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Favorite and disliked level

Favorite and disliked level  

102 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite level?

    • Hell on Earth
    • Exultia
    • Cultist Base
    • DOOM Hunter Base
    • Super Gore Nest
    • Arc Complex
    • Mars Core
    • Sentinel Prime
    • Taras Nabad
    • Nekravol
    • Nekravol – Part II
    • Urdak
    • Final Sin
  2. 2. Disliked one?

    • Hell on Earth
    • Exultia
    • Cultist Base
    • DOOM Hunter Base
    • Super Gore Nest
    • Arc Complex
    • Mars Core
    • Sentinel Prime
    • Taras Nabad
    • Nekravol
    • Nekravol – Part II
    • Urdak
    • Final Sin

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Just the title. Any reason is allowed.

To me, Urdak was the one that I enjoyed the most. The enviroment, the soundtrack, the hard battles and the boss fight are the reasons, all of them fit perfectly I feel.
On the other hand, I didn't like the Cultist Base. Mainly because I found myself doing more platforming than Dooming. I feel that they exaggerated that aspect of the game in this one. Also, the scene where you control a Revenant... I understand that they made it because they wanted to kinda show you how battlemode works, but a little weird scene still.

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1 hour ago, Martin-CAI said:

Just the title. Any reason is allowed.

To me, Urdak was the one that I enjoyed the most. The enviroment, the soundtrack, the hard battles and the boss fight are the reasons, all of them fit perfectly I feel.
On the other hand, I didn't like the Cultist Base. Mainly because I found myself doing more platforming than Dooming. I feel that they exaggerated that aspect of the game in this one. Also, the scene where you control a Revenant... I understand that they made it because they wanted to kinda show you how battlemode works, but a little weird scene still.


I quite enjoyed being a Revenant in that part, but yes, the rest of it is rather "traversally". And also very "metallic" - where on EARTH did the Cult get so much metal from? ;)


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Really enjoyed ARC Complex, felt like everything was breaking apart, the music is incredible, and the encounter with the Marauder at the end is exciting. Runner-ups for me would be both parts to Nekroval (I do wish Part II had a unique name though) and Sentinel Prime.


Looking back, I don't have any fondness for Exultia. I do like it's a change of scenery (twice in one level even), but it's not a terribly exciting level. DOOM Hunter Base felt like it could've been part of the Cultist Base level, though I suppose I could say the same for Nekroval's two parts.

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There's a few more levels that are really excellent but if it has to be one it has to be Super Gore Nest. It felt like that was really when the game started throwing it at you and it featured what was IMO the largest and best non-Slayer Gate arena in the game -- the massive canyon with the multi-keyed fleshgate. It's a bit of a shame it never went to that scale again.


Exultia was my least favourite due to the first half's generic MMO-ish design (to be revisited later in Taras Nabad) and forgettable layout.

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Super Gore Nest was the best to me, ARC Complex was the second best. Both had insane visuals, great level design and arenas, and superb music.


My least favorite level is Urdak. I like the story behind it, the visuals and the soundtrack. But fighting demons there doesn't feel right. There should be more Maykr enemies in the level instead of demons, for the design to be consistent. The way it is, the enemies feel out of place.

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Can't say i have a disliked level, but Super Gore Nest was my favorite by far, it even has my new favorite Doom music track. I really hope they remix it as a master level.

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The first part of Nekravol is probably the best Hell level the franchise has ever known. Metal as fuck. Just wish it was a little bit longer.


I don't feel like any of the levels are 'bad' per se, but Hell on Earth felt a bit underwhelming. Still good, but not godly like the rest of the level list.

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And vote only proves that only SGoreN level in the game stands out of all...and is closer to D16 design than the rest of DE. And I have no idea why id chose a much more linear and boring aproach this time. As if D16 was highly critisized for its level design. Yes technically levels are bigger this time, but bigger in its linearity and not complexity. Level design is the most dissapointing aspect so far for me. 

Necravol was kind a let down, I expected something less generic from hell level. And the ascention in the second part was way less impressive than the one in Argent Tower. It seems they put so much work into visual variety that they forgot about really engoying level structure( And of course vusually only Urdak is trully outstanding, it is strange, alien and very atmospheric (espessially that big fucking great one in the water that scared the shit out of me)))



Edited by id.dav

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Super Gore Nest and ARC Complex felt the best to me, particularly the outdoor arena in Super Gore Nest that holaareola noted above. 


The worst to me are Exultia and Urdak.  Exultia because it's just not that interesting visually, the story aspects (i.e., King Novid) feel a little muddled, and the final lava section is overly difficult given how relatively weak your character is at that point of the game; Urdak because of the hula hoop platforming and because each of its arenas seemed to feature at least one type of extra-special annoyance (e.g., buff totem, Archvile, Marauder).  Taras Nabad looks unique vis-a-vis the other levels, but it's based on a pretty flimsy "oh we should make the player go to a temple now" premise and the swimming aspects are dreadful.  This level also would've been a great opportunity for another super-large outdoor arena similar to the one in the middle of Super Gore Nest.  (I know Taras Nabad has a few outdoor arenas, but they were all somewhat enclosed by stairs or by an urgent need to deal with an Archvile or similar super-enemy.)


The Nekravol levels are great; just wish there were more Hell-based levels where the designers could get really creative with the textures, backgrounds, music, etc.  I also was a little disappointed there weren't more Earth levels in non-city locations and that the three city levels (Hell on Earth, Super Gore Nest, and Final Sin) all had a similar 'dilapidated high-rise' feel to them.  

Edited by Sitting on a cornflake

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Honestly, I wish I could’ve chosen multiple options for each poll. 

Most liked: Super Gore Nest, ARC Complex, both parts of Nekravol (the second part I wish could be called the Tower of Babel because that’s basically what it is), Urdak


Most disliked: Exultia, Taras Nabad

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Favorite is probably Arc Complex, for one big reason; that huge, epic as f**** fight at the top of the building ,right before you portal to the first turret. Holy....shit.... 

There are a lot of other impressive levels, but Arc Complex is just such a rush. 


Dislike: Hard to pick between Exultia and Urdak. Not because I dislike the levels entirely. I mean, visually they are both STUNNING..... BUT they are also the levels that have the worst of the platforming segments. So it's mostly because of those parts that I'd list them on the dislike section. Enjoyed all the parts before and after though, and Urdak is visually striking, with some good fights. 

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3 hours ago, Novaseer said:

The first part of Nekravol is probably the best Hell level the franchise has ever known. Metal as fuck. Just wish it was a little bit longer.


I suspect Nekravol was originally designed as a single level, but they ended up splitting it in half for memory reasons.  There aren't any other situations IIRC where a level just ends in a corridor, and the next picks back up right where the last left off.

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3 hours ago, Bauul said:


I suspect Nekravol was originally designed as a single level, but they ended up splitting it in half for memory reasons.  There aren't any other situations IIRC where a level just ends in a corridor, and the next picks back up right where the last left off.

They did that with Lazarus labs in Doom 2016.

Edited by User Name

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Mars Core by far the best level.  It had the most doom feel to it.


Least favorite was Sentinel Prime.  I was pretty to look at but there wasn't much to do other than the boss fight.  It really should of just been part of another level.

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I don't really have a disliked one though...


I loved Super Gore Nest, Urdak and Final Sin

Also Sentinel Prime


19 minutes ago, Zemini said:

I was pretty to look at but there wasn't much to do other than the boss fight.

Other than the freaking awesome reveal?

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I'm cool with Hell on Earth, makes me feel like a big badass when I break down Arachnos without having trouble on NM and further.


Now my actual favorite level is Nekroval, though I personally consider both parts as a singular level considering how that exit felt. If anything I think part 1 holds more value. Best hell-level portrayal I have ever seen in a video game, perfect balance between awesome arena fights, fun and interesting platform segments, and story and lore from Hayden that adds some great world-building with regards to Hell and Argent energy.


My least favorite is Exultia, while it looks visually amazing and I love the hell portion of the map, the platforming is way too intrusive for my liking. Hell, Doom Hunter Base felt more natural in platforming considering what the base was built for and had some awesome build-up to the boss fight. While Exultia doesn't really have much going for it in terms of lore and such. Combat encounters were mediocre with the one major encounter that was somewhat challenging being a bit Too challenging. While seeing King Novik and the Betrayer was great, I feel like the rest of the level pales in comparison to the other big standouts.


This is the good thing about Doom Eternal, my least-liked level is still a level I enjoy in many different areas, I just feel the other levels are way better in every way.

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Super Gore Nest is this game's Foundry IMO.  I thought it was stunning from start to finish, both in terms of layout and visuals.  Urdak is also way up there, and a close second.


I can't say there was one level I particularly disliked.  For the poll I chose Sentinel Prime, only because it's a very linear "walk to the boss" level.

Edited by Chubzdoomer

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  • 4 weeks later...

I voted for: (best) Super Gore Nest and (worst) Exultia. Urdak is a close second for best, cos it looks so pretty and has such a great soundtrack.


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From best to just good:


1. ARC complex and cultist base master level - definitely the best (but purple goo sucks)

2. Cultist base and arc complex mater level

3. Nekravol

4. Taras Nabad

5. Mars Core and exultia master level

6. The final sin

7. Nekravol II

8. DOOM Hunter Base

9. Sentinel prime

10. Exultia

11. Super gore nest

12. Hell on earth

13. Urdak - definitely the least enjoyable, abysmal boss battle and platforming.


Can someone explain to me why you don't like cultist base (which is my second favorite level and my favorite master level) and why you like urdak and super gore nest so much? 

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Super Gore Nest was awesome, perfectly balanced and a big arena to properly take care of all the demons.


Urdak has some cool moments but overall, can be very frustrating at times and can feel like you're getting cheated a lot of the time.


I LOVE Mars Core level, its a close second to the Super Gore Nest.

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More I play the less I like Urdak.  It is just too alien.  If we go back to Urdak I hope it gets a massive demonic maykr-over.

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On 3/30/2020 at 4:18 PM, Chaddyboy said:

Can't say i have a disliked level, but Super Gore Nest was my favourite


Same here. Nothing I really disliked, but SGN was amazing.

Urdak was incredible for the visuals, though. Especially when you first arrive, holy cow.

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  • 11 months later...

Massive bump, but since I'm still relatively new to the forums and I'm replaying Doom Eternal currently (working my way up to the Ancient Gods eventually), I figured I'd leave my two cents. 


Favorite level: Mars Core, because the throwback to Doom 2016's atmosphere is awesome, jumping down the wrecked terra-firma all the way to the city gates is also awesome, and finally getting the BFG and having several chances to unleash its power feels very gratifying. 


Least favorite: Taras Nabad, because being forced to deal with Arch-Viles before you are able to wield the Crucible suuuuuuuuuuucks. Maybe I'm just salty, but... man, I hate those jerks.

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Altough i visually prefer NekraHell, for pure level design i prefer Taras Nabad. It has nice pace and i think it is longest of all levels. Both Nekravols are surprisingly short if you play it repeatedly with routine. Also, i like melancholy of long forgotten abandoned city. And it has two (for first run i think 3 - plus mini gore nest) Marauders. I like Marauders.

Early levels suffers for lacks of more challenging enemies, if not master ones. If we had already all masters! It cannot be SO hard to just place more enemies.

Exultia is really weird, but sorry first level is just too short and warm-up. (And must took so much work for devs to model Tower Citadel).

I like cultist base obscure tech and machines also.

Edited by Yurax
Add sentence for early levels.

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Super Gore Nest is the best level, it's huge, and it mostly focuses on combat and exploration, I also like the visuals and the way I get items when I sparingly need them.
Urdak is.. Not good, the combat is sometimes meh, there are small battles near the end of the level where there are only a few weak demons to kill, also weird and bad platforming, and the final boss is also bad, why I have to kill that flying alien girl thingy in order to finish the level?!?!

Edited by AvadaKedavraWithQuadDamage

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I wonder why Cultist Base doesn't get more votes as favorite level. It feels like Classic Doom due to it's abstract level design. 


My favorite: Urdak (best soundtrack, great encounters) 


Most disliked: ARC (feels generic) 

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Super Gore Nest probably just about clinches it for me, but it's got some stiff competition from levels like Mars Core and ARC Complex.

Sentinel Prime is my least favourite level, because there's nothing to keep bringing the player back apart from the boss fight. Not even any platforming! Just a straight run to the boss once you've read all the lore bits and experienced the story elements. It looks amazing and provides a great first-time experience, but beyond that it's an empty shell of a level.

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