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Please be aware of that feature creep stare, Iced. Switching over to MD6 because Rage uses it when the other modules are not 100% is a good example of a  moment where that sets in.

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8 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

Please be aware of that feature creep stare, Iced. Switching over to MD6 because Rage uses it when the other modules are not 100% is a good example of a  moment where that sets in.


I needed to create a new model exporter, I was using MayaImport which relies on the full verison of Maya which was costing me $200 usd a month. So I figured why not create a MD6 exporter instead of another MD5 exporter. With the latest checkins today, my new exporter can export Rage ready md6mesh and md6anims. Now i can switch to Maya LT and save myself like $150 a month :). The new exporter takes FBX files and converts it to md6mesh/md6anim. I'm closing this task as done and production ready.



Edited by icecoldduke

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