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What was the first Doom source port you have used?

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Doom 95. But if we're talking about the first fan-made source port it was Chi Hoang's initial December 23, 1997 DOSDoom port.

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Doom 95, which was in 2002 when I randomly found the Doom Collector's Edition at a Virgin Megastore in Vienna, which made me get back into Doom again after quite a while and also made me find Doomworld.

After that I PRBoom quite a bunch as well as ZDoom.

Now I mostly use Eternity for everyday Doom needs.

Edited by ptoing

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I think I recall briefly using Doom 95 on my Windows 95 machine in mid-1997. Otherwise, it was strictly DOS from 1994 - 2001, and I actually didn't play Doom very often from 1997 - 2001 (during college).


If we're talking about fan-made source ports, it was Chocolate Doom v. 2.2.1 sometime in the 2016, when I returned to Doom after a hiatus of 15 years.

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I'm in the Doom 95 club as well. First fan-made one was ZDoom 1.22 - what I like to think of as "the good old days", at this point. The demo level that came with it was so cool!

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First It was just dos doom on windows xp because I didn't know much about computers at the time so I thought it was like every other game "just click game.exe and play" then I moved to doom 95 just because it was "official" and for the lan multiplayer but that moved me to zdoom which I thought was just the port we all played.

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My first one was WinDoom - I skipped Doom95 because it was a bit too broken. From WinDoom it was on to PrBoom (because at the time it was the only one with a functional hardware renderer) and after that I started my own thing which years later became GZDoom. (Yes, I never ever used plain ZDoom.)


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My first used source port is ZDoom. I found it in DMapEdit author's website I think, advertised as an enhanced port of Doom. Boy he guessed right!


At first it only seemed to me like a Quake-ified Doom port, and that all. I was pretty surprised when I saw the highly advanced demo map.

Edited by printz

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Doom95 as well. back in 2007 we couldnt afford our internet anymore so my mom said to make use of it. so i went and looked for free games to download, and the Doom Shareware was one of the few things i found. i got obsessed with it and spent all day looking for all the secrets.


then one day my older brothers friend comes over and see me playing it, and he tells me he has the full game at home. so he gave it to me, and it was the Collectors Edition that came with Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom (all using Doom95), and screenshots and videos of Doom 3.


a few weeks later i found an old PC Gamer CD in my house, and it had wads on it. they were really basic but it really interested me. so i went to a friends house that had internet to look for more wads to play. found a lot and put them on a CD to use at home. lots of the didnt work and needed something called GZDoom. so i went back to his house real quick (it was only 6 minute walk away) and got that real quick too.


the first wad i tried was Phocus Island 2 and that shit completely blew me away (even though it didnt work right because i was computer illiterate and didnt have my GPU drivers installed so i had no OpenGL)




Edited by kaleb.

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my first source port was zandronum. i didn't use zandy for multiplayer until long after it wasn't my port of choice. after that it was zdoom (i think like 3 or 4 months before the final update), and then because my pc at the time was ass i went back and forth between LZDoom for offline play and regular zdoom for streaming. after that i checked out chocolate and for a time i used chocolate doom more than zdoom ports. and when i got a gt1030 (i was cheap, and still am)i started using gzdoom completely. i think there's a video on my youtube of me playing through a portion of KDITD with gzdoom before i got a dedicated video card and it just ran awful. the sectors were just flickering and it was bad. some time in my joint usage of LZdoom, Zdoom and chocolate doom i also started using crispy doom. crispy doom is probably my favourite sourceport, but 80% of the time nowadays i'm using gzdoom. 

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57 minutes ago, Graf Zahl said:

(Yes, I never ever used plain ZDoom.)


But how did you improve something you never used?

Edited by seed

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ZDoom, and i still use it, i didn't even know it was dead until some minutes ago lol

EDIT: ZDoom wasn't really my first source port, it was DOS Doom, i don't know why people hate it, for me it's good.

Edited by TheStupidestBeing

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I started with a copy of Doom95 on my parents' PC when I was young. Ah, I remember well the broken invisibility and how it made Spectres brightly clash against the background and clearly stand out. I also remember how the level-select on launch introduced my friends & I to pistol-start runs long before we understood things like command line parameters or the IDCLEV code.


But, to actually answer the question of which source port I used first: for me it was some version of Doomsday/JDoom. Nowadays I'm too much of a purist to abandon Crispy Doom as my port of choice, but I have good memories of being wowed by torches & fireballs acting as light sources, the blood particle fountain upon monster death, and the way it took these 2.5D illusions and rendered them as full 3D spaces that could be examined from any angle. All these are pretty standard, but it was a massive leap from the DOS & Windows versions of my youth.

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It's amazing to see all of this history from everyone here. :)


After first playing Doom Triple Pack on Newgrounds, I found Skulltag. I remember just enjoying the hell out of Invasion and fooling around with some monster packs, weapon packs, and just summoning hordes of friendly monsters on MAP30 in DOOM2 and just watching the chaos unfold. I remember hitting the sprite limit at one point somehow. I also remember playing against bots in deathmatch in D2DM1. It was awesome.

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At first, Doomsday Engine for basic stuff like freelook and things like that. Then I got into Zandronum, but switched to GZDoom because Zandronum doesn't seem able to run Sigil and Project Brutality together.

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Doom95, then Legacy, then Doomsday with the occasional GZDoom when the wad requires it.

Edited by Vermil

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Doom95 at first (640x480 was mind-blowing at the time...)

And then around 2002/2003 DoomLegacy because it was the one who looked and felt just like the original game. I remember trying Zdoom at the time and already not liking how it didn't just look or felt right (controls too)

Also, Legacy could run Heretic and had a simple launcher, so there wasn't much hassle switching back and forth.

Split-screen multiplayer rocked too.

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I don't really count Doom 95 either since it was official.


So for me, the original Boom.  Which I actually didn't like that well, so I never used it that much.  Later I got into Doom Legacy, then Doomsday once I had a computer with a 3d accelerator (lol old term).  I didn't really use (G)ZDoom until the late 2000s, save for just a couple of times when I tried out wads that required it.

Edited by Remilia Scarlet

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Frankly, I don't remember. The very earliest version of Doom I played was the original DOS executable. Later on I got into playing Doom mods, and I recall playing "Tei Tenga" and "Adventures of Massmouth" on ZDoom, "Covert Ops" on EDGE, and the "WolfenDoom" mods on Doom Legacy (remember that?). So, I'm guessing it's one of these three.

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If Doom 95 counts, then the DOS version of Doom should count, too. After all it was developed on NeXTSTEP and then ported to DOS.

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