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What is your most hated demon in Doom?

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lupinx-Kassman said:

Yellow fucking keys. They sit there, usually on a ledge or some hard to reach spot...blinking at you....taunting you...I mean just look at it.

(NiuHaka: Edited out that image because i'm a dumbass.)

I hate them...

I kind of like the yellow key... I guess it depends on how its used. It can get annoying at times with all that health.

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DeumReaper said:

Shotgun guys, because on NM, they dominate the beginning levels. For one of the first enemies you encounter, they can easily take out chunks of your health with one shot; with -fast speed, you pretty much have to land the first shot everytime, unlike chaingunners which stack damage the longer you let them. At least on the maps that have a lot of them the ammo they drop means you won't run out of shells anytime soon.

The Doom 3 equivalents are far worse.

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Yeah. In the earlier games the shotgunners at least had the decency to not shoot their pump-action shotguns faster than the player was allowed to.

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I gow tired of PE's and LS's. Mostly because they don't leave behind a nice bloody corpse, which is disapointing. Otherwise I don't like Arachnotrons. In PWADS they're not (usually) used well, and when I'm making maps, I just never find a spot for them because they really are just useless. I don't lke fighting them either because loads of plasma isn't fun. I only like them on that one Plutonia level with the castle. But I just like that level as a whole.

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If I got a BFG, then I will not care much about pain elementals and lost souls since I always like to spam BFG.

But I will hate demons and spectres if playing on UV-Fast because they run too fast and somtimes hard to hit at!

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Jimi said:

Barrels! When you least expect it, the one behind you goes BOOM!

I used to be really paranoid about that, always making sure to detonate barrels I was about to walk past under fire, but in 15 years of playing that has happened to me only once in single-player (in Doom2 MAP02.) I'm not counting chain reactions that happen by design (as in MAP23.)

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In MAP28 Spirit World there are some Pain Elementals in a cage. They are actually completely harmless but most people freak out and ignore all the dangerous monsters around to kill them anyway.

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GreyGhost said:

Commander Keen - incredibly boring to fight and doesn't drop anything useful when killed.

Am I boring if I think of this as one of the most satisfying "monsters" to kill? The true icon of sin comes in second.

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NiuHaka said:

Am I boring if I think of this as one of the most satisfying "monsters" to kill?

Nope - you're just easily pleased. :P

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Barons. Their hell knights that take twice the damage. If not, the zombieman, because they are nothing buy in the way all the time.

And in co=op, it makes you look weak when you are killed by one in the middle of a fight with other demons, and the zm some how killed you first.

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Revenants are a bit a like the rogue of the bunch, when it comes to Doom monsters. If the other monsters could be ranked according to behavior and threat level posed, they would range from "lame-ass punks" (for lowly zombiemen) to "Ultimate machine of death" (for the Cyberdemon).

In between there would be "soldiers", "damage soakers", "tanks", "enforcers", "fatsos", "goddamn bats" etc.

And then there would be enemies like the Imp and the Revenant, the outstanding bastards of the bunch. Lost souls pretty much cover the Goddamned Bats role in Doom, so they needs no further explanation. But the Imp and Revenant are special. Oh yeah.

For their tier, they both have fiendishly adequate health level: low enough to be disposed quickly with well-placed shots or powerful weapons, but high enough to survive even slightly misplaced shots (the imp's potential resistance even to a full 7-pellet SG blast, for instance, or the Revenant's thinness that makes him easy to miss even with the SSG).

Then they are surprisingly damaging among peer monsters: imps can tear through zombies in melee, and Revenants can seriously damage even much more powerful monsters because of their cheap, highly damaging projectyle.

If a Baron can be seen as a heavily muscled bouncer that comes at you with all he's got and has nothing to hide, the Imp and the Revenant are more like a skinny motherfucker morrocan bastard street fighter that will backstab you as soon as he gets the chance, and is also surprisingly resilient to a beating and his blows are not to be taken lightly (after all, even a lowly imp is able to do 1/3rd of the damage of a Baron or Knight in melee, and there are FAR MORE Imps than Barons).

Now, take the imp. Make it 5 times tougher in HP. 4 times more damaging in projectyle. Give it a homing attack. Throw it in maps in imp-sized hordes. Yup, not a pretty thought now, is it? If a single imp was like a favela cutthroat rogue, a Revenant is like a bad mothafuckah gangbanger favela cutthroat rogue that has just been released from prison so that the inmate killings would stop. And there's are whole gang of them, too.

Such a gang will double-cross you, swarm you, knife you, glass you, break bottles on your head and ice you mercilessly. The Revenant is fucking hardcore, never to be taken lightly. If being ambushed by a lone imp in melee can strip you of a good 50-60% health before you put an end to it, the same mistake with a revenant (prefeably with a homing missile in your back) can fuck you up just as badly as a vicious, tainted backstabbing by said rogues/bad favela mothafuckahs.

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I'm surprised how few people hate cyberdemons. They can be fun most of the time but I hate when they are used in scenarios where you NEED to get them to infight with armies of surrounding monsters, and/or ammo is tight and you are expected to run past them to get to another portion of the map that has ammo so you can fight them later. Much worse than the reasoning people give to hate Barons. I can comfortably kill a Baron with a regular shotgun and a box of shells but for a cyberdemon? PITA.

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I hate it when mappers overuse chaingunners and revenants. It shows that they are not really spending any time to think about the battles, instead they just plop monsters down to populate their masterpiece techbase and/or hellcave. FAIL

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I was always annoyed by the spectres, especially in dark rooms and slime trails. Also, the Chaingunner is overused and overpowered. I once saw one single-handedly take down a Mancubus.

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Technician said:

I found this annoying scenario occurred more in Doom 3.

Yea, it did happen there more, especially that one yellow barrel that first burns and then explodes in the recycling sector that has the poison gas. Pretty much every game of Doom 3, that one barrel has killed me once or more. The place where you go down some stairs and down there are some revenants coming from an open doorway and then some imp behind you comes out of some room with closed door first. Almost makes me think the monsters there try to aim for the barrel more than me.

I think I hate hitscan enemies more than Revenants, at least you can dodge the homing missiles. Hitscan attacks you dodge with luck or being completely hidden behind cover. So far I've noticed that if I make a level have a lot hitscanners I also place a lot more medikits and stimpaks. Which may then look a bit ridiculous.

I agree the Revenants have their missile do a bit too much damage. Or there should have been another monster with similar amount of health. Probably one reason Revenants are used so much is their amount of health and that they have ranged attack. Hell Knight or Cacodemon might feel having a bit too much health if player don't have powerful weapons yet.

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Hmmm, lets see. My favorite monsters are actually revenants, archviles and chaingunners. Doom 2 has a great cast of monsters, use them. ;) I don't have least favorites, I only hate it when enemies are used ineffectively and where there are more filler fights than fights that are aimed at providing you with a real challenge and kicking your ass if your playing like a 7 year old girl. That whole "fair gameplay" style often used in maps where enemies are placed merely to give you something to do while looking at the scenery is bullshit. I also hate when mappers emulate UD's boring gameplay. And then there's RTC... ugh.

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DeathevokatioN said:

That whole "fair gameplay" style often used in maps where enemies are placed merely to give you something to do while looking at the scenery is bullshit. I also hate when mappers emulate UD's boring gameplay.

Can you give an example of this style? I don't think I have ever seen that. I've seen maps that were too easy for me, but none where the monsters are just "something to do."

Also, have you ever tried that thing called Nightmare difficulty? Might spice up your episode 1 experience :P

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Revenants. Easy.

On paper I agree with many people that Pain Elementals are a shittier and more annoying enemy than almost any other; however, the number of mappers who seem to understand how to use them well (that is, sparingly and with appropriate firepower) seems to be much higher than the corresponding statistic for Revenants. Chaingunners are annoying as fuck too, but somehow people don't seem driven to use them in quite the same way as Revenants. Cyberdemons? A pleasure to fight when they're well used, admittedly possible to use shittily, but once again it seems like the vast majority of mappers (whose maps I care to play in the first place) have some sort of grasp on how to make a cyberdemon fun to play against. Not Revenants.

I half suspect there is some sort of mimetic virus that has been propagating itself via PWADs for the last decade and making people decide to use Revenants where Hell Knights would do.

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Ghost monsters. Those fuckers sure are hard to kill and relentless.

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