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Your idea for a Doom game.

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Doom III: Last Rites


The madness on Phobos and Deimos. The infernal terror of Hell on Earth. You stopped the sixth extinction from happening by destroying the nightmare hordes and slaying their Icon of Sin. It was over. You won. You retired to a quiet life of solitude. However you find out that you live a cyclical existence, because the UAC has tracked you down and they need your expertise. Orbiting the planet Venus is UAC's top secret research facility dedicated to investigating the demons and their dimension of chaos. Communication with the floating space station has been lost, at first thought because the solar wind, but the lengthy silence has become obvious. You and a team of highly skilled soldiers armed to the teeth have been sent in to check things out, the UAC representatives think it's most likely nothing. They are dead wrong. You made a vow to the mighty lord of the demons, that if they should ever return, by the strength of your hands they would fall. No matter how long it takes, in other worlds, in another existence they will see your face as they die.


New ability to look up and down, and jump your way through a realistic world.


New weapons include Phase Rifle, Rivet Shotgun, and the Plasma Saw.


New monsters are Nightfliers, Langoliers, Firewalkers, and the dreaded Technofiend. And also a new final boss!


Blast your way through three ten level episodes titled Daylight Station, Burnt Offering, and The Edge of Forever!



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id Software Showdown: a single-player

episodic game with playable characters from DOOM, Wolfenstein, QUAKE, RAGE, Catacombs, and Hovertank.

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I want iD Software to hire Kaiser to create a Doom EX engine that will support Doom 1+2+FD+NRFTL and Doom 64 in one binary.  And all new smooth sprite animations and alternative deaths (think Smooth Doom but aesthetic changes only, no gameplay/timing changes). And it will be able to load custom maps that utilise the Doom 64 lighting effects, its macro scripting etc and have weapons, powerups, songs and enemies from any game.


And it will have an internal jukebox, you will be able to pause the game and change the music on the fly to whichever song you want from all these games or remastered versions of them.

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I would just make a remake of the 90s games but just for exercise, if I was part of the creative process to make a new one, here's some things I might consider: 


Doom Mania Turbo: It's less of a video game and more of a platform launcher with an editor to load in levels, coming with official set of episodes and some master & lost level style -content. The community would be able to make their own content and place them into the folder and they would appear in the custom games menu. Everything would be customizable from gameplay traits to player huds and more. The levels in the game menu would be shown as seen in the picture with a Doom theme. Of course players could re-organize the menus to their liking as well.


Gameplay mechanics: Very arcadey feel with ADHD SEGA style music. Metallic tunes are fine but would be fun to experiment with a sort of Nintendo feel to it. Throw in some Megaman & Metroidvania elements and feel to it as well. Classic sprint with some platformer elements. Classic teleports, maybe some Sonic -style momentum. Ability to air control from fast speeds. Just some fast based Sunlust/BTSX -style aesthetics, some classic phobos themes there as well. Built-in scoring system and timer. Maybe more fleshed out boss encounters like in Doom2016 & Black Mesa Source's Nihilanth. Surrealistic levels, with Trackmania, Quake3 space level feel. Lots of obstacles to avoid, speeds to gain and demons to slay. If some aspect of the game feels wrong, it's highly modifiable for a more classic feel.


Story: Let's say publisher forced me to add story for mass appeal. For narrative purposes I'd add in those holograms seen in Doom2016 & monitors with a boss taunting the player across the episode. There could be some evil Satanic Skeletor like arch-nemesis making evil doomguy clones and giving them their own distinctive armor and abilities, among other demons he's creating. Of course he'd be cheesy and causing all sorts of trouble. Doomslayer gathers toughest fighters in the world for a Sentinel Initiative (not that he needs it but he's grown to appreciate some company, character development, yeah!!). This includes Crash, Phobos, Betrayer, Grimm and maybe other tough mofos to maintain order in different human colony worlds that the evil Satanor has attacked and plays mindgames with human populus. There could even be some teamwork or coop involved or Doomslayer could just tell them to return to Fortress Of Doom if the player wants to go solo. I guess that's all I can brainstorm for now.


Preferably released open-source code and an SDK editor and everything.


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Hypothetical Doom 3 if Quake didn't happen.

  • A handful of new, mechanically interesting monsters. One that leaps off of ledges, one that other monsters infight on sight, one that tries to run away and snipe from a distance instead of rushing you, these are just some ideas.
  • Adds a long-range weapon that doesn't require you to hammer the mouse with the chaingun out. 
  • Alt-fires for the weapons as collectable upgrades like the backpack.
  • Lost Souls get a health nerf.
  • Gives Masterminds the scrapped magic attack so they're actually interesting.

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A Military Base with some zombies and/or humans being mind controled by some demon, so apart from the "brain dead" zombies (like the classic zombiemen, shotgun guys and heavy weapons dudes) there are so living humans that try to attack you, and some are as equipped and trained as the Doomguy. You can come up with some bosses ideas for this, like once I made a boss using the Phobos' (like in Quake 3) Doomguy skin from Skulltag, made him really fast and gave him an enhanced plasma rifle (shoots red plasma as fast as the plasma gun, but deals more damage): that one was hard to kill to be honest.


The other idea could be that, Doom hell scenarios just happen on the surface of Hell and you need to go down deep to the very depths of Hell were you encounter more demons and eventually find the biggest demon, responsible for the invasion (and not the spider mastermind as supposed) and responsible for the experiments between flesh and metal as seen in the Cyberdemon's, Spider Mastermind's, Arachnotron's, Revenant's and Mancubi's bodies. Some ways to defeat it could be destroying and bringing the whole innermost room of hell were this giant demon lies and killing it, or getting your hands in an artifact/weapon such that you can command some demons and initiate a revolution against him.

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Before open world game were a thing, I always wanted to see a open world Doom II with no loading. 

- all kinds of urban environments ; skyscrapers, train yards, industrial areas, commercial zones (all keyed up😂

- Different versions of demons ; rotted river Imps, flaming industrial Caco's etc, Tower block sized Cybers and Hell portals to shut down. 

- Squad members to rescue and join you(meat shields) 


That's all I can really remember but I imagine that's a wad by now? 

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Doom 3 styled game, with it's atmosphere, but you run faster and enemies are more agile.

Would start like RoE in one of those ancient alien structures, a connection to hell would be found there by the UAC and you'd start right in the middle of it going loose.

At first you'd be more confined while in the structure, but going out you'd get to explore the ruins of an ancient city by those aliens, where spaces would be more open and enemy encounters bigger, but not "slaughtery".

It would have you visit small sections of hell from time to time where you fight in arenas, until you find bigger portals, which lead you to bosses. 



-Spider Mastermind.

-A new demon, as big as the Cyberdemon but with different types of attacks (rockets, plasma, and fire).


-The shotgun would have less of a spread and probably do more damage.

-The machinegun, chaingun and pistol would be faster.

-I don't think I'd put in the grabber, don't feel like it would add that much.

-The BFG would no longer do self damage.

-The soul cube would be there too but you'd only get to use it after killing 20 demons and it would overheal you.


And that's it.

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