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Can Doom be considered an offensive game to satanists?

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Not because I'm a satanist. I'm just curious. I've got no intention to offend anyone or start a fiery religious debate. I just want to know.

Edited by Saltman

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No, because it's a silly representation of them, to say the least. Their representation in Doom is literally as caricatures.


Also it's not just a philosophical or symbolic ideology... "Satanism" is an umbrella term that masks very different views, beliefs, and practices first an foremost, and "modern Satanism" is much vaster and complex than mere "empty", materialistic philosophy...


I'm glad to see @NoXion did more research on the subject than merely scratching the surface though.

Edited by seed

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Nope. Destroying demons can be just as valid as trolling Christians when it comes to advancing along the left-hand path of self-actualisation.

Not a Satanist myself, but I do find the philosophy interesting, at least when it's not being poorly reheated Randroidism with pentagrams drawn on it.

Edited by NoXion

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Modern satanists do not actually worship Satan, they just use the name to troll Christians.


The main strands are the Church of Satan (libertarians) and the Satanic Temple (leftists), neither are really religious movements.

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Most before me have already said it better but, Satanists are by and large just atheists often with a penchant for annoying Christians with their presence. They love the irony of being immersed in and surrounded by the iconography they don't actually believe in though, so quite the opposite I'd imagine.

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I suppose the Christian portrayal of demons and hell would be offensive to a "spiritual Satanist". But I'm so out of the loop this might no longer apply anymore.

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Remember hearing John Romero was on a podcast and he talked about satanists liking doom but I can’t find it.

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Not really. Some so-called Satanists aren't really followers of Satan and the card carrying lunatics are probably too, well, card carryingly loony to care. That said, given this is the Internet, there is probably someone, somewhere, who is offended and posting angry tweets about it to their six followers.

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Trey Azagthoth of Morbid Angel (yes, that death metal band) once made a few maps. From what people say, those maps are terrible.

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6 hours ago, InDOOMnesia said:

Trey Azagthoth of Morbid Angel (yes, that death metal band) once made a few maps. From what people say, those maps are terrible.

What does that have to do with satanism?LOL

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3 minutes ago, doomsucksass said:

What does that have to do with satanism?LOL

Morbid Angel incorporates some occult/Satanic imagery, so I thought it was a bit relevant.

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6 minutes ago, InDOOMnesia said:

Morbid Angel incorporates some occult/Satanic imagery, so I thought it was a bit relevant.

So does DOom.......

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I'm wondering why this topic is still alive tbh.


The answer was already given and that's a strong "no"... other than that, it just turns into a shitposting mill...

Edited by seed

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Just now, seed said:

I'm wondering why this topic is still alive tbh.


The answer was already given and that's a strong "no"...

I have that with many topics these days.

Just have to assume it will disappear when Doom Eternal and 64 are in stores.

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10 minutes ago, Mortrixs19 said:

I'm sure they love the game since Doom pissed off many Christians when it came out.

Which I've always found funny, since you're killing demons, not making friends with them.

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No, but Doom is certainly offensive to the mortally challenged.

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