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Random face in Boom with TNTHOM?

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Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but being sleep deprived and seeing this gave me a bit of a scare... does anyone know anything about this? It happens when you shoot/fire and you're looking at a HOM with TNTHOM enabled. What the fuck?



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5 minutes ago, fraggle said:

That's Lee Killough, the author of MBF and one of the main programmers on Boom. You found an easter egg, congrats.


That's what I figured... though, I've read a lot of source port documentation and I don't ever recall seeing anything about easter eggs in the classic DOS-era ports. I guess it wasn't important enough, or I just missed it.

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Killough's love of obfuscation is well known.


I think this is the responsible code:

  if (autodetect_hom)
    { // killough 2/10/98: add flashing red HOM indicators
      char c[47*47];
      extern int lastshottic;
      int i,color=(gametic % 20) < 9 ? 0xb0 : 0;
      for (i=0;i<47*47;i++)
          char t =
          c[i] = t=='/' ? color : t;
      if (gametic-lastshottic < TICRATE*2 && gametic-lastshottic > TICRATE/8)
        V_DrawBlock(viewwindowx +  viewwidth/2 - 24,
                    viewwindowy + viewheight/2 - 24, 0, 47, 47, c);

The "/" characters are replaced by the background color of the HOM indicators, the others are the palette indices for his mugshot.

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3 minutes ago, Gez said:

Killough's love of obfuscation is well known.


I guess that worked in his favor, then...

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13 hours ago, Gez said:

Killough's love of obfuscation is well known.


Indeed,  a lot of times I was trying for hours to understand his source code.

Also mentioned in MBF source code comments:


while ((type != MT_PLASMA2) && (type = MT_PLASMA2)); //killough: obfuscated!



void P_RemoveSlimeTrails(void)                // killough 10/98
  byte *hit = calloc(1, numvertexes);         // Hitlist for vertices
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<numsegs; i++)                   // Go through each seg
      const line_t *l = segs[i].linedef;      // The parent linedef
      if (l->dx && l->dy)                     // We can ignore orthogonal lines
	  vertex_t *v = segs[i].v1;
	    if (!hit[v - vertexes])           // If we haven't processed vertex
		hit[v - vertexes] = 1;        // Mark this vertex as processed
		if (v != l->v1 && v != l->v2) // Exclude endpoints of linedefs
		  { // Project the vertex back onto the parent linedef
		    long long dx2 = (l->dx >> FRACBITS) * (l->dx >> FRACBITS);
		    long long dy2 = (l->dy >> FRACBITS) * (l->dy >> FRACBITS);
		    long long dxy = (l->dx >> FRACBITS) * (l->dy >> FRACBITS);
		    long long s = dx2 + dy2;
		    int x0 = v->x, y0 = v->y, x1 = l->v1->x, y1 = l->v1->y;
		    v->x = (dx2 * x0 + dy2 * x1 + dxy * (y0 - y1)) / s;
		    v->y = (dy2 * y0 + dx2 * y1 + dxy * (x0 - x1)) / s;
	      }  // Obfuscated C contest entry:   :)
	  while ((v != segs[i].v2) && (v = segs[i].v2));



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 Heh. I wonder if the boom source was equally obfuscated. At least a search for obfuscate gives no results. That function didn't exist yet.


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The code excerpt I posted above is from Boom. It's in R_RenderPlayerView() in R_MAIN.C.


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On 3/8/2020 at 12:59 PM, maxmanium said:

I've read a lot of source port documentation and I don't ever recall seeing anything about easter eggs in the classic DOS-era ports. I guess it wasn't important enough, or I just missed it.

Another one is the JFF in Boom for the IDDT-IDDT cheat, as mentioned in the Trivia section here. I always thought that should have been compleveled, but never proposed it, as it's kind of nitpicky.

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50 minutes ago, Grazza said:

Another one is the JFF in Boom for the IDDT-IDDT cheat, as mentioned in the Trivia section here. I always thought that should have been compleveled, but never proposed it, as it's kind of nitpicky.


Son of a bitch, I thought it looked different...

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 I wonder why there isn't a WinBoom, may be becouse it wouldn't make sense? There are actually a lot of differences in the code and i believe it would be doable without too much work doing the same Quasar did.

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Yeah but i mean like WinMBF just the original Boom source, merging Quasar changes on top of Boom source instead. PrBoom also has MBF code.

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True, i forgot that the original PRBoom existed i was thinking on the second gen one. I've tried it and it works with a DDraw emulator (DXGL), the player spins wildly in fullscreen. Works also natively windowed with the -noddraw parameter. Music plays always at full volume. The text file mentions ZDoom so may be even uses ZDoom code for video.

But merging Quasar's and fabian's changes we'd get the Woof equivalent for Boom. I don't mean that it actually makes sense but i've seen that fraggle has created DietBoom based on Woof.

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 I did more testing and i must say this was a very good port, mouse works reasonably well and later PRBoom versions now don't even run or they show SDL problems. GDI is slow but Coco 2.x also was. If a had the skill i could add D3D rendering (or 4x scaling and widescreen for GDI could do) and a few fixes from here and there and... there! WinBoom. :D

 BTW there was a 2.03 beta but i don't know if that was based on MBF or still Boom i'd have to do a brute force comparison to know.

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