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What would you do if an actual invasion of Earth by Hell happened?

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Definitely try to hide with as much food and weapons as I can. I'll probably get killed as soon as I step outside after my supplies run out but I gave it a shot.

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I'd telefrag the mastermind of the invasion, then pick up the bfg and blast the rest of the bad guys. Problem solved!

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1 hour ago, twistedhydrgoen said:

Interesting to think about it, what I would do is just hide, I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to actually fight demons.


Go down to the pub, pour myself a pint and wait for it all to blow over.

Nah. Grab my family, some weapons (I have a samurai sword. Well a replica, but I am pretty sure I could run demon through with it) and all the resources I could stuff in my car and head for the country where you have less people so likely to generate less attention, and more resources of the food, clean water and shooty variety. My Dad is semi-rural and has from memory three different rifles, a semi-automatic 12 gauge, and at least one chainsaw. Plus, he knows a bunch of hunters and farmers in the area who will have more. Fortunately in New Zealand where I live, the country is barely 15 minutes from the town. In fact, the demons would probably look at anywhere in New Zealand that's not Auckland and go "bugger it, not enough people to viciously murder, not worth the effort".

In short, my thought process would be "yes I will probably die, but if I am going out I am going out swinging".

Edited by Murdoch

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I'd turn into pile of gibs in first few seconds of invasion. I'm pacifist and I have zero training, besides I'm slow. 

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I don't think 13-months-out-of-practice karate training will help much against a literal demon. I'm probably toast.

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Look at the political and economic consequences of the coronavirus, and then scale that up to demon invasion completely destroying major cities.


Or look at the recent wildfires in Australia, and imagine the same thing done on a planetary scale. To be honest I doubt the environment would remain livable. Like, even if you are "lucky" enough to live in an area the demons haven't touched yet, you'd probably be choking to death as all the Earth's oxygen is consumed to maintain these giant flaming pentagrams visible from space.



Edited by Gez

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3 minutes ago, BBQgiraffe said:

blow my brains out


bit excessive but not gonna lie look at the statistics- Any Apocalyptic event it's been proven that the suicide rate will go through the fucking hemisphere.


Probably would sit at home and try to take out as many as i can before i get killed


Edited by Morpheus666

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Attempt to play an epic guitar solo in the vein hopes I die to an arachnotron rather than literally any other demon... only for a cyberdemon to start bashing on the drums out of nowhere and then I accidentally create the first human-hell demon hybrid band.

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chain saw

chain saw







if i were in better shape i'd probably be better suited.

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I would be recalled to the army (we have mandatory service in my country)


And I would try to not pee my pants and instead kill something.

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Wonder why I can't pick up anything with my feet, while simultaneously moving so damn slow. 

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