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Why are chaingunners so fragile?

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Lol if you shotgun a zombieman he just falls to the ground, but if you just use your pistol or punch on a chaingunner he shreds into pieces, despite being much stronger. Why is that?

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For all that bravado with his chaingun and that smug grin on his face, the second you zap with him with both barrels you see how fragile his masculinity really is. He's no longer the cock of the walk as it were.


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I blame the heavy chaingun.  It's so heavy that when he dies, the weight alone pulls off his entire arm! 

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3 hours ago, Gokuma said:

The meat has been tenderized by the vibrations of the chaingun.   And zombie meat isn't that durable.

chaingunner meat has the texture and consistency of pulled pork, falls right off the bone

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The chaingunner is a glass cannon enemy. They can TEAR through even mid tier enemies with ease but the second you smack them in the face with a shotgun blast or two they're gooier than a pile of glue.


Also if they WERE stronger in health, then I'd want to KMS faster. :l

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Maybe they realized that people will want to see them getting hurt. After all picking up a Soulsphere just to get hitscanned again is not very nice.

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I'm gonna be a total Buzz Killington here and say because it was easier to animate. I'm glad it's a different animation though, it would have been lame if they re-used the exact same "fall backwards" death for each and every enemy.

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For that matter, what about the arch-vile's death animation? Especially funny if he's downed by a weaker weapon. And maybe the Hell knight/baron because they have their innards gunged.


id definitely were trying for some creative death animations. 

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Doom II has to have more and outdo what came before it; so more gory monster deaths. Chaingun Guy, Arachnotron, Mancubus and Archvile, they all fall apart.

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The game assumes you're using a heavy weapon to kill him, giving him a crazy death animation. It's supposed to be his giblets for like rockets or the super shotgun.

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it's like that medical condition mentioned in the original Doom manual, in wich some of those who went in the teleporter from Phobos to Deimos would suddenly explode at random. Exploding Body Syndrome was it called? That's why the zombies have less health than Doomguy, because their bodies are severily weakened by this side effect of demonic possesion, no wonder the Chaingunner looks kinda bloated, and falls apart when he dies, poor bastard is constantly about to blow.

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