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What is your most hated demon in Doom?

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5 minutes ago, Juza said:

Not if you have a rocket launcher.


Bad idea if there's barely any room left, the last weapon you'd want to use in such conditions is a RL.


Plasma is preferable. But at any rate, I agree with the sentiment that all monsters in Doom have a purpose, however some could have been better. Lost Souls never needed so much health, and could've been more aggressive. I always thought Doom 64 nailed them, and still do.

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Barons. They're not really all that annoying, but they're boring to fight, as they're just tougher imps that slow down the action unless you have a few rockets or a BFG blast saved for them.

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I fucking HATE that Maurauder from Doom Eternal with the sword who you have to kill when their eyes flash green. Nearly impossible to kill and you have to time your attacks just right.

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I would take a room full of pain elementals and lost souls over a room full of infinitely tall Cacodemons. Those big spongy freaks. They're the biggest chore in Doom 1 especially, and the way they fly off into the distance after absorbing a few shots is irritating.


I've also never been able to consistently berserk punch them without taking considerable damage, and I almost get offended when watching demos of people pulling it off. Killer design though.

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  • 1 month later...

Barons and Hell Knights. Mostly because they tend to be overused in open-arena situations where they are completely useless and the player can just herd them into a cluster like sheep and is forced to mindlessly grind them to death. The Barons of course are especially egregious in this regard and in general I find few situations where it’s more fun or interesting to slug it out with a Baron than have a shorter battle with a Hell Knight. But then I guess that’s why Doom 2 has Hell Knights to begin with.

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I am in the minority that hates Shotgunners more than Chaingunners. You pistol start a map and have no armor and get blasted by two shotgunners for 60 damage? Fuck that

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On 11/10/2020 at 10:43 AM, HatTrick said:

I fucking HATE that Maurauder from Doom Eternal with the sword who you have to kill when their eyes flash green. Nearly impossible to kill and you have to time your attacks just right.


On his own he's fine, maybe a little boring actually, but thrown in with other demons or another Marauder and it can be a little chaotic to have to juggle what he's doing while paying attention to everything else.


Honestly I hate the Doom Hunter more. It's way more dangerous and such an annoying bullet sponge.

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On 11/9/2020 at 4:56 PM, Ukikomori said:

Barons. They're not really all that annoying, but they're boring to fight, as they're just tougher imps that slow down the action unless you have a few rockets or a BFG blast saved for them.


Yes. Too bullet sponge-y. Hell knights were much better. Still a tougher imp, but only 500 health rather than 1000

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Revenants by a country mile. I also hate Chaingunners and Arch-Viles as most do, but the Rev can take more damage than the former and attack faster than the latter. Four times out of five, it's a Revenant rocket that finishes me off when I'm tangling with a large group of monsters. I don't know if that's bad luck or what, but they just seem to have it out for me. 

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Revenants. Nothing says pain like a 10 damage or 9000 damage missile that's homing & a pain in the ass to get rid of without good weaponry & space to move. Ugh.

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  • 2 months later...

Arch Viles. There is no way to avoid their attacks unless there is something tall enough in between. Their shots are so strong and they are fast in moving. They follow you whereever you go and kill you.


I disagree about Revenant comments because you can avoid the fires of Revenants, unless an Arch Vile attack. There always has to be a wall or something tall enough in between.


I just played an open map with tons of arch viles. I would much prefer Pain Elementals and their lost souls. I can even avoid them but there is no avoiding the attacks of Arch Viles in an open area.


Heretic for Doom 2 Megawad, Episode 1 Map 9 on the 4th difficulty. Those grave stones do not protect you because they are not tall enough. It is like there is nothing in between. You take the shots of Arch Viles behind them.

Edited by Blackroat

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1 hour ago, Blackroat said:

Arch Viles. There is no way to avoid their attacks unless there is something tall enough in between. Their shots are so strong and they are fast in moving. They follow you whereever you go and kill you.


I just played an open map with tons of arch viles. I would much prefer Pain Elementals and their lost souls. I can even avoid them but there is no avoiding the attacks of Arch Viles in an open area.

tbh that has more to do with the mapper being a dick than the monster itself. arch-viles are actually pretty great when the mapper doesn't use them like a complete chode

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22 minutes ago, roadworx said:

tbh that has more to do with the mapper being a dick than the monster itself. arch-viles are actually pretty great when the mapper doesn't use them like a complete chode

using them like "a complete chode" is what makes them fun.

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the baron of hell

why? every "anoying enemie" adds to the gameplay in some way or another archs make so you have to both kill them fast while also search for cover pain elementals usually come with other enemies so you target them before they infight and fill the arena with lost souls and the chaingunners are zoners they dont let you go to a part of the level before you kill them

but the baron? it doesnt add anything to the game the hell knight at least is a higher tier demon that still dies fast so its more of a upgraded imp but the baron is just a bullet sponge that doesnt add anything to the "doom dance"

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Barons have much more staying power than Hell Knights. Archviles are the worst for being able to attack through other enemies, and for relying entirely on either map geometry, or luck. The game deserved to have a dedicated healer that can't screw over player just because they walked into the wrong end of the room.

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Doom: Cacodemons. They tank too many hits, but can be easily stunlocked by the chaingun. This does waste lots of ammo for it, though.


Doom II: Hard to pick because all of the demons in Doom II except for the Hell Knight kinda suck to fight, but the only one that I think is bullshit is the Chaingunner. My reasoning is the same for all hit scan enemies. With projectiles, I can dodge. If I get hit by a rogue fireball or missile, that's my fault. If I get instantly hit by a hitscanner? Bullshit. I especially hate maps that don't provide cover to deal with hitscanners, and I refuse to play plutonia. There's a difference between challenging and unfair.


Doom 2016: Summoners. Nuff said.


Doom ETERNAL: For the non-boss enemies, probably Mancubus or Arachnotron. For the super heavy units, Doom Hunter without a doubt. Marauders are easy.

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Arch-viles. You know when you think you're hiding in a corner, yet you're struck by the Arch-viles flame attack? Yeah, and it's so demoralizing to see them resurrect monsters you just killed, especially if they're chaingunners/Revenants.


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Lost souls have always boiled all my inner bodily fluids. So when I played doom 2 for the first time...



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he is like Pain-elemental except he can summon all HELL on you. I've seen him thorwing an archvile on my friend

in CO-OP because he knew he was using pirated version of DOOM2.wad

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