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What is your most hated demon in Doom?

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Definitely Barons of Hell. I just find them to be boring. They are larger, tougher imps with way too much health, and most implementations of them feel like they exist more to waste your time than anything else. Hell Knights having half the health is definitely a godsend. Any Doom monster does have the potential to be used in interesting ways, but when I think of monsters where the ratio of interesting to boring fights skews furthest towards the latter, the Baron has to come out on top.

Edited by DisgruntledPorcupine

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The revenants, those motherfuckers have one of the most annoying attacks of the game, and they do bullshit damage. IMO they're too OP

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Definitely Pain Elementals. If not taken care of immediately, they can spam their Lost Souls everywhere, blocking your gunfire (might even lead to killing yourself with rockets). Also you have to waste ammo and time on those Souls...

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Revenants take the cake, less so for the actual mechanics behind them but because certain map-design philosophies* have no idea how to use them effectively (or fairly) and use revenants as a short-hand for "difficulty!".


*cough PLUTONIA cough

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Me personally I absolutely love every enemy in Doom. They're all very simple yet that what makes them so perfect, when in a large hectic battle you're able to scan the crowd and see what enemies are there, what they do, and how much of a threat they pose. But there is one enemy I don't like. Not because it's annoying or overly powerful, but because it's disappointing. That enemy is the Spider Mastermind. A pretty useless and disappointing enemy. It's far to big for it's own good, It's attack is just a boring hitscan weapon and not the more interesting to dodge Cyberdemon rockets. The Cyberdemon make for far more useful enemy's for difficult maps. It's just a big, boring and almost useless enemy, at least to me.

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If you asked me usually I would say that I don't dislike any of the demons and they all contribute in different ways to the fun of doom.
If you asked me while playing any map that has a pain elemental I would say I hate the pain elemental.

If you asked me while I was playing a map with fast monsters and a pain elemental I would say I feel my soul escaping from my body.

Edited by BaileyTW

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I used to say pain elementals, but then I realised I was being unfair. Don't shoot the messenger, right? Pains are just cute harmless meatballs. The real menace is lost souls. Especially with infinitely tall actors turned on.

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I'm mostly fine with lost souls actually. I mean it would be cool if they had maybe half their health instead, but I'm not annoyed when I see one.
I think it becomes okay to shoot the messenger when they're spamming messages my way like the pain elemental.

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Maybe from a pacing perspective, the Baron of Hell. It's pretty damn tanky (yes, I know that steams from it being introduced as a boss), but it seems to slow down the pace of the game, you need to drop 5-6 well-placed SSG blasts or rockets to kill it, and the amount of cells needed to kill it with a Plasma Gun seems a bit costly, I just see one and think to myself "Ugh, I need to spend some time killing this damn thing?"

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