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What is your most hated demon in Doom?

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7 minutes ago, spd7693 said:


Another Starcraft player??? 


Siege Mode is a weapon mod for the Gauss Cannon.

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  • 7 months later...

Archviles are actually pretty alright. As long as they're used sparingly and you have cover for their attacks it's all fine. Pain elementals though? Absolute horse shit. If you're not using a port that limits the amount of lost souls in the level then you have a death wish. Even just one in a level is too much.

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Mine usually depends upon the amount and their placement in levels


I'd guess it'll be the archvile (they resurrect enemies, they cast fire, they are hard to kill) and probably the chaingunners in Plutonia (theres too many of em' XD)

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On 2/11/2020 at 5:59 PM, Lawrence said:

Nobody hates arachnotrons.  My next map will be full of them.

Arachnatrons are probably my favorite enemy introduced in Doom 2. They have such beautiful blue eyes, and they make excellent 'turrets' if their movement is restricted. And their death sound and animation is extremely satisfying. I would much rather have arachnatrons used as snipers in a map than chaingunners, because at least you can dodge arachnatron fire. 


Most hated would probably be chaingunners placed on ledges or in alcoves where you can't get their ammunition. That really annoys me. The beauty of shotgunners and zombies is that they provide you with ammunition or a shotgun, chaingunners give you a free chaingun or ammo. As I see it, they should be used as a risky asset. 

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Chaingunners and Shotgunners, Chaingunners are probably higher but for Doom 1 it would be Shotgunners. They can hit you so easily due to their hitscan attacks that make them quite a challenge, they overall don't serve as much of an intresting character anyway, unlike characters like the hell elemental and archville.

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My personal hated monsters:


1. Chaingunners: Only good thing about these guys is that they're easily killable with at least a boomstick and give you a free chaingun. But they're by far the worst hitscanners in the game and they are fully capable of ruining a run, especially if you get surprised by a whole mess of them.

2. Revenants: Not fond of heatseekers on a good day, and you're not always given the option of retreating to a safezone or given cover enough to lose one of their fireballs. And getting skelly-punched is anything but fun, especially since it takes two to three super shotgun blasts to end them.

3. Viles: I fucking HATE these things. Not only do I have to constantly take cover whenever one of them starts the fire attack, but one or more of them dropped into a map means most if not all of your hard work gets undone in a hurry due to them rezzing nearly everything in sight. I especially hate them in mods like Complex Doom, where they are fully capable of rezzing up some of the more aggravating enemies.

4. Pain Elementals: Not a fan of Lost Souls on a good day, but being inundated with a whole mess of them because of these pains in the ass is anything but fun.

Edited by Dravencour

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On 2/11/2020 at 12:03 PM, twistedhydrgoen said:

The wall demon (Icon of Sin) Isn't really a demon, it's basically a texture on the wall, shooting its exposed brain will kill something that's inside (John Romero's head)
But hey, it is just my opinion.

isnt a texture on a wall. are 9 textures xD


mine is the cgunner, but i like PE

Edited by URROVA

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On 2/11/2020 at 11:52 AM, SirJuicyLemon said:

Lost Souls definitely.

Those bastards should take 1 regular shotgun shot to explode. Wasting twice the shotgun shells just for them seems a bit unfair sometimes.

Also very annoying.


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3 hours ago, Dukeinator2000 said:


There are also Lost Souls in Doom 1 you know?


And also it's something about keeping the momentum of using the regular shotgun to kill at far distances when they appear far away without having to switch weapons to a chaingun. And unless they are already biting your butt (or getting near), super shotgun just won't do.

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Pain Elementals are just the worst. Especially in Doom 64. It's not a bad demon but my brain always goes to idiot mode whenever I fight a Revenant.

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Revenants. Specially when they're around corners. It's already bad to deal with the heat seeking rockets at a distance, when in close-quarters the only options you get are to either bait them into using melee which is dangerous, or running. That is, considering it's just one. Usually you'll face two or more at the same time.


Also Chaingunners. For such weak enemies, they manage to fuck you up really easily if they're close and you don't see them first. I really hate hitscan in general.

Edited by gunkye

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Whenever I see a shotgunner, I freak out. They are soooo skinny, that your aiming has to be so precise, and if it isn't, say goodbye to 20 points of health. 

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1 hour ago, LiT_gam3r said:

Whenever I see a shotgunner, I freak out. They are soooo skinny, that your aiming has to be so precise, and if it isn't, say goodbye to 20 points of health. 

After these words I think I'm going to use shotguys more frequently lol

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/4/2020 at 9:29 AM, Chip said:

Whenever I see a shotgunner, I freak out. They are soooo skinny, that your aiming has to be so precise, and if it isn't, say goodbye to 20 points of health. 

me too, people are always like "oh why are you scared of shotgunners, theyre easy!" yeah, if youre not caught off guard! those suckers hurt!

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Okay, so I've been finally giving Plutonia a real shot.  Before, I would've said Archviles.  However, Plutonia has shown me the most insidious monster placement known to man - chaingunners on a ledge with hidden Archviles able to infinitely revive them.  Jesus that was a nasty bit of work.


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Everyone hates monsters because they're hard, but I think lately zombiemen have become my less favourite enemy because I can barely feel their presence at all once I have any weapon beside the pistol.

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