my computer is back to its old stable self, I'm afraid.


Woe is me.


"Never change a running system".

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9 hours ago, Zylinderkatze said:

I don't know if I really need to continue this post or if you can already imagine where this is going xD

tales from the otherworld.


9 hours ago, Zylinderkatze said:

"Never change a running system".

so true! last time i did it more than ten years ago, but the memories still hurt. so much pain and suffering.

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Computer is back up and running, First programs I installed (well.. copied over) were UDP & DOOM. If that's not dedication, I don't know what is.


Let's see how far I get before I realize that there's still tons of programs that need installing xD

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