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I'll tell that lame admin to get his head in gear! :)
just a lot of work this time around. Cn update and all.
not to whine, but I worked 6 days this week and re-installed gamespy. ;)
so, I've been a little short on time...
yes, I got your demo. the time looks excellent.

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Yay! I'm going to watch the MAP30 demos now!

I'm pretty good at Doom, I guess, but I SO can't beat MAP30. I know how, I just can't. =/ It's probably due to my slow method of playing. I'm usually cautious and slow-moving, but I get through the levels. Can't be slow on that level, eh?

/me goes to watch now.

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Hey, I might be able to beat it now. After watching those, I have a few new ideas. I never thought to shoot while jumping off the pillar. I'll have to try that now.

Plus, making the three steps go up and down while you wait for the pillar seems to work well because that's just fewer enemies to attack you and knock you off.

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Yeah, with tricks like that (and also jumping on the pillar from the ledges) it's how people have completed it very fast (30 seconds, I think.)

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I'm going to go and see if I can beat it later. Record a demo and send it, maybe.

Actually, I really love watching these demos, as well as recording them. Maybe I'll go and play all of my favorite levels and send in demos. But I'd have to figure out which ones are my favorites. =P

I know I like E4M2, but I did that demo already. I like E2M8, but I did that one too. Uh, most of the E1 levels aren't interesting to me. Maybe I'll do some more E4 levels if I can survive them. I'm not so hot on Doom II levels. I do have TNT and Plutonia now, but... those are even harder. =P

Maybe I could do a demo of my friend and I doing co-op and dying lots and lots and... lots of times. EDIT: Ooh! Know what'd be fun? Co-op Plutonia MAP32. ^_^

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Here's another personal style demo. This one is map 21 in 4:28 (UV) using Legacy 1.4.


Rich Sham

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I tried to beat the map02 pacifist yesterday on skill 1. I assume that you can't kill anyone but the monsters cannot kill each other either.

I'm sorry for the dumb questions but I've never recorded anything before so I don't know these terms. Is there anywhere a page that explains all the different playing types?

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DooMer 4ever said:

I tried to beat the map02 pacifist yesterday on skill 1. I assume that you can't kill anyone but the monsters cannot kill each other either.

I'm sorry for the dumb questions but I've never recorded anything before so I don't know these terms. Is there anywhere a page that explains all the different playing types?

Opulent has a link to the compet-n site on the main page of the site where he is posting these demos. Once at the compet-n site look at the FAQ for descriptions of playing styles.

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Rich said:

Opulent has a link to the compet-n site on the main page of the site where he is posting these demos. Once at the compet-n site look at the FAQ for descriptions of playing styles.

Thanks, that was helpful. It seems monsters are allowed to hurt each other so I have recorded pacifist map02 on skill 1. The time was something in the 1.20:'s, I can't remember just now.

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Yes, Map02 ITYTD Pacifist isn't so tough, especially if you visit the two underground rooms in "reverse order". I've managed a 1:05 (sloppy run, some luck here and there!) - plenty of realistic scope for time improvements. BTW, the TAS UV Pacifist run is well worth checking out (plays back OK with PrBoom).

The basic rule for Pacifist play is that you mustn't deliberately do anything to harm a monster, apart from encouraging infighting. You can punch the air, shoot switches, and rocket jump (as long as none of these causes incidental harm to a monster - so no rocket jumps off monsters, even if they survive the blast).

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I beat Icon of Sin! Finally! Only took about 30,000,000 tries, too! Was mostly luck that I won this time...

I sent it to Opulent, so it should be up some day.

Anyone else have a level that they think we should all play? So far we've done MAP02/E1M2 and MAP30. I'll try and get a demo of whatever level, provided I can actually beat it... Hm.

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[QUOTE]Nanami said:
[B]I beat Icon of Sin! Finally! Only took about 30,000,000 tries, too!

Congratulations! Don't worry about the tries. I once took 300 tries to get a nitemare map in Doom. Doesn't it feel great when you beat a map for the first time?

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Here are a couple more personal style demos.

One is map 25 UV max using Legacy 1.4 in 2:38.

The other is Pacifist style and is map 25 UV using Legacy 1.4 in 1:09.


Rich Sham

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So far I've watched lmps by Nanami, Ultimate Doomer, Espi and Magikal. Nice work all! I also enjoy the comments interspersed throughout the lmps. Nanami is funny.:)

I still have to watch some of the others.

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Nanami said:

Anyone else have a level that they think we should all play? So far we've done MAP02/E1M2 and MAP30. I'll try and get a demo of whatever level, provided I can actually beat it... Hm.

e2m9? Map04? Grind2? oops, did I say that? :)

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Here comes a style demo of E1M8 in Pacifist, skill 4.

I always enjoy this one because to beat it you have to get two barons to fight to the death.

Rich Sham

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I did a demo of MAP21 a minute ago, because I was bored. I'm not very familiar with the level, but I managed. I'll do one of E2M9 and MAP04 too. I still need to do the co-op demo of Plutonia MAP32. =D

I'll send all four so I don't end up doing millions of demos one at a time.

Let's keep the thread alive! =)

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Heh, did some Doom2 demos last night, mainly -nomonsters. Also did some with monsters in'em. :)

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DooMer 4ever said:

Map02 skill1 pacifist, 0:54, sending it to opulent soon.

Maybe we could play map04 next, I really like that level. Map08 pacifist anyone?

Heh, I've got some catching up to do, still working on map02 (I accidentallty recorded over my best 2 efforts, so I'll try again tonite).
Yes map04 is a great one to concentrate on next.
Congratulations Nanami, well done with map30.:)
Good to see you in on the act Rich!

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When I get home from work and taking my sister to the mall, my friend and I are going to record MAP32 of Plutonia, co-op. We'll both do a demo so people can see it from both views. We did a few test runs earlier. Um, it's a little hard.

Cyberdemons: 35 (!)
Arch-Viles: 19
Revenants: 49
Mancubuses: 28
Pain Elementals: 11
Arachnotrons: 26
Barons: 18
Demons: 19
Chaingunners: 22
And a Spider Mastermind in a pear tree...

Prepare to watch the carnage. ^_^ By the way, we're using item respawn 10 seconds, so nyeh...

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