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Tnt or Plutonia.

Plutonia or Tnt  

185 members have voted

  1. 1. Tnt or Plutonia

    • Plutonia
    • Tnt
    • Both are equally good
    • Both are bad

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I keep seeing people saying "Tnt > Plutonia" or "Plutonia > Tnt" in the controversial opinions thread multiple times. It's time to settle it here once and for all.


Oh yeah I prefer Plutonia. Tnt is worth playing however.

Edited by Saltman

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I like quite a bit of TNT, but it simply goes down too damn hard after MAP20.


Plutonia is much more consistent in terms of quality overall. So definitely Plutonia for me.

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TNT had awesome soundtrack, while plutonia felt like a mere "I got bored so I just tossed too much npc in a room" cheap mappack. I never understood the praise of plutonia, most maps feel mediocre, and even for... what yeas is it, 1996? There been already slaughter maps by enthusiast kids that were done better.

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Plutonia. TNT is fine up until MAP21, then I just want it to be over with. It's still way too long regardless whereas Plutonia is perfectly paced.

52 minutes ago, MaxRideWizardLord said:

There been already slaughter maps by enthusiast kids that were done better.

Plutonia was not slaughter. The exception was MAP32 and that was a revision of an earlier level by Dario Casali, Punisher.

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I say TNT, because I had it even before I had a copy of Doom 2 and the original Doom. But Plutonia has the better maps for the most part. 

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TNT is one of the least enjoyable map sets I have ever had the misfortune of playing. The first like six or so levels are fun but after that it is an absolute chore, with a couple high points sprinkled in. Only iwad I’ve never completed.


Plutonia on the other hand is phenomenal. There’s some weak maps but overall holy crap it is a lot of fun.

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Both are great but TNT gets the edge for me. Maybe cause I am a lot more familiar with tnt in general. Both are really great wads though

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TNT have very good atmosphere and level design, it is pure doom experience. When I play it, I am absolutely immersed in all levels, and i can't tell simmilar thing about other IWADs, so TNT is my choice. 

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Both are great but Plutonia takes the cake for me. The gameplay was already perfected with Doom 2, so the natural evolution of things is to take the combat in a significantly harder direction. 

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Plutonia baby. It is not even close. TNT is okay for the first 20 maps and then goes downhill like a crashing plane.

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I haven't even finished Plutonia but I still choose it over TNT.


TNT really looses its steam during the later half and just becomes a chore to play.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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4 hours ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

TNT has human BBQ's theme so TNT won.


That and a few others are some of my favourite Doom tracks.








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I prefer TNT. It ain't perfect, but the atmosphere is awesome! I've never felt so completely and utterly lost and vulnerable at certain points. TNT gets my vote!

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TNT is my preferred choice, it's got the music, the themes, the creativity...


Plutonia is well crafted an all but it sticks to that "Plutonia" formula hard, it becomes a self parody at times.

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I've actually been using some of my free time during the pandemic to play Evilution on the new console port, and I have to say, it's not as bad as I used to claim. I'll dare say the good maps are almost better than the good Doom II maps, but oh man is there a ton of archaic, unintuitive level design even in those good maps. And the bad maps are just atrocious, easily beating out the biggest stinkers in D1-D2.


But Plutonia all the way.

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I like both, but I always had more of a preference for the visual design of TNT over Plutonia. Plus TNT doesn't tend to kick my ass as much as Plutonia does.

Edited by CasualScrub

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TNT had some great maps (like Pharaoh), but the quality is honestly so all over the place it's basically like playing a roulette wheel with the quality. On the other hand, Plutonia is a far more consistent experience, but can still have some bumps though.

Plutonia 2 completely blows Plutonia out of the water though.

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TNT can be really ass at times. Plutonia has its bad moments but it's far more enjoyable in the long run. I'm just talking about it from a gameplay perspective though, theme goes to TNT.

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Final Doom is the crossroads between Doom as an immersive environment based on survival and progression (the Tom Hall vision/TNT) and Doom as an encounter-focused arena shooter (the Romero vision/Plutonia). After Final Doom, the two paths diverge increasingly until one trail leads to Doom 3 and the other to Doom 2016.


Huh? What? Oh, uh Plutonia. It's Plutonia.

Edited by Gifty

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Both, of course. TNT has some nice original music, which Plutonia lacks, so it's got the edge there. MAP20 (the huge "Central Processing") and MAP30 (uncommonly long at the time for a last level + the ridiculous torch puzzle at the beginning) are quite memorable. Plutonia on the other hand is much harder, and is the forefather of modern slaughter megawads, especially Go 2 It (MAP32). The final battle in MAP30 is also not bad.

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Plutonia's weak points are Well of Souls, Aztec, Ghost Town, Realm, Genesis, The Twilight, and Temple of Darkness.


TNT has Administration Center, Central Processing, Habitat, Metal, Nukage Processing, Quarry, Baron's Den, Mount Pain, Last Call, Redemption, You can't beat Pharoah if you're playing HMP.


It's Plutonia. More consistent quality, better pacing, and no long ass, overly drawn out levels. And no softlocks. I can see how someone would find it frustrating, but I would take Plut's low points over TNT's any day of the week.

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TNT is super underrated, and its soundtrack includes some of the best Doom music around.


But still, gotta go Plutonia. The best mapping quality of the four IWADs and arguably more influential on community maps than Doom and Doom 2 themselves.

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