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BFG 9000 or Super Shotgun?

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When you think of Doom, does you picture using the BFG or the Super Shotgun? Also if there was only one of those weapons in the game which would you prefer? 


For me it's the BFG.

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I think the SSG is more iconic than the BFG.

I'm not a total personal fan of the SSG, I mean, I love to get through large groups of Pinkies by making them eat lead like anyone else, but the BFG, if used correctly, most of the times clears even more monsters with a single shot and I tend to prefer to use the normal Shotgun in some cases for the sake of economizing ammo.


But I have the feeling that most of the people who play Doom have the SSG near their heart.


I guess I'd keep the BFG, but I see no sense in choosing, we have both fortunately!

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15 minutes ago, Maximum Matt said:

Let's face it, it's way more satisfying to destroy a cyberdemon with the SSG.

Yea, especially when you dancing between his rockets on UV no-death run...

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31 minutes ago, Maximum Matt said:

Let's face it, it's way more satisfying to destroy a cyberdemon with the SSG.

Yep. I find the SSG more satisfying.

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1 hour ago, Maximum Matt said:

Let's face it, it's way more satisfying to destroy a cyberdemon with the SSG.


I actually fine BFG more satisfying provided I manage to 2-shot kill it.

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Actually I imagine the regular old Shotgun more than any of those. BFG is far too unwieldy, and SSG was not there for me on Phobos/Deimos!

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1 hour ago, Maximum Matt said:

Let's face it, it's way more satisfying to destroy a cyberdemon with the SSG.

And both are much better ways to kill a cyber than a rocket launcher.


The BFG is generally the best weapon for mass killing, while the SSG is generally best for most other scenarios, although either weapon could have competition depending on the maps given.

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I think that the main problem of the BFG is that you always end up waiting the proper moment to use it, and that moment is non existent, at least for me. The point is that there is always another shell box behind a shell box, but cell packs a rarer. 

I use the BFG only when it is clearly the weapon that the mapper intended to use in a specific part of the map (like, there are 10 cyberdemons and 10 cell packs) or when my frustration reaches a level high enough to allow me to use it on the first Zombieman that I see.


So yes, I prefer the SSG

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1 hour ago, Maximum Matt said:

Let's face it, it's way more satisfying to destroy a cyberdemon with the SSG.

To that I will say:



AS for the topic: Clearly the BGF9000 for me (though I like quake3's BFG as well, but for very different reasons.)

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55 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:


I actually fine BFG more satisfying provided I manage to 2-shot kill it.



this. i actually try to do this whenever i come across a siege cow.


(to the point of eating a rocket in the process, but that's what happens with infighting too, i make use of it too much)


ssg however, it's very satisfying to drop an enemy in dm with it as he's charging up his bfg.


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2 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

Let's face it, it's way more satisfying to destroy a cyberdemon with the SSG.

Yeah, but to shoot him 26 times with a SSG until it dies, I don't know man, bores me a little.

Plus, too much shotgun shells wasted to do so...

As someone said, I prefer to blast him a few times with a BFG and voilà!

I find it more satisfying to get through a horde of Pinkies with SSG

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They're both very good but I prefer the SSG, I like the sound it makes and hitting targets with it from point blank range is very satisfying, besides, shotgun shells are usually more common in levels than cells.

Edited by sluggard

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10 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

Let's face it, it's way more satisfying to destroy a cyberdemon with the SSG.


I prefer to off cyberdemons with the fastest method in my hands so then I can move onto another issue, be it a BFG and two rounds, telefrag, crushers, or some competent team of monster(s). The SSG is alright along the more methodical options, and I do find the "tango" fun dynamic per se many times if kept minimal within the same map otherwise it's a grind (e.g. HR2 map28, KS map10). 


OP: I think of both, every weapon actually, but throughout these last four years the BFG has given me more hnnggg moments, and frankly I don't really urge the SSG most of the times.

Edited by galileo31dos01

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BFG is great for racking up monster kills in DM, but if two players come face to face in a hallway, one with an SSG and one with a BFG, the BFG dude is going down!

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