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Can someone help me how to make a randomizer

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Well you played my monster horde that is now cancelled because of many errors but please tell me how to make one I tried it so many times and it won't work like this



Actor randomspwaner replace zombie men I tried to use it but it's not working

Please help

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Here's a random spawner I made for a Doom 64 style mod I am working on, where the Imp is randomly either a Doom 64 imp or a Doom 64 Nightmare imp:

actor 64ImpSpawn : RandomSpawner REPLACES DoomImp
    DropItem "64DoomImp", 255, 3
    DropItem "64NightmareImp", 255, 1

Now you must then define actors for the two new "DropItem" enemies, so you will likely have to define a new zombie man actor. I will show you my imp actors I have which allows this to work: (you can ignore a lot of what I am doing in the actor states as I am a weirdo, but I am including these for completeness)



ACTOR 64DoomImp
	Health 60
	Radius 20
	Height 56
	Mass 100
	Speed 8
	PainChance 200
	SeeSound "imp/sight"
	PainSound "imp/pain"
	DeathSound "imp/death"
	ActiveSound "imp/active"
	HitObituary "$OB_IMPHIT"
	Obituary "$OB_IMP"
	Scale 0.72
	MeleeSound "imp/melee"
	MeleeDamage 3
	MissileType "64DoomImpBall"
	Species "64Imp"
	PainChance "Dodge", 256
			IM64 A random(9,11) A_Look
			IM64 B random(9,11) A_Look
			IM64 A random(2,4) A_Chase
			IM64 A random(2,4) A_Chase
			IM64 B random(2,4) A_Chase
			IM64 B random(2,4) A_Chase
			IM64 C random(2,4) A_Chase
			IM64 C random(2,4) A_Chase
			IM64 D random(2,4) A_Chase
			IM64 D random(2,4) A_Chase
			TNT1 A 0 A_Jump (16, "Search")
			IM64 A random(1,4) A_Wander
			IM64 A random(1,4) A_Wander
			IM64 B random(1,4) A_Wander
			IM64 B random(1,4) A_Wander
			IM64 C random(1,4) A_Wander
			IM64 C random(1,4) A_Wander
			IM64 D random(1,4) A_Wander
			IM64 D random(1,4) A_Wander
			TNT1 A 0 A_Jump (127, "See")
			Goto Missile
			TNT1 A 0 A_LookEx(LOF_NOSEESOUND, 0, 0, 0, 360, "See")
			IM64 AA 1 A_Wander
			TNT1 A 0 A_LookEx(LOF_NOSEESOUND, 0, 0, 0, 360, "See")
			IM64 BB 1 A_Wander
			TNT1 A 0 A_LookEx(LOF_NOSEESOUND, 0, 0, 0, 360, "See")
			IM64 CC 1 A_Wander
			TNT1 A 0 A_LookEx(LOF_NOSEESOUND, 0, 0, 0, 360, "See")
			IM64 DD 1 A_Chase
			IM64 E random(7,9) A_FaceTarget
			IM64 F random(7,9) A_FaceTarget
			IM64 G random(5,7) A_MeleeAttack
			Goto See
			IM64 I random(7,9) A_FaceTarget
			IM64 J random(7,9) A_FaceTarget
			TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(64,"WildMissile")
			IM64 K random(5,7) A_SpawnProjectile("64DoomImpBall", random(41,43), random(-1,1), 0, 0, 1)
			Goto See
			IM64 K random(5,7) A_SpawnProjectile("64DoomImpBall", random(41,43), random(-1,1), frandom(-35,35))
			Goto See
			IM64 H random(1,3)
			TNT1 A 0 A_Wander
			IM64 H random(1,3) A_Pain
			Goto See
			IM64 L 8
			IM64 M 8 A_Scream
			IM64 N 6
			TNT1 A 0 A_DropItem("CorruptMatter")
			IM64 O 6 A_NoBlocking
			IM64 P -1
			IM64 Q 5
			IM64 R 5 A_XScream
			IM64 S 5
			TNT1 A 0 A_DropItem("CorruptMatter")
			IM64 T 5 A_NoBlocking
			IM64 UVW 5
			IM64 X -1
			IM64 PO 8
			IM64 NML 6
			Goto See
			TNT1 A 0
			TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("misc/gibbed")
			A027 A -1




ACTOR 64NightmareImp 7030
	SpawnID 155
	Scale 0.72
	Health 60
	Radius 20
	Height 56
	RenderStyle Translucent
	Alpha 0.80
	Speed 13
	PainChance 200
	Mass 100
	MeleeDamage 3
	Species "64Imp"
	BloodColor "7B 5A 84"
	SeeSound "imp/sight"
	PainSound "imp/pain"
	DeathSound "imp/death"
	ActiveSound "imp/active"
	MeleeSound "imp/melee"
	MissileType "64NightmareImpBall"
	Obituary "$OB_NIGHTIMP"
	HitObituary "$OB_NIGHTIMPHIT"
	Tag "Nightmare Imp"
	PainChance "Dodge", 256
			NI64 AB 10 A_Look
			NI64 A random(2,4) A_Chase
			NI64 A random(2,4) A_Chase
			NI64 B random(2,4) A_Chase
			NI64 B random(2,4) A_Chase
			NI64 C random(2,4) A_Chase
			NI64 C random(2,4) A_Chase
			NI64 D random(2,4) A_Chase
			NI64 D random(2,4) A_Chase
			TNT1 A 0 A_Jump (16, "Search")
			NI64 A random(1,4) A_Wander
			NI64 A random(1,4) A_Wander
			NI64 B random(1,4) A_Wander
			NI64 B random(1,4) A_Wander
			NI64 C random(1,4) A_Wander
			NI64 C random(1,4) A_Wander
			NI64 D random(1,4) A_Wander
			NI64 D random(1,4) A_Wander
			TNT1 A 0 A_Jump (127, "See")
			Goto Missile
			TNT1 A 0 A_LookEx(LOF_NOSEESOUND, 0, 0, 0, 360, "See")
			NI64 AA 1 A_Wander
			TNT1 A 0 A_LookEx(LOF_NOSEESOUND, 0, 0, 0, 360, "See")
			NI64 BB 1 A_Wander
			TNT1 A 0 A_LookEx(LOF_NOSEESOUND, 0, 0, 0, 360, "See")
			NI64 CC 1 A_Wander
			TNT1 A 0 A_LookEx(LOF_NOSEESOUND, 0, 0, 0, 360, "See")
			NI64 DD 1 A_Chase
			NI64 EF 8 A_FaceTarget
			NI64 G random(5,7) A_MeleeAttack
			Goto See
			NI64 I random(7,9) A_FaceTarget
			NI64 J random(7,9) A_FaceTarget
			TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(64,"WildMissile")
			NI64 K random(5,7) A_SpawnProjectile("64NightmareImpBall", random(41,43), random(-1,1), 0, 0, 1)
			Goto See
			NI64 K random(5,7) A_SpawnProjectile("64NightmareImpBall", random(41,43), random(-1,1), frandom(-35,35))
			Goto See
			NI64 H 2
			TNT1 A 0 A_Wander
			NI64 H 2 A_Pain
			Goto See
			NI64 L 8
			NI64 M 8 A_Scream
			NI64 N 6
			TNT1 A 0 A_DropItem("CorruptMatter")
			NI64 O 6 A_NoBlocking
			NI64 P -1
			NI64 Q 5
			NI64 R 5 A_XScream
			NI64 S 5
			TNT1 A 0 A_DropItem("CorruptMatter")
			NI64 T 5 A_NoBlocking
			NI64 UVW 5
			NI64 X -1
			NI64 PO 8
			NI64 NML 6
			Goto See
		Crush: // Uses a violet version of the gib to match sprite color
			TNT1 A 0
			TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("misc/gibbed")
			A055 A -1


I based a ton of my code on Nevander's Doom 64 Retribution

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How does that work with the intermission screen tally?  Or does GZDoom dynamically adjust its calculation to new enemies spawned in-game?

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I'm trying to make a randomizer were you are fighting a alot of monsters that are very unique and monsters you won't commenliy see but when I load it up with zandronum it crashed any help

The randomizer is called monster horde randomizer

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