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What is your most hated demon in Doom?

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Jodwin said:

Exactly why they suck. They pose no threat and take too long to kill.

In cramped spaces (WHICH IS MOST OF THE TIME THEY APPEAR IN PWADS) they're dangerous.

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printz said:

In cramped spaces (WHICH IS MOST OF THE TIME THEY APPEAR IN PWADS) they're dangerous.

NOT if you have SSG.I know,I tried.

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Bloodshedder said:

The "one post per 60 seconds" rule is not an invitation to make one post per minute.

Okay dude chill!It's not like I'm gonna blow the server up.And if you look,only the last 3 post are minute by minute.

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Grain of Salt said:

You can't hate the cyberdemon. That's ridiculous.

Not really. If you're taking the "just UDoom" rule seriously, there's no cyberdemon that is actually dangerous if you know how to strafe. And on nightmare, they're not given much more power (like demons or cacodemons). In nightmare, they're pretty much the same. Really, the most dangerous thing about a nightmare cyberdemon is that it will respawn... which doesn't really make the four/five (I think) cyberdemons in UDoom that much more menacing.

OK dude,call me a n00b,but what is UDoom?And one more thing...from your previous post I understood that you and the other guys are gonna vote against me for posting crap?U wanna ban me?What did I ever do to you? :/

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Okay dude chill!It's not like I'm gonna blow the server up.And if you look,only the last 3 post are minute by minute.

Well, instead of posting doubles/triples, edit the last post fast enough. Unless, if the time between 2 posts of yours is long.

BTW, that was the administrator who was talking to you...

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I don't hate any but my least favourite would be barons because they're quite boring to fight. They need a stronger attack.

If Masterminds were common in Ultimate Doom they'd be a contender too because they're difficult to place, but since they're so rare they're less offensive.

And I wouldn't pick arch viles even if they were in Ultimate Doom. They are one of the best.

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Yeah, Barons have a bit too much health for their threat level. (Granted many of their Realm667 beastiary relatives make them look like pushovers, but I'm getting ahead of myself here.)

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C30N9 said:

Well, instead of posting doubles/triples, edit the last post fast enough. Unless, if the time between 2 posts of yours is long.

BTW, that was the administrator who was talking to you...

I know man.That's why I panicked.I know he can ban me in a snap.I'm only 2 days old on this site,don't know all the mechanics.I'll read the forum rules.

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I'll read the forum rules.

That should've been done initially.

I'll vote up lost souls, they're more an annoyance than a challenge. They don't bring me any satisfaction in killing them either, they're just very stale enemy.

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gun_psycho said:

Yeah, Barons have a bit too much health for their threat level. (Granted many of their Realm667 beastiary relatives make them look like pushovers, but I'm getting ahead of myself here.)

as i said in some other thread, they should fire faster or explosive plasma balls. as they are, they're a threat only when they trap you somehow, and are annoying because of how much ammo they eat before going down.

however, lost souls are far worse imo.

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I like them. Lost soul + shotgun = skeet shooting.

And one more thing...from your previous post I understood that you and the other guys are gonna vote against me for posting crap?

No vote banning on these forums - yet - so don't go giving Bloodshedder ideas.

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They're slow.And stupid.And look like satan's stray dogs.

I considered the Demons to be Satan's attack dogs. Nevertheless they can be a pain when there's too many of them. Lost Souls too since they fly so quickly when they charge at you.

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Pirx said:

as i said in some other thread, they should fire faster or explosive plasma balls.

Wouldn't really help much. Explosive projectiles are the same as cybers are, and even those are easy (we're ignoring the possibility of the mapper being a total idiot and putting you in a closet together with a cybie/explosive baron). Same for faster projectiles: As long as you stay in movement you simply won't get hit by something that targets the spot you were in when the projectile was shot.

The only real way to make barons, knights, imps and cacos more challenging would be to give them new attack logic, specifically some kind of spread attack similar to mancs or by giving them an inaccuracy modifier so that the projectiles can't be dodged blindfolded.

Arachs are a borderline case, most of the time they're worthless as well, but well-placed arachs can be able to trap you in corners etc. with their continuous stream of plasma, so that's fine.

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Xaser said:

Blue Key.

Blue keys are usually pretty easy to deal with.

But sometimes they just gang up on you.

1994 wads were especially guilty of this.

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The monster that I hated the most in The Ultimate Doom was the Lost Soul, because they were so god damn annoying. I mean, they would fly in your face constantly, and it really got on my nerves.

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The only monster encounters I don't like are ones in which there isn't sufficient ammunition or firepower. Cacodemons and Hell Barons are big offenders because they are extremely annoying to chainsaw or punch out.

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