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What's the deal with Archviles?

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On 4/9/2020 at 7:02 AM, Kut said:

Wouldn't that ruin the fun?

You should either git gud or switch to a lower difficulty. Archviles are a part of the game and a lot of maps will be worse without them.

Would you "get gud" clowns kindly warp back to the wasteland you spawned from? You all have no sense.

You guys are just as juvenile as the "ok boomer" crowd when they call everyone and everything older born or made before the year 2000 a boomer.

Edited by warman2012

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29 minutes ago, warman2012 said:

Would you "get gud" clowns kindly warp back to the wasteland you spawned from? You all have no sense.

"Git gud" is the only option other than cheating. Fan mapsets are hard because they expect you to get good at this 27yo game. Just cope with the Viles.

Also what are lower difficulties for? There is no shame in reverting from Ultra-Violence to something lower if it's difficult.

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54 minutes ago, idbeholdME said:

Arch-Vile is pretty low on my threat list. The most dangerous thing is their revive ability when they revive more threatening monsters than they are. Getting hit by an Arch-Vile blast is pretty difficult, as it's  way too easy to avoid. If I sorted the enemies in Doom based on the damage they've done to me over my career, they would probably be at the bottom of the ladder.


What the heck. Do you only play doom 2 or something


Here are some fun pwad maps to play:

- stardate20x6 map31

- stardate20x6 map07

- sunlust map32

- summer of 69 map05

- frog map08

- maybe ESP map06?


Hooray, archviles!

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Archviles are absolute bastards because the only way to avoid their fire attack is hiding behind something, and if there's nothing you can hide behind, well then tough shit. You just have to tank the damage and try to kill the Archvile before he gets off another attack.


There's also the fact that he resurrects enemies, Which can get very annoying if it's in a small space and it's an enemy like the Chaingunner.

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22 hours ago, CasualScrub said:

Archviles are absolute bastards because the only way to avoid their fire attack is hiding behind something, and if there's nothing you can hide behind, well then tough shit. You just have to tank the damage and try to kill the Archvile before he gets off another attack.

Sure is a neat coincidence the original levels in Doom 2 always provided sufficient cover to avoid the Archvile's attacks when one was present...


If you're thrown in an open room with no way to block the Archie's attack, that's a bad move from the level designer, and not the enemy's fault. The enemies and the level are to be made to go hand in hand together


23 hours ago, warman2012 said:

Would you "get gud" clowns kindly warp back to the wasteland you spawned from? You all have no sense.

You can in no way be considered a good player if you cheat to kill enemies, so it's perfectly sensible to tell you that.

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On 4/9/2020 at 6:26 PM, warman2012 said:

Would you "get gud" clowns kindly warp back to the wasteland you spawned from? You all have no sense.

You guys are just as juvenile as the "ok boomer" crowd when they call everyone and everything older than 2000 a boomer.


Ok boomer, git gud.

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On 4/9/2020 at 8:26 AM, warman2012 said:

Would you "get gud" clowns kindly warp back to the wasteland you spawned from? You all have no sense.

You guys are just as juvenile as the "ok boomer" crowd when they call everyone and everything older than 2000 a boomer.


Anyone older than 2,000 would be dust not a boomer. 

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Archviles are absolutely terrifying and horrible and I'd rather avoid them as much as possible. They heavily control the way I move in the arena after all.


But at the same time, they do give that extra tension in fights. With right amount of extra tension, it feels more satisfying surviving an encounter. There's always two sides to every coin.

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Can nearly 1-shot you on HMP.

Super fast (possibly faster than a pinky).

Extra tanky (Wouldn't surprise me if they had 600-1000 hp).

Can revive enemies quickly.

People use them WAY. TOO. MUCH. Especially in scenarios where I only have the super shotty or rocket launcher up to that point.


The ONLY  good point about them is their attacks are telegraphed really obviously so at least you know you need to get the fug outta dodge. (I believe either 2 or 3 crackle sounds play before the main zap so you know how long you got).

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I think Archviles are pretty cool in concept. Like they look cool and their abilities are cool, but um they are nasty. Nothing is fun about that fire thingy they do and the fact that they revive enemies can get kind of annoying after a while.

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It's so funny watching people fight them for the very first time and trying figure out how their attack works.  

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The Archvile is my favourite monster from all of the Doom games (even if I hate it's damn guts!). I'm convinced that the creature design was inspired by the eighties horror monster movie 'Pumpkinhead'.

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On 4/8/2020 at 4:52 AM, CARRiON said:

Am I the only one who read the thread name in Jerry Seinfeld's voice?


"I mean c'mon, they're fast as hell, have a low pain chance, have a really stupid alert sound, and if they resurrect a crushed enemy, you got a freakin' ghost monster on your hands!! Good luck with that if you don't have a rocket launcher!  What? Is? The DEAL???!?"

Edited by Maximum Matt

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And what’s the deal with ghost monsters? I mean come on. It’s not enough they’re demons already. But when you kill them with your trusty scattergun and crush ‘em with a door only to have ‘em resurrected by that lanky Archvile they turn into ghosts! What a self egotistical jerk! I’m serious! Honest to gawd ghosts! I mean they can walk through walls and they can hurt you but you can’t hurt them! I mean c’mon what’s the deal?! And what’s the deal with airplane peanuts?

Edited by User Name

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Well for starters Joel is not the best person to look up to in terms of doom skill, by any means. Also, you should probably play doom 2 and final doom and see for yourself why Arch-Viles are such menacing creatures.

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they have this powerful hitscan attack that's hard to dodge, they resurrect dead monsters, are tough as hell, and overall just a bloody nuisance. 

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1 hour ago, User Name said:

And what’s the deal with airplane peanuts?

A lot of comedians hate arch viles - 


"And I'll tell ya another thing, I'm glad they can't resurrect cyberdemons or each other, coz otherwise that Go2It map would be an even bigger pain in the ass amirite?!?"


"Them arch viles are mean, Jack!  Once they light you up, and you ain't got no cover to get behind, that's your ass!! I got lit up one time..."


"Don't you realize these assholes can kill you simply by... being IN THEIR GODDAMN LINE OF SIGHT!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! OH! OH!!!!"

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Archviles aren't really that much of a problem in the iwads, since there's usually cover near you wich pretty much renders their attack useless and they die of a single bfg shot.

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5 hours ago, User Name said:

And what’s the deal with ghost monsters? I mean come on. It’s not enough they’re demons already. But when you kill them with your trusty scattergun and crush ‘em with a door only to have ‘em resurrected by that lanky Archvile they turn into ghosts! What a self egotistical jerk! I’m serious! Honest to gawd ghosts! I mean they can walk through walls and they can hurt you but you can’t hurt them! I mean c’mon what’s the deal?! And what’s the deal with airplane peanuts?


They are an oversight bug so I wouldn't think much about how bullshit they are.. well until a mapper thinks it is funny to send ghost shitscanners at you in one of their maps :\ fuck that. 

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8 hours ago, IvanDobrovski said:

you should probably play doom 2 and final doom and see for yourself why Arch-Viles are such menacing creatures.

Well, some days ago i bought Doom 2, yesterday i found the Archvile, they aren't a big threat (although that's probably because i was playing in ITYTD) he didn't even resurrect the Imp.

PD: Also, i played Nuts and Nuts 2, i find that blast they make when they attack really helpful in those WADS

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5 minutes ago, TheStupidestBeing said:

yesterday i found the Archvile, they aren't a big threat (although that's probably because i was playing in ITYTD) he didn't even resurrect the Imp

Heh. On ITYTD nothing is a big threat. I remember playing it at one point and if my health and armor ever dropped below 190%, I would reload. I think Arch-Viles only resurrect if they can't see you; otherwise, attacking is their first priority.

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The video tells you all you need to know about AVs. Might want to give it another watch, if you ask me.

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The video was linked earlier in the thread either way.


But to be fair, technical analysis like that won't necessarily tell much if the viewer has no practical experience fighting against them. That's why I would recommend facing them with a bit higher difficulty setting and see how they can change the way you play quite a bit.

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One reason to not like them is the fact that they have a hitscan attack that at first deals a small damage, and following that with an explosive damage that can bump you a little. They are basically mini bosses, rarely found and priority one in any situation.


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On 4/11/2020 at 9:59 AM, dr_st said:

... I think Arch-Viles only resurrect if they can't see you; otherwise, attacking is their first priority.


It's the opposite on both counts. Archvile resurrection has no player sight check, and being occupied with resurrections will make them attack less frequently.

Edited by rdwpa

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