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Best way to DM on dial up?

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My long time DMing fiend, I mean friend, Ron lives in the middle of nowhere and only has access to dial up for DMing. He was recently told that Windows 10 is lousy for gaming on Dial up, and that seems to be true since our DM sessions have been slower than they had been in the past since he got a new computer with Windows 10. I'm hoping maybe some savvy old-schoolers on here might know a good way to DM over dial up for best performance? Thanks!



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What port are you currently using/Have you tried using Odamex? It’s got a pretty efficient netcode, my friend in Maine has dial-up and I live in Australia, we both connect to a server in California and it’s very playable so long as your ping remains under 200.


You’ll have to curb your expectations compared to low-ping Doom of course, but still, I’ve been playing this way for years and it works well. It can’t hurt to try the other ports too just to gauge how they feel in comparison.


Also the simpler the map, the fewer data packets that need to be sent back and forth! 

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