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Pinkies not being fast on Nightmare?

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I'm playing the PS4 ports of Doom 1 and 2. Aren't the Pinkies supposed to be fast?

Edited by Saltman

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Don't know about the PS4 port specifically, but there is a bug in Vanilla Doom where the game only boosts Pinky speed when starting a new game in Nightmare, and not when you load a save. (This bug can also be abused to slow down or speed up pinkies)

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Yeah, they are. I think this first surfaced with the PS3/X360 ports/BFG Edition.


...and this was still not addressed? Seriously? It's still borked in the most recent ports?

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The code that altered the speed of Demons and various fireballs is in a separate place in the source code to the rest of the nightmare stuff iirc

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Switch version also lacks the fast Demons. Monsters like Imps still shoot projectiles at a faster rate of fire but the projectiles themselves aren't sped up.

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I believe some of the nightmare stuff was intentionally disabled because of https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Demon_speed_bug way back in the original 2003 Xbox port, or the 2009 360 port. It's on my list to fix, which also includes auditing what's exactly working and not working at the moment with Nightmare, so hopefully I can get around to cleaning up all the nightmare behavior to act like the DOS version.

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@sponge, little off topic, but if you do have say with these ports, is there any way to get the tracks to loop a little more seamlessly? The 360 port had the tracks loop pretty smoothly, but in the Switch/XB1/PS4 ports they kind of just end, go quiet, start back up.

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7 hours ago, Aloyisus said:

@sponge, little off topic, but if you do have say with these ports, is there any way to get the tracks to loop a little more seamlessly? The 360 port had the tracks loop pretty smoothly, but in the Switch/XB1/PS4 ports they kind of just end, go quiet, start back up.


I'd like to, but the 360 port was playing back the music real-time, while these are using pre-recorded audio files. I haven't looked into yet what it would take to setup loop points in the audio, but unless it's playing back two instances of the song, I worry that the reverb cutting off might sound weird.

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