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Weapons and Monsters mods that doesn't affect gameplay ?

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The problem with gameplay mods like trailblazer is that they either make the game ridiculously easy or incredible hard by having overpowered or Weak weapons and monsters.The original DOOM was mostly perfect balanced, i just want some audio/visual mods only to make the game fresh again.

suggestions ?

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12 minutes ago, Zodomaniac said:

Shamelessly adding Dehacked Doom 64 if you want to use interpolated Doom 64 weapons in limit-removing ports for some reason.


I probably will add interpolated monsters and make the weapon pack vanilla-compatible sometime in the future...


Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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I should've been more specific,i don't want enhanced mods,i want mods that change the visual of weapons and monsters but still retain their original stats(damage,speed..), fortunately i found exactly what i wanted:




Now i need weapons skins too,DOOM 64 weapons looks good enough, there's also the dehacked doom 4 weapons for doom 2 that i found on youtube.If anyone knows any others weapons skins mods, let me know.

Edited by ronaldo0070

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9 minutes ago, Zodomaniac said:

Alas the file doesn't contain the chaingun like on the video preview: with ventilated barrels and regular muzzleflash...

It is gun from DOOM 64. You can bring it on in options. 

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