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Does anyone think that DOOM 64 sucks?

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Now, to be honest, I hate DOOM 64. I think that Midway Games didn't need to change the whole story, the sprites AND the soundtrack. That soundtrack... for me is disappointing. Aubrey Hodges made the soundtrack more scary than metal. In some songs you can even hear babies crying! I expected the same game, just ported to the N64. I prefer to play the PSX version. Lemme know your opinion!

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1 hour ago, speed_your_feed said:

I expected the same game, just ported to the N64.

What would have been the point?


Do you want to play regular Doom on an N64 now, in 2020? Well, if so, you can, actually. Have fun.

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Then just ignore it. Nobody is forcing you by gunpoint to read it over and over and over again.

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7 minutes ago, speed_your_feed said:

Do you like the new story tho?



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I, for one, actually appreciate that Doom 64 was its own thing and thus it is the only 90's console version of Doom that I actually really care about (and probably a bit of care for PSX version too). I don't care one bit for the Jag, 32X, SNES, Saturn, GBA versions as they are just dumbed down versions of the original Doom.


However, if you want the original Doom for N64, I recall there being a homebrew port called "64Doom". It was a straight PC version port on the N64. I am not sure if it has been completed or not.

Edited by ReaperAA

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1 hour ago, Edward850 said:

Hey Linguica, how do I delete other people's threads? 

I know atleast one way:

Take away OP's internet.

2 hours ago, speed_your_feed said:

Now, to be honest, I hate DOOM 64. I think that Midway Games didn't need to change the whole story, the sprites AND the soundtrack. That soundtrack... for me is disappointing. Aubrey Hodges made the soundtrack more scary than metal. In some songs you can even hear babies crying! I expected the same game, just ported to the N64. I prefer to play the PSX version. Lemme know your opinion!

Your question in the OP is rather invalid as not only is Doom 64 re-releasing on new consoles, it also gets a new chapter.

So clearly enough people think Doom64 does not suck.

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It's both the Doom 2 and Doom 3 we deserved. I think it's pretty great.


Also, Doom 1 and 2's soundtracks weren't only metal. It had a variety of genres, including horrific atmospheric music.

Edited by Juza

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Always been my favorite Doom game because of its darker atmosphere while keeping the intense fast-paced gameplay of classic Doom games.


I don't see any reason to dislike the game tbh.

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It's was my favorite Console Doom, really playing this on my friend N64 was scary as a Kiddo.

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The sprite work can be shoddy in places, but other than that it's basically the closest Doom got to Quake and in many people's eyes is like a true Doom 3 in line with the classic games. I'm honestly glad that there were console "ports" that sometimes gave us new games like D64, or otherwise delivered new campaigns. That is definitely something you don't see anymore and is a total 90's-ism, since technology is almost consistent across the board nowadays and nobody has to compensate inferior tech with new content to make up for it.

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9 minutes ago, CARRiON said:

It's a proper DOOM 3.

As Doom64 overlord, I have come to inform you that this is incorrect. Doom3 is Doom3, and Doom64 is Doom64.


That is all.

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It was the first Doom game I got to play, I certainly wouldn't say it sucks by any means. It remains my favorite game from the series.

Edited by Avoozl

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4 minutes ago, Doom64hunter said:

Who else thinks that these constant negative shitpost threads suck?

Does anyone think Doom 2 sucks?

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Actually, now that I think about it, aren't the PSX and N64 soundtracks extremely similar?  Different songs, but the same style from the same composer.


Either way, I love dark ambient, and it's soundtrack has this definitely grown on me. Feels like a better fit in many ways.

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I think Doom64 looks hideous and plays awful, and was genuinely surprised when I found out how many people held it in such high regard. Likewise with the PSX port.


On the other hand I don't really mind when people like things that I don't, and I think making threads about not liking things is pretty dumb generally speaking, so 🤷

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Doom 64 sucks because is a new game instead of a shitty port, i just want to play the exact same game for the 100th time goddamnit.



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2 hours ago, speed_your_feed said:


Do you like the new story tho? 'Cause I sure the hell don't.


Which story? You mean something like the most badass guy in the universe playing with himself, while watching porn clips, until some demons overrun Phobos and Deimos? Two big stones, with nearly as zero gravitiy, where a comple idiot installed military bases, instead building them on the planet, both circling around? Okay, then. Maybe you should play other games, those with a real story. Try Max Payne, or something like this, because the stories behind Doom was always bullshit, no matter what Doom game we are talking about.

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Doom 64 is the worst Doom game to ever Doom in Doom.


First of all, what happened to the other Dooms?


Second of all, Doom 64 is literally a Doom clone.



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I'm not sure if I've ever heard anyone else share this opinion besides you. 

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4 hours ago, speed_your_feed said:

I hate DOOM 64. I expected the same game, just ported to the N64. I prefer to play the PSX version


Lots of people thought that Doom 64 was just another console port of the PC original but it's a completely new adventure.

A lot of my friends at the time had PlayStations and I was one of the few who had a Nintendo 64 and I remember their disbelief when they saw Doom 64 for the first time.


Doom 64 is much close to the PlayStation edition than the PC original so it's interesting how you like the PSX version but not the N64 game.

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