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Chainsaw. What for?

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The Chainsaw is indeed, good for stunlocking enemies.

While the Berserker Fist focuses on high melee damage (To not say "massive" as that would be saying too much), the Chainsaw focuses more on "DPS", it deals less damage than the aforementioned, correct, however it deals more damage per second (Faster), and due to the fact it's incredibly fast like the Chaingun, it can lead enemies to a constant activation of the pain state.

This works incredibly good with enemies with high pain chance, not so much against Bosses (Barons of Hell, Spider Masterminds, Cyberdemons) or meatier enemies (Mancubis, for example).

It also works as a "last resource" or, by the other hand, a way to save precious ammunition, specially on maps where this ammunition is scarce.

Lastly, if placed and used well and the enemy placement is not overpowered or anything, the Chainsaw is much higher tier than you think!

Edited by Archanhell

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Well, in my opinion, i like the chainsaw because it is "automatic", what do i mean? I mean that the chainsaw doesn't take a pause and then attack back like the fists, you hold it down and it attacks.

That's probably the reason why they add it

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