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TAS MAP07 switch trick, need help

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I was trying to do the switch press trick TAS to get 2 sec. I did an attempt in XDRE and no matter how hard I adjusted my movement, it didn't work. I tried lots of values to no avail. Is there anyone who can help me with this?


If you want to take a look at my demo:




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I tried to do that just out of curiosity, to see if I can repeat the same as 38_Vita_38 did. To perform such tricks as door trick, switch trick, void glide and other indistinct stuff, you need to use brute-forcing tool in XDRE. This brute-force took 1,5 hours to make.








Process explanation (open to see the steps):




1. Go to Tools -> Brute force

2. A small window will open.

3. We need 3 tics to perform the switch trick (or 4 tics, but usually 3 is enough). Their numbers are listed in a small section.

4. Each tic needs its parameters to restrict the unnecessary brute-forcing.

  1. The field "Tic" contains the order number of the tic. When you press "Add", the tic with that number will be added to the brute force section.
  2. Strafe cmds and Run cmds represent the movement.

    Strafe cmds and Run cmds represent the movement.

    strafe cmds: 50:0 means it starts the bruteforce from SR50 then SR49.... SR0 is the final one.

    run cmds: 50:0 means MF50, MF49... MF1, MF0.

    turn cmds: 10:0 means it starts the bruteforce from turn LEFT 10, turn left 9, .... turn left 1, no turn.


    Negative values do the opposite, so turn right would be: turn cmds: 0:-10 for example. Backwards would be: run cmds: -50.


  3. Use field (Both) shows that it should try to 

Usually, you should enter the same parameters for each tic to brute force.


5. "On tic" field means that, after all the brute-forcing manipulations, on the tic 99 the field "Used a line" in the main window must be true (the switch is activated). There are other available requirements such as speed, damage, momentum etc. Right now, we need only Use, so we press a tic on the appropriate field.

6. Press "Start" to launch the brute force. This might take long. Eventually, a window will pop up that says either "No cigar..." or "Found it!"


Reference posts: 




Edited by Dimon12321
Switch image host to free DW attachment space

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okay so i need to set myself up in a position and use bruteforcing to get me to the correct position for the switch press?


also i'm interested in the wobble on everywhere tricks too, how does that work?

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41 minutes ago, alps said:

okay so i need to set myself up in a position and use bruteforcing to get me to the correct position for the switch press?


also i'm interested in the wobble on everywhere tricks too, how does that work?


Yes, but you should also consider other parameters, like momentum values. If a trick requires small (or no) inertia, you should probably spend some tics to slow down before doing the brute force. 


Honestly, I don't understand its mechanics either. Read about it here:


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so i need to slow down and have my xtap and ytap small as an atom then use mf50 sr50 again? i saw you do it before on an eviternity map

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