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New category ideas

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Map 27 should be doable with 2, forward - turn right/left, if there is a way to let a monster open the first  and second door.

I am unsure about map 21.

Edited by Red-XIII

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UV-VPO : Just launch a limit-removing map on DOSbox or on a port which can emulate VPO limits and make your game crash as fast as possible.

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I don't know if this is possible on any original Doom IWAD map, but what about UV-Stealth where you complete the level without alerting any monsters.

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On 2/24/2020 at 11:21 PM, Shon_RT said:

I don't know if this is possible on any original Doom IWAD map, but what about UV-Stealth where you complete the level without alerting any monsters.

good question, for sure no doom2 map.


stricter uv pacifist: no moster is allowed to die

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is -turbo a category? since i think it should be, given that you can use it to do platforming tricks that were originally not possible.

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uv -fast with -turbo 144 is my favourite category now :) but I really dislike uv-fast with -turbo 132 !!!


Joking aside, I think there are 3 turbo cateogries (that are taken somewhat serious): -turbo 10 (or such) for extremely slow speed, -turbo 50(?) for stroller and turbo255 for maximum speed. Not sure of the exact values as I haven't played them.

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On 2/28/2020 at 5:07 PM, Looper said:

uv -fast with -turbo 144 is my favourite category now :) but I really dislike uv-fast with -turbo 132 !!!


Joking aside, I think there are 3 turbo cateogries (that are taken somewhat serious): -turbo 10 (or such) for extremely slow speed, -turbo 50(?) for stroller and turbo255 for maximum speed. Not sure of the exact values as I haven't played them.

only turbos I ever saw was 10 (no idea why anyone wants to play like that, you cannot dodge anything ;) ). and turbo 255, crazy stuff... (but usually TAS only)


@Shon_RT actually I played a bit like this. not sure if you can make a category, since when you go into automap the demo does not recognize this

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  • 1 month later...

You can shoot a weapon once in the entire level (automatic weapons not allowed)

After you use any weapon, you'll have to use the fists or the chainsaw for the rest of the level.

Ultra Violence

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no idea if someone came with the suggestions already, 2 lazy to check.


-always firing on (is autofire anywhere avaible?), any weapon, even if its fisting air all the time

-no weapon switch allowed (this one is tricky eheh)

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  • 3 weeks later...

A few serious and silly suggestions:


Glock: Any category, while only using the pistol (if any weapons are picked up, you must immediately switch to the pistol).

Eye-for-an-Eye: Same as Pacifist, but killing monsters is allowed if they damage you.

Deadly Stroller: Same as Stroller, but killing and strafing are allowed.

Completionist: Any category, with 100% kills, secrets, and items.

Glitchless: Any category, without use of any glitches (SR40 snd SR50 are an exception).


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UV-cover. cannot have an enemy shoot, throw, punch, etc. in your direction. they can attack each other, but if an imp goes to throw a fireball, then you have to take cover and let the wall take damage


Or UV-crusher where you have to kill a demon in a doorway or get them crushed.


Edit: also UV-Philosophy, where you have to find out why and how everything is not real and write a thesis on the meaning of life, while playing map 20 of DOOM 2.

Edited by LiT_gam3r

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