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How will DOOM 6 work?


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27 minutes ago, LiT_gam3r said:

they don't take their time. all Rockstar games take years to develop and Duke Nukem Forever (Greatest videogame of all time!) took like 14 years! The time between DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal was 4 years.

Duke Nukem Forever took 14 years in development but despite taking that long there was tons of developmental restarts, engine changes, more company bullshit and when it finally came out there was no polish whatsoever. So much for greatest video game of all time.

Unlike Gearbox, id took 4 long years between Doom'16 and Eternal and used them well for optimization.

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41 minutes ago, LiT_gam3r said:

That is not the story at all. After the events of DOOM 2, you get a call that a hell rift is open and you have to close it, then you decide to stay in hell which has to do with the new DOOM story-line.


Maybe I should have said concept. The concept of Doom 64 is the same as in original Doom: scifi space base and then hell. So from a design point of view it would be exactly the same thing that Doom 2016 already did.

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Honestly Doom's universe leaves the set up, and has the general roots for a potential Survival Horror-spin off, set it in the "original Doom universe" (Since I doubt Doom Eternal's "Earth universe" is the same as Classic Doom's "Earth Universe" same "game universe" just different universes in the same multiverse...confusing enough? lol)

Have it as a reboot of Doom 3, have it as an excuse to visit the OG Timeline without the Argent stuff, flesh out the OG universe/timeline, have a player character that isn't the Doomguy (rather just some lucky small fish in a big pond) have a heavy 80s-90s cyberpunk/retrofuturistic styling, RE2-esque Ubermenschian gameplay (think Ripley, Action Survivor to Action Badass), lots of lore, and background story stuff, metroidvania semi-open world, etc.

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I don't normally bite but ..........

20 hours ago, LiT_gam3r said:

That is not the story at all. After the events of DOOM 2


64 was set after Final Doom not Doom II


20 hours ago, LiT_gam3r said:

they don't take their time.


ID  took about 12 years between Doom 3 and Doom (2016).

4 years between sequels is a good amount of time and -if you read what I put - I was comparing to likes of COD- which is a yearly title. If you think Doom Eternal was finished in 3 Years 10 months which is about the difference between the two that you referenced then I don't know what to say.........other than that brings me to your next comment.

As for Duke Nukem Foever? The video game equivalent of Chinese Democracy. It was NOT in constant development for the entire of that time being polished and all cracks sealed but rather development hell. Here feel free to educate yourself on the subject. 



20 hours ago, LiT_gam3r said:

all Rockstar games take years to develop


All games these days take years to develop. 

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7 minutes ago, Eurisko said:

64 was set after Final Doom not Doom II


All games these days take years to develop. 

The game manual says after the events of DOOM 2. Also, it still takes place after DOOM 2, it's not like Final DOOM was in an alternate universe. 


Yeah, I'm just giving examples. Duke was obviously not a good example since it went through a huge development stage and always had to restart development. I said that in response to someone saying that Bethesda or ID takes time between their games, where I said that 4 years wasn't a long time, and DOOM 2016 technically only took 4 years since they restarted literally everything in 2012. COD is not a game you should be comparing DOOM 2016 to because those games start development 2 years before they are released, and those games also have hundreds of staff members working on it. Literally programming a rock into a game would take a day of work. It's hard to make games. Even some DOOM 1993 WADs have years of development.

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15 hours ago, LiT_gam3r said:

The game manual says after the events of DOOM 2. Also, it still takes place after DOOM 2, it's not like Final DOOM was in an alternate universe. 


Yeah, I'm just giving examples. Duke was obviously not a good example since it went through a huge development stage and always had to restart development. I said that in response to someone saying that Bethesda or ID takes time between their games, where I said that 4 years wasn't a long time, and DOOM 2016 technically only took 4 years since they restarted literally everything in 2012. COD is not a game you should be comparing DOOM 2016 to because those games start development 2 years before they are released, and those games also have hundreds of staff members working on it. Literally programming a rock into a game would take a day of work. It's hard to make games. Even some DOOM 1993 WADs have years of development.


I didn't compare Doom (2016) to Cod. Again, what I wrote was that I don't want Doom going down the yearly release path like Cod, or FIFA etc....... 

Im done now. 

Edited by Eurisko

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4 hours ago, Eurisko said:


I didn't compare Doom (2016) to Cod. Agin, what I wrote was that I don't want Doom going down the yearly release path like Cod, or FIFA etc....... 

Im done now. 


5 hours ago, Eurisko said:

I was comparing to likes of COD- which is a yearly title.


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If they try to visit the OG/classic timeline, i wonder what they could do.

Remaster way more of the classic games, from textures and sprites to music or even sound effects?

Take more ideas from Tom Hall's Doom Bible and other cut Doom ideas/content (from pre-release/alpha/beta Doom 1/2 to Doom 64's concepts)?

Doom RPG games being brought back?

Making an actual character out of the boss Doomguy beat up?

Cutscenes/visualizations of the story in the manuals and intermission screens?

Nods to the novels?

id themselves making their own Wads like how that one MachineGames dev made a Quake episode?


That is the sort of territory that the fanbase/modders sort of already did with years of fan projects, mods, Wads, fanart etc.

I feel like if id themselves wanted to expand on the actual classic Doom's, they might as well take a look at how the fanbase did it, whether it's some bit of inspiration or even outright letting them work on something.


Like really, a multiverse theory makes more sense with the different directions and people behind the games.

And before the reboot, fans already did their own "Doom universe" which actually tries to tie itself to the classic games instead of being a soft reboot.


On 4/17/2020 at 1:32 AM, DoomKrakken said:

Bruh, that's called MetaDoom! :P


MetaDoom doesn't have every weapon or enemy.

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Man I'd LOVE to see a newer version of Doom 3. 

A real attempt at mixing over the top violence and weaponry with some serious horror elements.

And the Marine should just be a normal human this time, not a Demigod.


please, please, please!!

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10 hours ago, whatup876 said:

MetaDoom doesn't have every weapon or enemy.

It combines elements from every weapons and/or enemies instead, which counts I think.

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I don't think id Software will redo Doom 64. Why?


Doom 1, Doom 2 and Doom 64 are already part of Doom Eternals story. Doom 2016 and  Eternal take place in an alternate universe in which Doom 1 + 2 + 64 did not happen, but due to the Doomguy showing up in Argent D Nur the Maykrs learn there us another pocket dimension which serves as a hub to even more universes: Hell. Doomguy was the link between both universes. That's why the priest said it was the Slayer who brought Khan Maykr to Earth.


Why does Doom Eternal even need a sequel? Hell has been beaten on Earth 1 (classic Doom) and 2 (new Doom), in contrast to Earth Urdak could not stand against Hell and has been consumed and destroyed. So we're left with 2 cleaned Earths and 1 pocket dimension hub (Hell).


Hells Dark Lord still exists but has been beaten on 2 Earths. The big question is, what will Samur/Samuel do? Is he looking for power (fallen angel) or was he against evil (thus acting as the father's true follower)?

Edited by igg

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Doom Eternal needs and will have a sequel because it has like an 89 on metacritic, it is selling like hotcakes, and there is clearly a market for a faster, more arcade-y first-person shooter that focuses on a fast-paced, push-forward single player campaign.  If id doesn't want to make that game, someone else will.

Edited by Sitting on a cornflake

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If they do it is not gonna come anytime soon, but when they make it is gonna be something different, a reboot and sequel at the same time building from what they did in D16 and Eternal, i doubt we will see more "remakes" at least for a while, when a new Doom comes out is gonna be something new.

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On 4/11/2020 at 11:11 AM, Katey Kat said:

i doubt there will be a DOOM 6 tbh. idk how they can top DOOM Eternal


It will complete the trilogy. 


How to top it you say?  Destructible environments, even more demons, Mods now act as a third fire option, movement speed increase and THREE dashes!

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4 hours ago, Zemini said:


How to top it you say?  Destructible environments, even more demons, Mods now act as a third fire option, movement speed increase and THREE dashes!

Best post so far!

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I got an idea for a "DOOM 6". There would be 2 different modes, one would be of DOOM Eternal gameplay and the other would be the classic DOOM Gameplay. Both would have 2 different soundtracks, take a guess on how the 2 are different, and both would be kinda like Half-Life and it's expansions, where you can see part of other modes maps.

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Too early to say, but my personal thoughts/  wish-list:


1) [THOUGHT] Jet pack

2) [WISH LIST] Consolidate the crucible and chainsaw into one weapon. I feel like there's no particular reason for them to be two different attacks, and I personally prefer the sword to the chainsaw as far as "quick bashing attack after holding a  weapon" goes.  The transition between guns to sword is better than "guns to suddenly two handed chainsaw". 

3) [THOUGHT] As much as I like the machine gun, I feel like it's occupying the slots that both the ballista serves (sniper weapon), and the chaingun (rapid fire weapon). I wonder if the next game wouldn't be better served by nixing the HAR entirely, and putting micro-missiles as a suit weapon along with the flame belch and grenades. Think about it....BUILT IN MICRO MISSILES.

4) [WISH LIST] A return to the real Earth. IMO, the Earth in Eternal is clearly not the Slayer's original home. I kind of want a return to his world to happen now, and  a look at the original UAC (the one that was not a mad cult, and was honestly just a tech company that knocked on the wrong door). 

5) [WISH LIST] An intro for the -actual- Heavenly host, and while we're at it, proper allied NPC's for larger scale battles between you and them against the demonic horde. 

6) [THOUGHT] Adjusted enemy roster. 

7) [THOUGHT] Vehicles. This has been teased pretty hard so far. 

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Well, there'll be thing called an EXE file, right. You pay 60 dollars to Steam and you'll get that and a bunch of other files, then you open the EXE file and that's how Doom 6 will work.

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They'd have to go for something simpler and more held-back for a Doom 6 (or whatever it's called), cause I'm not sure where you could take it after Eternal otherwise.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does anyone have an idea of what they will call it if they make it? 

I would like to hear some predictions!

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9 hours ago, LiT_gam3r said:

Does anyone have an idea of what they will call it if they make it? 

I would like to hear some predictions!

Doom Inferno would be my early, highly uninformed guess.  It keeps with the general sound/word pattern from Doom Eternal, it would be consistent with a plot focused on more Hell-based maps (which I would expect based on Doom Eternal’s teasing of the Dark Lord), and it would obviously throw out a callback to the third episode in the original Doom.  

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10 hours ago, LiT_gam3r said:

Does anyone have an idea of what they will call it if they make it? 

I would like to hear some predictions!

Doom Eternal 2:Electric Boogaloo.

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That's quite the interesting discussion actually. Of course, right now it's way too early to discuss how it will turn out since I imagine it will be released in 2023-2024.


That said, we can look at their current development progression path (if I can call it as such) from Doom 2016.


Doom 2016 was basically a modern remake of Doom 1 with added flexibility in movement. The story was a bit low-key and while it hinted at some things they were never really clarified in detail but aside from that, almost everything was quite carefully designed to not deviate too much from the original Doom games (and too some extent the environments and atmosphere of Doom 3). A kind of best of both worlds approach.


Doom Eternal on the other hand goes and takes everything from Doom 2016 to the extremes (and in it's own direction). Increases movement speed, adds dashing, more verticality and platforming in the maps, more enemies, more variety in levels, way more lore and exposition, Doom Guy speaking, more sci-fi fantasy influences instead of sci-fi etc. And from the lore alone, you went from being the Doom Guy to basically being a Human Deity that is the "only dominant lifeform in the Universe" and the only constant thing across the entire multiverse. Needless to say, they took it in that epic-as-hell direction and focused on that. So ...


If you look at this design path, I think it's almost impossible they will scale it down. Unless they go through some kind of development hell and/or completely redesign the next game, I think it's a safe bet that they will continue down this path. Make everything even more bigger and more "epic". Maybe even that mech-fight they seemed to be hinting at (the half-built Doom Guy Mech thing in the Doom Fortress). (side note: I am so hoping to see that in the DLC, it would be amazing).


From a lore perspective, I imagine they will focus on Vega, the Dark Lord of Hell and Hayden (potentially show some of that in the upcoming DLC). And when you consider the critical reaction and sales of Doom Eternal were extraordinarily good (minus this recent Anti-cheat controversy) it's not surprising they will continue down this path.


Personally for the sequel I would love to see:

--More complex level layouts. The level layout in Doom Eternal was laughably simplistic (the layout, not the design)

--More hidden secrets (fuck that big yellow question mark).

--More of these "heavenly" levels like Urdak but with more enemy types and more exploration.

--More first person animations from the Doom Guy. They were a personal highlight for me in Doom 2016, gave him so much personality that it's a shame to lose that.

--Less lore exposition (or at least, better integration of the lore into the actual gameplay). Reading pages upon pages in such a fast game like Doom is just weird. Doom 2016 was really well done in this regard even if you lost some control every once in a while.

--Mech-fight. C'mon, the model is already there. Make something crazy with it.

--Bigger arenas and actual infighting. It was such a disappointment to realize that these "infighting" moments were completely fake. Just them wailing at each other and not actually doing damage. 

Edited by NonniR

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The Gladiator boss fight makes me wish for something including a stadium or even like giant tv screens on a city and cameras pointed at Doomguy fighting demons, while a news anchor talks during gameplay in some helicopter and is like "it's him, the Doom Slayer, wow look at that" or some other gladiator coliseum but bigger and with both ghosts of fallen friends and demonic entities cheering and screaming or something.

Maybe if they ever manage to go for some Serious Sam scenario/large scale battles, we could have some sort of Duke Nukem-ism where Doomguy is fighting hords of enemies coming at him in a football stadium or something.

And we hear people cheering for Doomguy.


I also think interactions with humans should involve regular people outside of UAC scientists and marines, like Doomguy finds a bunny doll and when he rescues some family, he gives it to the child that lost said doll.

Or even have an alternative to the sentinel ghosts with Slayer tokens where you can rescue people by teleporting them to better locations and it automatically grants you upgrade points.

I think it was the N64 DN3D port that had something like that, so you could in fact, save the girls.

I think the Wad Alien Bastards even did that, specially with key pick ups.

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