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What was the first Megawad (custom level pack) you ever played in your life and how you got it?

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Ok so for me it was a weird one, I didnt get truly into doom until 2012 when I bought the Doom Collection on steam and one of my first if not my first Megawad was Jenesis or Reverie. Since then I just got addicted to Doom and tried out anything that comes out for it.

The first time I tried custom stuff in Doom or Doom at all was in 2008 or 2009 on a Spanish site (Taringa I think) which had this pack of mostly Total Conversions, Including Batman Doom, Half-Life 1 and 2 and some other TCs along with a copy of Zdoom and some pirated copies of Doom 1, 2 and Final Doom, back then I didnt even know you were not suppossed to look up and down.

This Pack was really poorly packaged, It had Batman Doom TC but it didnt load the .deh file properly so it was a glitchy mess but I do remember just laughing my ass off to that punching animation.

Some other TC it had was Half-Life ZDoom, which just like Batman, it didnt load properly and was a glitchy mess.
That Half life 2 TC tho, it wasnt half life 2 at all, this one was almost the same as the first one graphically but it did load properly (surprisingly) and it was set in the snow, then you get in a cave with barnacles but those were just decoration then I got bored and I never played it again, thats like all I remember of that one.

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I think Hell Revealed was my first megawad. Sadly I don't remember why it was the case, but I know for sure the Cacoawards definitely steered me in its direction.


Even on Hey Not Too Rough, it was a fight. I played it before I managed to conquer either Plutonia and its infamous Go 2 It map, so I think I was not ready. I remember Post Mortem in particular haunting me for weeks to come.

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First wad I ever played was Ancient Aliens, which is almost the reason I bought the game in the first place. Got it from a download link on a playthrough video if I recall correctly. Then I played Heretic : treasure chest and the Wayfarer. My second Doom 2 wad was PRCP ; and I remember Alien Vendetta and Zone300 getting played not long after almost in one setting while I was injured and all and could only sit at my PC all day. I got them all from /idgames ; I wasn't on DW at that time, and not really active on Discord. Now there are too much wads I wanna play and I don't have time D-:

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Does the Chex Quest trilogy count?  I played doom on console before buying it on pc, so having a set of levels I could play for free was really great.  After that I bought the iwads and played Ancient aliens, but I didn't finish it until recently.

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The first wad I played was Avactor I think, thanks to the cacowards. Up to that point I've had only played Doom 2 and Plutonia. Great wad, it has a lot of cohesion, the textures, sprites, level design, enemy replacement (although I wasn't a fan of the turret monsters) and monster encounters/ambushes are amazing!

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Well I am relatively new to the Doom Comunity, even so my first Megawad was Marswars (yes that one).
I got to play it in 2015 and got it through a Wad Sharing group in MODDB.

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The first time I ever finished a megawad was with Ancient Aliens with Final Doomer (since I wasn't planning on finishing it until it made me really interested). I can't really say anything about it that hasn't been said before, however I will say this. Thanks to Skillsaw it pushed me into working on one of my passions which is mapping, for Doom and Half-life. Currently I am finishing Alien Vendetta which has been really fun to blast through (currently on map15) and will continue to finish other wads. (Thanks to skillsaw I finished my first Doom Wad and continue to do so!)

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First Megawad I've beaten? I believe it was Deathless. Played through it on my Switch via the Unity port.


Super high quality stuff from Jimmy. The maps felt very much like official id maps and the new/edited textures added some nice variety within the maps.

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REoL TOUGH Wolfensteined by George "King REoL" Fiffy was the first episode I played, given to me by some friend. I was simply amazed to see all new maps, it was the most exiting feeling. Even though it is a rather crappy episode by today's standards I still play it from time to time.


First megawad I downloaded was Memento Mori 2 back on a 486 with Win 95 back in 1997. Took 2 hours to download and needed to compress it onto 3 floppies. A bit like reel to reel tape in some ways.

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Definitely Requiem. I found out about Doom custom levels via magazines back in the day and played a few via magazine cover discs and a shareware distributor. Then I got on the Internet myself in 1997 and found the Doom modding scene. The idea of what was essentially a fully new Doom game to me was utterly mindblowing.

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idk what the first one i played was, but the first one i ever beat was demonfear. i used the top 100 list to get good wads when i was younger (that's not to say i didn't browse /idgames, cuz i did), and demonfear was one of those

Edited by roadworx

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I found it on one of those first "Shareware/Multimedia CD-ROMs" which, back then, pre-Internet, (also) acted as a sort of poor-man's BBS. Doom was cool enough to have a special place on those compilations.

Edited by Maes

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Prior to replaying FINAL DOOM in 2016, I really wanted to branch out into fan made content. I'd been reading a lot about FINAL DOOM, and that was where I first read of the Plutonia / TNT stylistic divide. Frankly, I enjoy both styles equally, but I discovered PLUTONIA 2 and the PLUTONIA REVISITED COMMUNITY PROJECT at the same time. I started with PLUTONIA 2, I'm glad I did. I've found that jumping right into PL2 and PRCP on UV helped me adjust to newer, more complex level design, harder difficulty levels and how to deal with teleporting hordes or well hidden keys. 

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The first full fan megawad I played was Scythe. About 4 months ago to the day, I wanted to get into fan made wads, but like hardest I played up to the was just Plutonia and I knew stuff got really really hard. So I found this list of wads by difficulty and started going down the list, more or less, starting from Scythe. Managed to beat it in 5 days, going by the dates of some screenshots. 3 of those days were spend on map 30, Fire and Ice.

Edited by BaileyTW

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The Ultimate Torment and Torture, which probably is connected to when I started looking into all of this (late 2007 or so). It had so many visual elements that I'd never seen before in Doom and was detailed to the point of ridiculousness. Unfortunately, the entire thing was very difficult playing keyboard-only and for many reasons, I never made it past the first map.

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