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An update.


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Hehe, been neglecting the ol' zdoomgl.txt again have we? tsk tsk... :P

Upon playing the latest version, IMO the only major thing to finish before a public release would be texture clipping and alignment... I'm sure everyone's just itching for a release now eh timmie?

But yeah, what else (if anything) do you still plan on getting done before a public release?

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Hmm, texture clipping and sprite sorting are about the last things maybe. Everything else seems reasonable right now, although a bit unoptimized (everything runs ok though, except for eaeuro03) :)

Nobody's itching for a release more than me right now though, I think... I should be able to get the sprite sorting done tonight, and then spend the rest of the week on the texture alignments/clipping. Hopefully a release within a week (that's not set in stone or written in blood, though)?

/crosses fingers

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Oh, and in that file, I had a nice surprise when booting a little while ago, not "it has a nice surprise" (which would imply that ZDoomGL does bad things, which it does not)!

Damn typing at 3:30am!

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Been very busy this weekend, but I gave the newest version a quick work out. Definitely getting better. Looking sweet and more and more stuff working.

The "sparkles" of sky through the walls are not gone, but much reduced.

Not sure what is meant by texture clipping, but I do have a level where trees are made by putting a texture on a cross made out of 2S lines. The X alignment of these was all screwed. eg The lines should be aligned so that the trunk of the tree is in the middle where the lines cross, but these were off to the point of the trunk being at the outside edge of the tree. I'll send you a screeny as soon as I get a chance. I'll also give things a better run through first and see if anything else crops up.

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Do you have the nov11 version? There's still a few problems in kzdoom6/7 that popped up when I switched to the new clipper stuff that I have to work out. It's mainly a solid seg being drawn behind a translucent seg where there should only be the translucent seg =/

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Ahh, I was running the nov9 one you e-mailed me about. DL'ing nov11 now.

I'll get a chance to fire it up a bit later on.


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timmie said:

actually, could you send me that map with the trees? I like having lots of examples to work with :)

Getting late here now, I'll set something up tomorrow. I'll probably have to make up a little example wad with just the tree texture added, rather than send enough resources to support the original level. I'll see what's easiest when I get home from work tomorrow.

Didn't get much time to look at the newer version tonight (RL is V. hectic ATM). I did go look at the level with the trees though, and the problem still exists. What I did notice though (I must have just not realised last time) is that the screwy effect only happens when looking at sidedef2. It just so happens that all the trees are set up with their lines diagonal to the grid (Making X shapes, rather than + shapes when viewed from above) and they all face the same way. If you stand at one end of the level, you look at the trees' sidedef1s and the trees all look fine. At the other end of the level, you're looking at the sidedef2s, and they are messed up.

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Ok, it's fixed now (but not uploaded).

It was happening when I'd generate the texture offsets for the segs. I was comparing front/back sectors between the seg and line to decided which side I should do the calculations for and those had the same front/back sectors, so it was messing up on the back side.

I'm comparing sidedefs now, so it's a little more reliable :)

Thanks for the map, btw. It's always nice to have a nice focused example of something to work with!

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