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This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)


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Can you add the option to play sounds in full length? I noticed this while messing with custom shotgun and rocket launcher sounds: the rocket/barrel explosion sound, DSBAREXP, does not play in full when a rocket explodes, and the SSG sound effect cuts off if it's too long

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On 10/10/2020 at 11:08 PM, valkiriforce said:

Is there some reason for this? I'd nearly forgotten about this port and have been enjoying it recently, although I wish those automap coordinates could be switched off.


The automap coordinates are always-on in MBF. I never found them distracting enough to have them optional, though.


On 10/10/2020 at 11:08 PM, valkiriforce said:

[EDIT] When playing Doom II for some reason I got a crash when I finished up MAP11. I've no idea how I triggered it but this was the error report:


Thanks for noticing! This is the second time I introduced this same kind of crash due to the rather non-intuitive way MBF aliased the memory allocation functions. You reported the same bug last time, so thanks again for your attention! :D


On 10/10/2020 at 11:08 PM, valkiriforce said:

[EDIT] Another error this time on MAP27 of Doom II - the stairs won't build after flipping the switch by the yellow door (the sector 8 switch specifically).


This is probably due to Boom's own stair building function being the default in Boom and later, though I would be surprised if this breaks an IWAD map.


On 10/12/2020 at 3:03 AM, RonnieColeman said:

Can you please add an option for bobbing weapons while firing? I'd hate to bother you but you added an option for centered weapons while firing so I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.


I didn't even know this feature is so popular. The problem is that there are no multiple choice menu items in MBF for e.g. "off" / "centered" / "bobbing". Do you really miss this or did you suggest it for completeness?


On 10/13/2020 at 3:58 AM, RonnieColeman said:

Can you add the option to play sounds in full length? I noticed this while messing with custom shotgun and rocket launcher sounds: the rocket/barrel explosion sound, DSBAREXP, does not play in full when a rocket explodes, and the SSG sound effect cuts off if it's too long


I could add this, sure. Thanks for the suggestion.

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4 hours ago, fabian said:

Do you really miss this or did you suggest it for completeness?

I think it looks great. For example, try playing with Vanilla Doom Smooth Weapons in Crispy Doom with weapon-bobbing-while-firing turned on, and run around while holding fire on the chaingun. It looks super cool


4 hours ago, fabian said:

I could add this, sure. Thanks for the suggestion


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I downloaded the latest version. For some reason the custom shotgun and chaingun sounds for this wad aren't working, instead it's complete silence for the shotgun while the chaingun reverts back to stock sounds. You can play it in another boom compatible port to hear what the original sounds sound like.

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@Catpho the sounds in that wad are in wav format instead of Doom's soundfile format. I don't know if that's a feature @fabian will want to support, so here's a wad with those sounds converted, load it after the main wad. (I didn't see any new chaingun/pistol sounds, btw.)



Edited by plums

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4 hours ago, Ar_e_en said:

I'm interested. Has anyone gotten this to work on Linux? I might try it!


The github link on the first page has build instructions, looks pretty straightforward compared to some others to build

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On 10/10/2020 at 11:08 PM, valkiriforce said:

Is there some reason for this? I'd nearly forgotten about this port and have been enjoying it recently, although I wish those automap coordinates could be switched off.


I have just committed the change to make this optional, thanks to your own and @OpenRift's suggestion. However, please keep in mind that this port's aim is not to mimic Vanilla Doom, but MBF. ;)

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Welp, I tried compiling it on Linux, but no luck. I got an error:

/home/ren/woof/Source/i_sound.c: In function ‘I_InitSound’:
/home/ren/woof/Source/i_sound.c:605:10: error: implicit declaration of function ‘Mix_OpenAudioDevice’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
       if(Mix_OpenAudioDevice(snd_samplerate, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, audio_buffers, NULL, SDL_AUDIO_
cc1: some warnings being treated as errors
Source/CMakeFiles/woof.dir/build.make:289: recipe for target 'Source/CMakeFiles/woof.dir/i_sound.c.o' failed
make[2]: *** [Source/CMakeFiles/woof.dir/i_sound.c.o] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:225: recipe for target 'Source/CMakeFiles/woof.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [Source/CMakeFiles/woof.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:170: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

Should I try an earlier version or something else? I downloaded the 2.3.2 version.

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From what I can gather it's "2.0.1+dfsg1-1"

I'm guessing it's an outdated library and I should look for the newer version? Should I also get the newest image, net and standard SDL2 libraries?

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Bit of a problem - while I can get a newer version of SDL2, I can't find anyway to get a newer version of SDL2-dev. I did compile a newer version of SDL2 (at least I think I did, the command "sdl2-config --version" tells me that now I have version "2.0.12" which is the newest version from what I can tell), but there doesn't seem to be any place from where I can get the "-dev" versions of SDL2. The only other option I can think of is to change distros (currently using Linux Mint, might change to Manjaro or Artix), and that is gonna take some time.




Oh, well... another time then.

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13 hours ago, Ar_e_en said:

Bit of a problem - while I can get a newer version of SDL2, I can't find anyway to get a newer version of SDL2-dev.


Even Debian stable has SDL2_Mixer 2.0.4 and SDL2 2.0.9. Maybe you can take the packages from there.

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You mean get the debian packages from the debian website? That might actually work!

I briefly checked the website and it seems to have the regular and the "-dev" variants, so I guess I'll try this later. 


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Welp, I added the newest Debian (Buster) repository to my sources.list (I also have a copy of the old list as a backup just in case) and I managed to download the various SDL2 libraries.

Now I went back to the "woof" folder to try again, but now I got a different error:

fatal error: SDL_net.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Source/CMakeFiles/woof.dir/build.make:276: recipe for target 'Source/CMakeFiles/woof.dir/i_net.c.o' failed
make[2]: *** [Source/CMakeFiles/woof.dir/i_net.c.o] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:225: recipe for target 'Source/CMakeFiles/woof.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [Source/CMakeFiles/woof.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:170: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

It tells me that there is no "SDL_net.h" library. Either I screwed up in getting the SDL2 libraries again or there really is a missing file from the sources directory.

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@Ar_e_en you're probably missing SDL2_Net or have an outdated version of that as well. (I can compile Woof just fine on my system, there's definitely nothing missing from it.)

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I did it! It works now!




You know what the final problem was?


Broken dependencies :)

But I fixed it! And now it works!

Thank you all for the help!

Edited by Ar_e_en
Forgot to thank you all... oops..

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Actually, I think a better reaction video from me should have been this one:


"It's like losing your virginity, there's a sense that I've unlocked a treasure chest of possibilities!" - Ar_e_en 2020


Right, enough messing around. Now I get to mess around with this port in all it's glory... wait doesn't make any...

Forget about it!


Anyway! I see that there are some example wads included in the .zip file and that the terminal syntax is the same as all the other ports (basic "SourcePort -iwad DOOM.WAD/DOOM2.WAD -file PWAD.WAD" stuff). I'm gonna go and mess around with the examples, but I would also like some other MBF wads to try out. Any suggestions? I know that Valiant and Eviternity are MBF wads, but I have also heard that they are kinda incompatible with pure MBF ports (but I haven't heard if they are incompatible with Woof tho).


Also, I would like to know where is the .ini file for woof (does it even have one?), I would like to change and mess around with a few settings.

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I just remembered that someone made this:

If anyone is interested in messing around with some mbf wads - this one might interest you.

I tested it out in Woof - it works! Do be warned - if the Scythe 2 evil marines gave you nightmares, you might want to ignore this wad.

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I have been messing around with Woof for quite some time now and I have a word of advice to low experienced Linux users (like myself) and a funny little discovery.


If you have a rather old LTS distribution (or you're using the Cinnamon desktop) - consider upgrading to a newer LTS version (or going with a rolling release distribution instead) that supports the newer SDL2 libraries from the get got, because after updating my SDL2 libraries - my Cinnamon desktop environment bugged out (terminal became transparent, right-clicking did nothing, desktop icons disappeared, other visual glitches etc.). That was kinda worrying to me, but I found a solution - I switched to the xfce desktop, which works perfectly fine (for now, I hope), in fact - I thinks it's faster (I've never seen GZDoom be this smooth, it's beautiful). 

All these bugs are my fault to be honest (I'm probably gonna change distros by the end of the year anyway), but if you are a Linux user who is interested in compiling Woof - I would advise you to make sure that your distro supports the newest SDL2 libraries from the get go, just to be safe (or hell, just stop using the Cinnamon desktop, which honestly was pretty buggy to begin with!).


And now a fun little discovery about Woof, MBF or any other source-port that supports helper dogs!


I've been messing around with Valiant and Eviternity, and made a little discovery about the helper dogs:

In MBF and Woof - the helper dogs are just that - Dogs that help you!




But if you play Valiant or Eviternity with helper dogs enabled - instead of dogs, you get whatever entity the wad author decided to replace the dogs with as your helper!




And YES - they ARE helpers! The floating brain guy in the second picture is shooting at an enemy below the rails!

This is kinda weird honestly, because internally in the DeHacked files - these enemies aren't set as friendly, but if you have helpers enabled - you will spawn with those entities as friends (but only the ones that spawn next to you, the regular replacements that were placed in the map will be enemies from what I've experienced).


This wasn't an intended feature by the wad authors or the devs of Woof, but in a weird way - it turned into a cool little unintended feature, that I might try out later!



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1 hour ago, Ar_e_en said:

If you have a rather old LTS distribution (or you're using the Cinnamon desktop) - consider upgrading to a newer LTS version (or going with a rolling release distribution instead) that supports the newer SDL2 libraries from the get got, because after updating my SDL2 libraries - my Cinnamon desktop environment bugged out (terminal became transparent, right-clicking did nothing, desktop icons disappeared, other visual glitches etc.). That was kinda worrying to me, but I found a solution - I switched to the xfce desktop, which works perfectly fine (for now, I hope), in fact - I thinks it's faster (I've never seen GZDoom be this smooth, it's beautiful).  



I mean, a bit less "world shattering" option would be to create an /opt/2new4dis* subtree with bin/lib/src/build folders inside, unpack source code of new versions of the various SDL libraries in there, and use ./configure --prefix=/opt/2new4dis to make the compiled stuff land in there too.

I'd presume that if you're into compiling the software at all, you can handle that kind of extra step. :)

Then you can build and run Woof itself - or any other program requiring such - the same way, just adding the /opt location to library search path.

(* change name to taste).

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9 hours ago, wrkq said:

I'd presume that if you're into compiling the software at all, you can handle that kind of extra step. :)

I would like you to note the words "Low Experienced" (aka babby tier). While I have compiled a few bits of software on my machine (last piece of software I compiled before Woof was eduke32, but it was done on a virtual machine more as a test than anything else), I'd prefer to just download the software I need from the repositories. I think that the Woof team probably doesn't have the time or will power to maintain a bunch of different packages for various Linux distros, so instead - they just give us the source code.


You know, the more I think about it - I think the real problem here was the Cinnamon desktop in the end. I had a bunch of minor annoyances with it (in fact, there might be a chance that Cinnamon clonking out was completely unrelated to SDL2 updating!), so that desktop environment breaking completely was probably inevitable. However, this theory hinges on one thing - xfce not going out in the same way (so far - it works very well). 

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On 10/13/2020 at 3:58 AM, RonnieColeman said:

Can you add the option to play sounds in full length? I noticed this while messing with custom shotgun and rocket launcher sounds: the rocket/barrel explosion sound, DSBAREXP, does not play in full when a rocket explodes, and the SSG sound effect cuts off if it's too long


I have implemented this in GIT now, though it only applies to sounds emitted by other map objects, not the ones that are emitted "in the player's head". Thus, weapon sounds and "oof!" and some other very special sounds still interrupt each other.

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On 7/29/2020 at 7:39 PM, Aurelius said:

Stopped by to report a bug (tried to look through the thread but wasn't sure if a similar thing was posted already) but also wanted to say that this port feels very enjoyable and responsive! I think you have a way with the player movement that really clicks with me. Same reason I love Crispy.


The bug was a strange band of magenta on some textures in the first map of Valiant. If it's any help, the texture SAWSTN13 that it occurs on is 256x320 pixel single patch texture.



Also since I'm posting, is it possible to bind a key to restart level like in Crispy? And if not, could that be added?


I've been noticing this as well. Here's an even more noticeable occurrence:



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15 hours ago, Ar_e_en said:

I've been noticing this as well. Here's an even more noticeable occurrence:

Which map is this? Could you post a screenshot of the automap at that place? 

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56 minutes ago, fabian said:

Which map is this? Could you post a screenshot of the automap at that place? 


It's MAP10, Candlecove. Noticeable pretty much anywhere with that rock texture.

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