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What was the first Doom source port you have used?

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Doom Legacy.


I played Doom in 1993 and for some years after that. After that I had more interest in Duke Nukem 3D, the Quake series, Half Life and Counter Strike. Until many years later, someone mentioned to me that Doom was still around and with added OpenGL and dynamic lighting: Doom Legacy. I checked it out and my love for this game was renewed. Now I prefer (G)ZDoom really. And I don't use magnification texture filtering, I like the old-school look.

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Doom Legacy (although Doom95 was technically the first... that was back when I purchased Ultimate Doom at an Office Depot in... I dunno, the late 90's?).

Edited by HavoX

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GZDoom I just followed a tutorial and that's what they used so I did the same. I am pretty glad actually it's a good port.

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Skulltag because Grezzo Due came bundled with it. Didn't knew shit about source ports back then

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Yeah like many have said, twas Doom95.


Then Doom Legacy when I got on the internets... and JDoom before it became Doomsday was around the same time, I guess.


Edited by Doom_Dude

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If it counts, Doom 95. It came with Final Doom, I don't remember the year but it must have been 1996 or 1997. I borrowed the CD from a very good friend, who then told me to just keep it (I still have it somewhere, and I'm still intermittently in touch with him). I remember being shocked at how good the "high resolution" (lol 640x480) looked, though it ran so slow it was almost unplayable.


If we're talkling "real" source ports, some time in 1999 I started using ZDoom and jDoom (later Doomsday), a few years later I ended up sticking with ZDoom because it had Boom support. I still use it to this day, though over the years I introduced many others that I also play with once in a while.

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Doom95 with Doom 2 and then later with The Ultimate Doom Trilogy Collector's Edition. I still remember map 10's music playing during the welcome screen for Doom 2 and I would often just let it play while I did something else on the computer.


Then it was Odamex on a Mac; I had no concept of what a source port even was and think I just searched "play doom mac osx" and it was all that came up that I could understand. It took an embarrassing amount of time before realizing Zandronum and ZDoom were different things and what a source port even was.

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GZDoom was my first, since it was my first exposure to doom mods and playing doom on pc. I don't use it as much now but I appreciate it.

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Doom Unity. Yes, the version where Nightmare monsters hardly put up a fight and where toggling sound pitching was not an option yet. Man I miss those three months.


(To be more strict it was GZDoom like every joe who started playing doom on the PC)

Edited by thiccyosh
I see you have stolen my Z, Mr. Von Count

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Boom, Legacy, Doomsday Engine and Windoom 2000(*) under DOS / Windows. than I switched to a better OS (duck and run, Doomgater!)

and used Prboom under Linux. After long time, when more ports became available for Linux, I tried choco/crispy /*zdoom

and doomsday again. Using many different computers (From Pi to Celsius workstation) with mainly shitty graphic cards, I regularly run into problems with advanced -or better- demanding ports.

At the moment, I prefer choco running under Bullseye on a Pi400. So convenient, so smooth, so easy.



(*)One of the few ports, that can run dgtc properly.

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LZDoom for me, specifically version 3.85.  This was because my old HP 4530s did not have support for OpenGL which was a requirement for GZDoom.


I actually prefer LZDoom over any other port.  It has great MIDI support, I can make it look like Chocolate Doom by tweaking some settings, and heck, it even runs flawlessly on Linux (which I use on my main laptop).


I also love the way it renders transparent opjects such as the Spectre.

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Doom 95, and I remember it didn't display the ENDOOM screen so I didn't realize Final Doom wasn't made by Id (I was brand new to the Internet when I first got Final Doom and hadn't heard of TeamTNT) until I played it in DOS.  As for actual source ports, the first one I played and made levels for was BOOM.  It was an early port and I was on the subteam of TeamTNT that programmed it (I did one of the demo levels), so it was the first.

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Seems like a lot of people started off with Doom 95, including me. I was blown away by it, I thought it was the greatest thing ever. Then I got introduced to the Legacy Engine, and that was even more fun. Eventually I moved over to ZDoom, then GZDoom.

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My first experience with doom i believe was either with one of those browser plugins for mozilla firefox or a flash version of the doom shareware,

my first sourceport was i think was gzdoom as back then i wanted to try out brutal doom from v.19, i ironically never played vanilla doom untill i had to use to work for my doom maps and from there i understood why the gameplay was so captivating.

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So Doom95's a sourceport now?


Otherwise, the first source port I ever played was PrBoom 2.3.x because that was one of two source ports mentioned on the Wolfendoom page (the other one being Legacy) I was entirely ignorant of different source ports before the latter months of 2007.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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ZDoom. No, not GZDoom, the original ZDoom, specifically 2.6.1. The second version to support 3D floors and voxels.


I remember being amazed when playing Cacodemon Squad as a kid and seeing the 3D floors in a supposedly '2D' engine. Though I did not get that Cacodemon Squad was actually made for EDGE at the time, so I didn't know why some floors were flashing, making me remember the WAD for 'Ohno!Ohno!Ohno!Ohno!'(that's the voice the WAD has added for getting hurt).


I have also played the original DWForums.wad with it, not really being too phased by the polyobject doors and thus not understanding at the time why so many other Doom WADs always have the doors moving up and down.

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GZDoom, version 4.3.something. 


Nowadays I use LZDoom and RZDoom for (G)ZDoom stuff, and Nugget Doom for vanilla style gameplay


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