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Competitive mode

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Would they ever add a ranked competitive mode to Battlemode?

It would really increase the replayability of the game and wouldn't even take that much to add

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I would personally really like competitive Battlemode to be a thing. If it isn't a thing at launch you bet I'll be campaigning for its release.


However, it'd need two separate ranks to work properly (slayer rank and demon rank) and that might take up a lot of screen real estate on the name cards. I'm certain id could figure it out, but it'd take a bit of work to fit properly. Also, there's already the risk of queue times not being fair for each type of player (I imagine Slayer traffic will be much greater than demon traffic) in even casual queues, so ranked queues where players are filtered would only be worse in that regard. Hopefully enough people would play the mode to mitigate that.

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Something i think BattleMode and other online features of Eternal should have is the ability to play without needing internet connections and with use of bots.

A game is not "eternal" unless you can play it without internet connection or after the developers stop supporting it.

And maybe even make stuff like "event based stuff" or "exclusive content you earn, if you do X" more accessable.


Old Doom lives because fans got control over it and can customize things the way they want. (specailly when the series was mostly dormant besides Doom 3 and the mobile games)

Maybe after a few years when Doom Eternal has modding, fans should have this type of control.


Same for 2016's multiplayer and maybe even SnapMap.

And Doom 3's multiplayer too.

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