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Ok, Since we all know that Doom3 is officially a "RETELLING" of DOOM "Knee deep in the dead". (*I wonder why id is still calling it DOOMIII?)Even though that NOW there's a MARs chapter, with the Phobos chapter, Strange the article didn't say anything about Deimos. Then the Infernal chapter. Does this mean the doom marine is going to end up on earth like the first game did? And also, Does this also mean that id going to do a retelling of DOOMII "Hell on Earth"?

Kinda makes ya go Hmmmmm,......

thought's anyone?

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Well, it's a "retelling" of the entire first Doom game, I think... not a tanslation or anything. Just think of it as another possibility of what could have happened, ya know? Hell will be in there, but I personally haven't heard anything about Phobos or Deimos... anyone care to correct me on this? Anyway, it's not likely that there will be a Doom 4... and there's no telling how much longer Carmack will stay with id... oh well, I'm sure that id's next project will be great as well.

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skadoomer said:

i'd like to see the doom II story as a mission pack or something, definitly not another release of this game.

And why not? I'd like a Doom2 (Doom4) and a Doom5 release.

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Shaviro said:

And why not? I'd like a Doom2 (Doom4) and a Doom5 release.

I wouldn't - there are limits to how many Doom games I think there should be. I don't want Doom to stink of commercialism.

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dsm said:

I wouldn't - there are limits to how many Doom games I think there should be. I don't want Doom to stink of commercialism.

There are 4 quakes. Why not 3 (+2) dooms?

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I think it would be better just as an exspansion pack because 1 if they end up doing a game all over maybe even new engine then id be pissed because god knows how long we would have to wait and second what dsm said it would reak of commercialism and proably over did

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Tyockell said:

I think it would be better just as an exspansion pack because 1 if they end up doing a game all over maybe even new engine then id be pissed because god knows how long we would have to wait and second what dsm said it would reak of commercialism and proably over did

nobody yelled commercialism when they made announced Quake 4.

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There's nothing wrong with making money, if the games are good i'll buy em. I'm not sure about remaking DOOM2 tho, they've already put the archville in DOOM3.

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I don't think they'll make DOOM IV. It doesn't seem like Carmack wants to stay on the gaming scene that much. I guess it depends. Maybe a partner company will do it (like Raven) or users working together on a big non-commercial or semi-commercial project... Maybe even dsm, fen boi, Shaviro & co.!

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Shaviro said:

There are 4 quakes. Why not 3 (+2) dooms?

The third doesn't count. Therefore the fourth is acceptable.

nobody yelled commercialism when they made announced Quake 4.

Like I said, the third didn't count as a Quake game - it was more of a new id game unlike anything else and they just called it Quake 3 Arena because they originally set out to do Quake 3, then decided to make it mp-only. They should imho have called it something else.

Quake IV is more like the real Quake 3 imo.

But it's different with Doom 3. A lot different.

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dsm said:

The third doesn't count. Therefore the fourth is acceptable.

If so, Quake I would be barely counted, since both games Quake and Quake 2 were set in 2 completely different dimensions, Quake I can hardly be relevant to Quake II from what I've known of.

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MaCvILeWhOrE said:

A hell on earth expansion back would frigin rule, having an entirely new engine/game for it though would be shananagins.

Do what they did with Doom 2

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999cop said:

If so, Quake I would be barely counted, since both games Quake and Quake 2 were set in 2 completely different dimensions, Quake I can hardly be relevant to Quake II from what I've known of.

Wrong, the reason why Q3A doesn't count as a Quake game is that it involves characters from the Doom universe unlike the two others.

But in a way you're right. Quake is a fucking mess (all three of them) - Quake is really the only "real" Quake game. Quake 2 was originally intended to be called something else but id couldn't get the license for this title or something (it's something I read years ago when Quake 2 first came out - I don't really remember exactly what it said), so they just called it Quake 2 for the heck of it. And since Q3A utilized yet a boosted Quake 1 engine (both Q2 and Q3A were nothing but improved Quake 1 engines), they called it Quake 3 Arena.

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Indeed, Quake series is messed up. Technically, like I said, Quake IV is only a sequal to this "Quake II", not really relevant to Quake I.

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