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This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)


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1 hour ago, fabian said:


No, but it's trivial. Two lines. I would have submitted a PR if the issue wasn't already marked as pending for 2.28:



Thank you for the tip! Setting SRC_converter to SRC_LINEAR does fix the problem in the latest build. I haven't tried building it with SRC_ZERO_ORDER_HOLD. Is there any advantage to it over SRC_LINEAR?

Edited by PKr

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It is the fastest and simplest (computationally speaking) resampling technique, but it also has the most aliasing. (That is, high frequency shimmer.)


use_libsamplerate = 2 will tell it to use ZOH in Crispy/Chocolate. 

Edited by mikeday

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Not an overly huge deal, but i can't get demos to play on certain wads that i'm able to see on prBoom+ such as Preacher and i know i set the correct -complevel boom

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Besides the usual complevels, PrBoom+ also has its own demo format - which only PrBoom+ supports. Only few wads are affected by this, fortunately. 

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13 hours ago, PKr said:

As far as I can see you have added some new sound related variables to the config file (snd_samplerate, snd_resampling_mode). I have tried playing with the values, but to no avail - the game sounds really strange now, as if pitched_sounds was enabled. Any ideas?

We switched to the internal SDL resampler and to libsamplerate. Try setting "snd_resampling_mode" to "medium" or "best" in the config, it should work better. In the future we will add a "linear" variant and it will sound like Crispy Doom.


Edit: Oops i'm late :)

Edited by rfomin

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About the swirling animated flats option: would it be possible to differentiate between liquids' motion (like water, slime, blood, magma, etc...) and pulsating terrain (like lava cracks) ?

I include a clip as an example of ground type that doesn't seem like it was supposed to have that flowing movement




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The swirling lava cracks look weird indeed. IMO this is cooled-down lava that already got solid and liquid is only shining through the cracks. It doesn't make sense that the solid parts move, so I guess none of these textures should be warped.


I had already complained about this in Inter-Doom, but nothing was changed, dunno what was the reason - probably consistency (either all animated flats are swirling or none).

Edited by NightFright

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Well, my guess would be that both types of textures use the same programming to animate like that... I mean, I can see that basically all they do is some kind of blinking, so I think it could be a bit complicated to differentiate automatically.

Anyway, it would be super cool to have  : D

Edited by s4f3s3x

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Another small inconsistency that I noticed is about waterfalls, for example: if the option is on, the water flat has the nice and smooth swirling animation, but the "wall" (water flowing vertically) still has the choppy vanilla animation

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5 minutes ago, NightFright said:

It's not a flat (floor texture), that's why. This is what Smooth Doom was made for. 


Yeah, I know it's not. Does Smooth Doom (the "vanilla" version) change the animation rate of both flats and walls?

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3 hours ago, s4f3s3x said:

About the swirling animated flats option: would it be possible to differentiate between liquids' motion (like water, slime, blood, magma, etc...) and pulsating terrain (like lava cracks) ?

I include a clip as an example of ground type that doesn't seem like it was supposed to have that flowing movement




I had the same question previously. Check @rfomin's answer here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/112333-this-is-woof-1051-dec-28-2022-updated-winmbf/?page=46&tab=comments#comment-2531774


But I have found animated.lmp to be too cumbersome to deal with for such a task, so I personally do this instead: https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/commit/688c0f9e1ba0a576329d6817dbc3536d14d69358

Edited by PKr

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On 1/15/2023 at 3:40 PM, PKr said:

I had the same question previously. Check @rfomin's answer here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/112333-this-is-woof-1051-dec-28-2022-updated-winmbf/?page=46&tab=comments#comment-2531774


But I have found animated.lmp to be too cumbersome to deal with for such a task, so I personally do this instead: https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/woof/commit/688c0f9e1ba0a576329d6817dbc3536d14d69358


Hmm... I'm not sure I know how to make this work. Is there a file that I can simply place somewhere in Woof's folder? :' D

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hey team, a quick question that does not warrant a new github issue..


would you consider implementing one or more of the following features?

- the 4x rendering resolution recently introduced in inter-doom 

- the framerate cap option recenlty introduced in crispy


thank you for the time/energy you dedicate to this project!


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Inter Doom has an 800p res mode? Since f'ing when?!? If so: PLIES GIBZ!!! (Personally I'd already be happy with 600p.)



I see, it was added with v6.2, just 3d ago. Mind. Blown. Downsides: 800p means 16x screen rendering and changing resolutions requires a restart of the port. Visually it's brilliant, though.

Edited by NightFright

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4 hours ago, Delfino Furioso said:

- the 4x rendering resolution recently introduced in inter-doom 


Nope. (at least not on agenda)



- the framerate cap option recenlty introduced in crispy




Edited by fabian

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Well, at least like this Inter Doom will have a standout feature which sets it further apart from Crispy or Woof. Otherwise, these ports have seen quite similar development steps recently. Which isn't a bad thing, really, considering these projects all are aiming for a common target audience. (Even though Woof still reigns supreme for me, mostly due to its thorough Boom/MBF21 support.)


Who knows, maybe some merciful soul eventually branches off Woof and adds 600p and/or 800p at some point. That or a pull request pops up out of nowhere. Never underestimate the possibilities offered by Github.

Edited by NightFright

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I just want to thank whoever's responsible for this:




I don't know how many other souceports do this; but I know it's not enough of them


Speaking of, I suggest implementing some of linguica's "fixed" sprite fuzz code as an option what which emphasizes the Predator-refraction effect. I mean I'm quite frankly happy enough with the ability to bring spectre's to their native chunkyness as is, but ever since Edward replied to me in THAT thread; I just haven't been the same since

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13 hours ago, No-Man Baugh said:

I just want to thank whoever's responsible for this:


Yep, you're welcome. ;)


13 hours ago, No-Man Baugh said:

Speaking of, I suggest implementing some of linguica's "fixed" sprite fuzz code as an option what which emphasizes the Predator-refraction effect.


I don't consider it a bug, but a design flaw. In other words, the code is doing exactly what it's supposed to do, there's nothing to fix here. It is just that what is does may be based on an unfortunate choice - but that's highly subjective. I have introduced "Blocky Spectre Drawing" in order to get spectre drawing to match Vanilla Doom as precisely as possible - even with high resolution rendering. I am not going to change this based on a subjective fix or personal preference.

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On 1/24/2023 at 11:51 AM, No-Man Baugh said:

Speaking of, I suggest implementing some of linguica's "fixed" sprite fuzz code as an option what which emphasizes the Predator-refraction effect. I mean I'm quite frankly happy enough with the ability to bring spectre's to their native chunkyness as is, but ever since Edward replied to me in THAT thread; I just haven't been the same since


Just for fun I implemented this to see what it would look like in Woof:



I think it looks great.


Edit: Now included in Nugget Doom.

Edited by ceski

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On 1/29/2023 at 2:16 AM, ceski said:


Just for fun I implemented this to see what it would look like in Woof:



I think it looks great. Here's a build if you want to try it out: woof-fuzz-win64.7z


Use these settings in woof.cfg:

hires 1
fuzzcolumn_mode 1
fuzzdark_mode 1


I like it! I compiled your implementation for macOS, in case anyone else wants to try it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2erw3gt4xwodhrm/Woof-v10.5.1-fuzz-mac.7z

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  • 2 weeks later...

Buenos dias, I have a small question: so screenshots, right? Is there a way at all to save a "clean" screenshot (something that doesn't show the weapon you're currently holding, no HUD, no level stats & level time on the upper left corner) the way Crispy Doom does it? If there isn't, is it cool for me to suggest maybe having that feature added in for Woof?

Edited by VoanHead

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I'd like to make a pie-in-the-sky suggestion.  I love using Woof! but there's one thing that I really miss when I go from GZDoom to Woof! and that's being able to use Enjay's Splash.wad.  Would it be possible to add something similar to Woof?  Even if it was just a 'splash' sound as the player hits the water it would add lot to the game.  Perhaps it could be added as an option in the Swirling Liquids toggle ie/ Swirling Liquids = OFF, ON or ON with SPLASH?


Also, bonus pie-in-the-sky suggestion.  I'd really love the 'smooth' HUD numbers from Nugget Doom.  The numbers scrolling up as I pick up health or armour looks so cool with a mod I'm making. :P

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2 hours ago, VoanHead said:

save a "clean" screenshot


This is currently not possible - but possible to implement, since this is pretty much exactly what we do when saving snapshots for savegames. 


2 hours ago, Average said:

 use Enjay's Splash.wad.  


I don't know that and have no idea how it works. But I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with swirling flats at all. Anyway, I am sure we are missing the code pointers for that, but we can probably emit a sound whenever "landing" in a flat that's part of an animation sequence. 


2 hours ago, Average said:

.I'd really love the 'smooth' HUD numbers from Nugget Doom.  


I've seen that and I like it. Try to convince @Alaux to provide a PR. ;)

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53 minutes ago, fabian said:

Try to convince @Alaux to provide a PR. ;)

No need to convince me, I'd be glad to do it! However, I'm unfortunately busy at the time, so it'll take me a while - possibly until next month - to get to it.

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Firstly, @Alaux thank you very much I look forward to the PR and thank you @fabian for being receptive to the suggestion. :) 


@fabian ,regarding my suggestion with the 'splash', I think I've probably confused things.  Enjay's Splash.wad simply adds a splash sound and animation to liquids but it relies on ZDoom.  Adding a splash sound when landing on animated flats in Woof! was pretty much what I was asking for.  The only reason I suggested adding an option to the Swirling Liquids tab was just to save crowding the menu with another option.  I just thought having the two 'liquids' options on the one tab made thematic sense.  I hope that's clear.


Sorry, I'm terrible at conveying thoughts and ideas in text.  I get too garrulous for my own good!  

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