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There is a way, you can look up DoomRPG.jar and use an emulator to run it, one is KEmulator on PC.


fbi open up

Edited by sluggard

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And for Android, there is J2ME Loader which converts them.

FBI, we have another one in here! Keep tabs on this page, Miller!

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Is BREW version the same with new visual effects and floor/ceiling textures?

Would be cool if all the versions of these RPG games were preserved and available.

Has anyone asked Carmack if he has anything left of these games or anyone that currently works at id?

Edited by whatup876

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1 hour ago, Deimos said:

I wish this was ported on gzdoom but it must be huge pain to reproduce i guess

Right now we have DRRP or something like that, you could probably try using it.

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Well, if there's enough interest, and when the global epidemic allows, I could scavenge a crateful or two of old J2ME-enabled phones, preload doomrpg.jar into them, and ship them out at very competitive prices. ;-)


With something extra I could even be assed to look for Symbian-enabled phones that could run the BREW version (interestingly, I have the installer for it on an old Sony Ericsson P990, which however was not compatible with it).


For some reason those games seem to have succumbed to the sands of time, and while they're still very well known and often mentioned, they are for all practical effects and purposes abandonware. Don't tell me anybody is making money out of a game they can no longer sell and which nobody can play on modern hardware without jumping through ridiculous hoops....

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8 hours ago, Maes said:

With something extra I could even be assed to look for Symbian-enabled phones that could run the BREW version (interestingly, I have the installer for it on an old Sony Ericsson P990, which however was not compatible with it).

Are there any downloads for the BREW version? I couldn't find it and I already have the java one.

8 hours ago, Maes said:

For some reason those games seem to have succumbed to the sands of time, and while they're still very well known and often mentioned, they are for all practical effects and purposes abandonware. Don't tell me anybody is making money out of a game they can no longer sell and which nobody can play on modern hardware without jumping through ridiculous hoops....

Well you can still buy the iOS version but it only runs on a few devices and no way I would recommend buying them just for that, as they are pretty useless otherwise.

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The BREW version is pretty much unobtainium. I cannot even remember the ridiculous hoops I went through to get one specific version (for Nokia S60 I think). If it's not on that aforementioned SE phone, it will be nowhere by now.


Edit: hmm...memory can play tricks at times. I did check the memory stick of said phone (social distancing can do that to you...) and I found a file called "doomlegacy.sis". Considering that there is actually a Doom Legacy-based port for Symbian, that's probably not the Doom RPG, and I misremembered.


Edit 2: well, as a consolation prize I can give you a hint: search for "Doom RPG OS7 OS8.sis".

Edited by Maes

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